Title: 5 Days Project
Project Period: 26 Aug 2009 10:00 - 31 Aug 2009 07:00
Duration: 5 days
Objective: Finish up my summer holiday homework in the next 5 days before school starts.
Task Description - Schedule Breakdown
Day 1: デッサンB
[Priority - Incomplete]
- Anatomy: Skeleton Drawing Side/Back (1)
- Anatomy: Muscles (1)
- Anatomy & Movement: Basketball Sequence (3)
- Title Cover: デッサンB (1)
- Human Portrait (4)
[Optional - Making Improvements]
- Perspective: Coffee Can
- Perspective: Spoon
- Perspective: Boxes
- Observation & Details: Hands
- Observation & Details: Eye/Iris's Reflection
Day 2: デッサン実習AB
[Priority - Incomplete]
- Clay Model: Chess Piece *仕上げ
- Human Portrait: Black and White (1) *仕上げ
- Human Portrait: Vector Color (1)
- Human Portrait: Cartoon /w color (1)
- Color: 2x4 cubes (1)
- Color: Facial Expressionx4 /w color (1)
- Album Cover + Report (1)
- Tarot Card Designx4 /w color (1)
[Optional - Brainstorm]
- Title Cover: デッサン実習AB
- Clay Model: Chess Piece Design (redraw from Croquis to ケント紙 to submit?)
Day 3: Technical Drawing
[Priority - Incomplete]
- 2-Point Perspective: Display Room /w shadow (1)
- 2-Point Perspective: Exterior of a house /w color (1)
- Summer Project I: Interior/Exterior of chosen anime house /w color (1) *all must be done on the day itself
- Summer Project II: Exterior - 投象図 & 2-Pt Perspective/Interior - Choose one room and do アイソメ・アクソメ & 1-Pt Perspective (1 set - 3)
Day 4:
Continuation of デッサンB if unable to clear all the priority works.
Clear Animation Course Summer Vacation Assignment Set A - Movie Poster (1)
Start on Zoetrope moodboard.
Day 5:
Complete all of デッサンB priority works and continue with デッサン実習AB priority submissions. Do up some sketches for the Zoetrope project and prepare the proposal/diary.
Submit Assignment Set A.
Continue with デッサン実習AB priority submissions.
Submit all of デッサンB priority works.
Finish up デッサン実習AB priority submissions.
Submit all of デッサン実習AB priority works.
Clear Technical Drawing Secondary work.
Submit Technical Drawings assingments.
Reward: if all the above tasks are complete in due time, I shall go watch Summer Wars in the theatre next weekend!! yay~ -_-v
May the goddess of victory shine on me...
at least this bombastic plan, makes everything looks so much clearer and easier, otherwise I also dunno where to start... -frantic- D=
damn summer holiday assignments!