So I have to share this really cool piece of research my brother worked on.
Here's the link to the full article But here's the gist:
Revolutionizing Prosthetics 2009 Team Delivers First DARPA Limb Prototype
"Science Daily - An international team led by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., has developed a prototype of the first fully integrated prosthetic arm that can be controlled naturally, provide sensory feedback and allows for eight degrees of freedom-a level of control far beyond the current state of the art for prosthetic limbs."
"A second prototype, ... will have more than 25 degrees of freedom and the strength and speed of movement approaching the capabilities of the human limb, combined with more than 80 individual sensory elements for feedback of touch, temperature, and limb position."
It's like the slogan of the six million dollar man: Better, Faster, Stronger (and more ability..?). It's the six million dollar hand: Slower, weaker, and generally not as good:"approaching the capabilities of the human limb" :-P
"...Another exciting development is the functional demonstration of Injectable MyoElectric Sensor (IMES) devices-very small injectable or surgically implantable devices used to measure muscle activity at the source verses surface electrodes on the skin that were used during testing of the first prototype."
Key Members of Proto 1 Development Include:
* Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (program lead, system integration, design, and development)
* The University of New Brunswick, Canada (pattern recognition algorithms)
* Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (mechanical components designed by Richard Weir). RIC Media contact: Katie Lorenz, (312) 238-6019; .org.
* Otto Bock of Vienna Austria (design and fabrication of mechanical subsystems)
* Chicago PT and Northwestern University (development of the ‘tactor’ sensory feedback device
* University of Southern California (collaborative development of the virtual patient training and clinical interface system)
* Sigenics, Inc. and Northwestern University Prosthetics Research Laboratory (development of electronics for the IMES devices <= That's my Brother!!! And my uncle too.
* Alfred Mann Foundation (ceramic encapsulated packaging for IMES)