Perhaps I am just overly nostalgic...

Apr 20, 2007 23:02

...(I feel like it also has to do with the whole, obsessive pattern-matching thing too) but I really really strongly associate things (places/objects/food/music...) with events/people.

For example, the people down the hall were just playing "Chasing Cars"...this is probably the 3rd or fourth time I have heard it in my LIFE, yet I can vividly remember all the other times. Like...I wouldn't have thought of them if I hadn't heard the song, but once I heard it, I remembered really clearly.

Same as when I went up to visit one of my friends on North Campus. It was like a trip down memory lane. Seriously. It was like...I know exactly what happened in each of the places, and I remmebered (the otherwise forgotten) memories vividly as I re-walked those old places.

That's why traditions are important. It helps you remember all the other good times that were similar. That's why I don't like change when it has been the same all along. Like my place at the dinner table. I kind of wish we had a consistent table we sat at in Hinman. Alas, we are too vagrant to do such a thing. It's like...when I'm in my place, then I know where I am, and what my role is. Or something.

Like...I have spacial memory. I might not remembr exactly what you said , but I know how and where you were physically located at the time. For whatever that's worth...

It's like...step, echo, BOOM

*contemplative face*

Places where people frequently are carry the presence of the person, even when they aren't there. And I don't just mean, like, your house. More like that random corner I ran into you, or the place we always meet. *sigh*

I guess I am just lingering after the past again. =/

But, that's why home is extra important. It has all the important things that the memories hang on. It's my place, I know it, and I know who I am in it.

So things are symbolic of other things. I like the familiar. Chai vs Mocha is a real dilemma.

I have a box of important things. It has things in it. They are important.

That is why we keep things. Not because they have any inherent value in the thing itself, but because they represent a story, a truth, a memory.

echo, chai, sigh, place, latte, mocha, songs, nostalgia, memory, feelings

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