So I got this teddy bear today. Looks familiar to at least some of you, I bet.
Mine is special, though. He is secretly a Goth.
Look. I made him out of clay. Now I have a real one.
But trust me, toaster ovens aren't good to bake polymer clay in. The bear got melted at the bottom. Although, broken things have more character*, and personal identity. They are no longer run-of-the-mill.
I feel like I could drawn some deep and meaningful conclusion about people here, but I don't really want to. I leave that up to you, to draw if you wish. I don't know if the conclusion is good or bad, or what.
*I think it's because things can be broken in more ways than they can be fixed. And chances are, if we both buy the same pair of jeans, over time they will rip in different places, becoming more unique...