Jun 27, 2008 19:36
so.. yes.
My new, shiney new phone. Does not work. At all. It won't even turn on when plugged in.
= fail
The little orange light that says it is charging does in fact come on. But that is all. and it comes on regardless of weither the battery is in or not. So all it really says is "I am plugged in! YAY!" Not, "I am charging the battery!"
So...I called them (Yes, the crod is plugged in to an outlet. Yes, the cord is plugged in my phone. Yes the shiney metal battery contacts are connected. No, I'm not a stupid customer.)
they said they will send me a replacement. =)
Does this mean .... i just have a free busted phone ?
....um so yeah. That = fail
Where are the technocrafters when you really need them?