dr who

Jun 19, 2005 16:04

Oh.  My.  God.

was the weekend of Dr. Who.  Just finished watching the first run of the new series (last ep aired last night in the UK.)

Totally blew my mind.

  1. Canon dr. who slash.  CANON!  OMFG!...and it actually *worked*.  Without destoying the doctor's mystique, without ...diminishing him.
  2. Dalek porn.  Yep.  Guess Davros didn't exist in this version....but even if he did, the emporer Dalek was just cool.  Plus, flying Daleks in space!
  3. Writing!  The dialogue was wonderful.
  4. Writing!  The plot was damn silly!  I mean, "Bad Wolf"?  WTF?
  5. Rose as embodiment of the Vortex!  OK.  Anyone know why she didn't vaporize like "margaret" did in boom town?  Plus, who knew that one could become God that way?  Good trick, that.
  6. Only problem with being God....anyone who kisses you takes your divinity.  Bummer. On the other hand, like Avon, perhaps the kiss is the right way to go.
  7. We know that Captain Jack is coming back.  It's so nice to have a companion with a sense of tactics.  Might be hints of what it would have been like if the Brigadier was an actual companion.  Harry doesn't count, as he wasn't much of a soldier.  Or just think if Leela had some sense of tactics rather than just killing everything that got in her path.
  8. Obligatory SQUEEEEEEEEEE!
  9. I'm so terribly addicted to this show.
  10. indovan: send me proper DVD version when you get back?  I need to rewatch that kiss.  *swoon*

On the whole, I've been really pleased with the new series.  It took me *forever* to get to like Eccleston, but now I'm going to miss him.  (Wonder if Big Finish have him on tap to do some audio adventures?)  Beginning of the series had some hiccups, and it took awhile to get the pacing right.  But they've got it now.  L.'s DSL went out, so I ended up being 2 weeks behind on my watching, and I was positively twitching to get it back.  ARGH.  Sweet wonderful additiction.  Why the hell won't someone in the USA pick up the damn show?  I wouldn't have to go to all this angst and drama to get copies then.  Tennant seems like he's going to be a good call (imho).

Only real flaw in the show has been an attachment to certain things in modern day (the weakest link?  big brother? ipods?  bbc tv license?) that I think is going to age the show tremendously when I go to rewatch it in 5 or 10 years.  On the other hand, many of the refs are damn funny now.  On the up side, they've shown that they can do comedy, and drama, and horror (The Empty Child, folks.  Horror like old school Dr. Who horror.  Up there with the finest of the 4th dr. horror stories.)

...and it's been renewed!  2 more seasons, plus christmas specials.  Please, oh please, oh please, let it keep going!  Ok.  I was addicted to the first version, and was devastated when it was canceled, but please now that the new series has refired up all of my addiction (and more!), please let it keep going. pxr5 attempts to please the gods enough to let the show continue.

Episode reviews, in brief:
  1.   Rose 26th March -- introduction.  Very badly paced, and worst Auton usage ever.  Dubious.
  2. The End of the World 2nd April -- pacing getting better, featured one of the best alien species ever (the tree people).  First mention of the Time War, and they let slip that all the gallifreyans were dead.
  3. The Unquiet Dead 9th April -- first of the horror episodes.  Almost worked, but was damaged by silly science (tm).  First mention of Bad Wolf.
  4. Aliens of London 16th April -- Just damn silly.  The slitheen are now up on my list of worst dr who aliens ever.  All the farting humor?  are we all 12?
  5. World War Three 23rd April -- continuation of episode 3.  Pacing picking up, and was a damn fine action episode.
  6. Dalek 30th April -- wow.  The great return, even if it was stolen from one of the audio adventures.  Watching the doctor foaming at the mouth over the dalek is just not to be missed.
  7.   The Long Game 7th May -- Foreshadowing and setting for later episode.  Very heavy on the political message, but still good.
  8.   Father's Day 14th May -- pure psychodrama.  One of the weakest, or the most powerful, but I *hate* tearjerkers, and this one had it in spades.
  9. The Empty Child 21st May -- horror.  Real horror, and one of the alltime best of the first season.  This is one of the ones that I'll be watching again.  (plus, Jack-the-bisexual-companion introduced.)
  10.   The Doctor Dances 28th May -- sequel to the above, and definitely weaker than its predecessor.  Happy happy joy joy is the feeling you'll get at the end of this one. 
  11.   Boom Town 4th June  -- the return of the slitheen!  ...and heavy psychodrama and foreshadowing for the killer/coward conflict.
  12.   Bad Wolf 11th June -- full of contemporary references (the weakest link, etc.), and suffers for it.  ...but really this episode in nothing more than buildup for
  13. The Parting of the Ways 18th June -- regeneration story, and one of the stronger ones, imho.  Very very good!

Argh.  ...and next week I won't have anything to feed the addiction.  Argh!!!!!!!!!  Must feed addiction!!!!

Perhaps I should round up some people for a dr. who marathon?  Might be best to wait until the rest of the DVDs arrive, as I can't convert the avi files to DVD right now.  any interest?  Share my addiction.  You know you want to!

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