Oh my god, not another one. I can't read your writing! Billy is not fit, why don't you look up Dani Filth and then decide who is 'fitter'. Btw he is the guy on my icon.
LyKe WoT dO yEw MeEn NoT aNoThEr OnE? TuFf ShIt YeW cAn'T rEaD mY WrItInG YeW mUsT b WeLl StOoPiD!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!1 DaNnY FiLtH iS uRrRrR.... FILTH!!! LOL!!!!!!1 HE IS JSUT LIKEE HIS NAME!!!
MoRe LyKe HeS nInE iNcHeS tAlL!!!!!!!!!1! YoO aRe A sLaG iF iTs AlL aBoUt ThE cOcK!!!!!!!1 WhY DoNn'T yEw Go SuCk DaNnYs CoCk If YeW lYkE hIm SeW mUcH!!!!!!!!!!
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