Oct 26, 2003 01:03
okee evryting waz ok 4 awile n i went 2 tat hawt gawth, joe, n i told him n he liked me 2....sooooo... we went bck 2 hiz plaze n got it ooooooown!! den all of a suden mai bf cam in n he waz yelling at joe! n ten joe sed i ment noting to him n ten tey startd 2 maek owt!! OMFG HE wWAZ SCERTLY GAY!!!11 EW n ten tehy offerd a 3 way bit i sed kep ur aids infekded dikz awah from meh!!111 omg liek tat waz so rong i men men and men iz rong.... tehy shod b wit meh!!! wtf y doz he ned a dik if he haz me?!! f***n fagz...
omfg i thik i gona go kil mehself agane cuz im alredyded :*( fuk u al n fuk u fagz go die wit aids