I need a plot-bunny intervention...STAT!!! xD;

Feb 01, 2012 22:52

I...I don't even know where to begin.

It could've been the My Little Pony marathon I had yesterday...or maybe I'm just nutzo...

But I've had a TF/MLP crossover plot bunny doing a Pinkie Pie in my head ALL. DAY.

It's pure and utter crack, really. And like all Transformers crack, it starts with one of Wheeljack's inventions exploding spectacularly in his face.

It ends up taking him and the few unfortunate mechs (Bluestreak, The Twins, Cliffjumper, Tracks) that were in the area (The Rec. Room) to....wait for it...EQUESTRIA!! *fanfare*

I know, I know. There's been a few fics 'bout the Bot's arriving in the MLP universe, but this time...they get turned into ponies themselves!! Or, well, colts!! XD

The guys meet the Mane 6, blah blah blah, but here's the real kicker....

My bunny is demanding pairings. Like honest-to-cracky, romantic pairings:

TwilightxWheeljack (Magic+Science= Awesomer Explosions!!! 8D)
RarityxTracks (Srsly, do I need to explain~?)
SideswipexRainbow Dash (RUN 4 COVER!!!)
SunstreakerxFluttershy (No, seariously. I can't get these two out of my head!! They're just so cuuuute together~!! <3)
CliffjumperxPinkie Pie (*evil laughter* I love messing with CJ~ >D)
ApplejackxBluestreak (I just picture Blue as the kind of sweetheart a "country filly" like AJ would fall for~ X3)

What should I do?? Is it a good plot bunny? I wanna try and write it, but I'm starting an internship and will be pretty busy...>.<; Maybe one of you guys could help...? Please? ^_^;

my little pony: friendship is magic, crossover, evil plot bunnies, transformers, i r nutz

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