Breaking all the rules

Aug 24, 2008 17:12

Title: Breaking all the rules
Author: Me-Rebecka
Chapter: 1/4
Pairing: David/Pierre
Summary: David changed Pierre's life
Disclaimer: Never happened
A/N: Bad title, bad summary, and I'm beginning to think bad story...


I was on a schedule from day one. I woke every morning at five-thirty, went for a half an hour jog with my parents, showered, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got ready, went to school, had a schedule there, came home, ate a snack of apple juice and crackers, did my homework, watched TV for half an hour before my mom came home and made dinner, ate, showered, brushed my teeth, got in bed at ten o'clock. That was my life. Everyday.

Well, it was until just a few months ago, when the new boy got lost and asked me for directions. He was the most beautiful for I'd ever seen, which wasn't saying much because I was supposedly straight. His name was David Desrosiers and he'd just moved in with his mother in the house across from mine.

At school, I had four friends. Everyone else fit into the group of people who wanted to be my friends, but never got the courage to come hang out. When I opened my arms to David, my small group became five, though he didn't talk much to the other guys because they all tried to scare him or send him places he didn't need to be.

I had only known David for two weeks before my scheduled life changed. He called me at nine fifty-one and we talked for an hour on the phone. The next morning I woke up and realized I only needed six and a half hours of sleep to function, so for the next few days thats what I did. The next week, David called and we talked for two hours. This continued until I was only getting three hours of sleep at night because I was talking to him for so long.

During the first month that I'd known David, I began to only go running every other morning because he and I would go get coffee instead. My parents, however, didn't notice a change in anything at all. After skipping the run two days in a row, I skipped the shower and brushed my teeth for thirty seconds less than usual. I hurried into clothes randomly lying around my room and met David by the mailboxes.

That was the beginning of things for David and me. He had gotten me to change so much in my everyday life, making me realize that I was nothing but a robot. David taught me things like how to sleep in class and get away with it, how to skip class when I felt like it, how to convince my parents to let me watch more TV, and how to not do homework and still make the same grades. I taught David how a some structure was good, and I'm proud to report that he has brushed his teeth every day for the last month.

David continued to change me until I was a completely different person. I still did what my parents told me, just on a smaller scale. I still followed a schedule, but I was less strict with it. Well, the only thing bad David ever did for me was get me grounded. So that's why I'm sitting in my room right now, 'thinking about what I did' as a punishment.

I really didn't do anything. It was more of a being late kind of thing. Well, being late for my university entrance appointment and lying about why. Yes, lying still gets me grounded, even though I am officially eighteen in But my mother said she didn't care, that as long as I was still in high school, living under her roof, then she could punish me.

It was a little past twelve when David climbed up the fire escape on my window and toppled into the room. I almost laughed at the sight of him on the floor, but held it in because I could hear my mom on the other side of my door. I ran to the door and locked it just as she was turning the knob.

“Pierre? What was that sound?”

“Nothing...I fell.”

“Can I come in?”

“I'm, uh, naked,” I said, smacking myself in the head.

“Oh...well can you put some clothes on?”

“Yeah, hang on.”

I silently shoved David in the closet and pulled my shirt and shoes off before opening the door. My mom came in and sat down on my bed as I sat in my chair.

“What's up?”

“Your father and I have been talking...and we want to know if there's something going on with you.”


“Are you on drugs, Pierre?”

“What? No!”

“Are you having sex? Is there a girlfriend?”

“No, mom, no girlfriend.”

“Are you well...?”


“You just don't seem yourself. You haven't been for a run with us in weeks...You missed your appointment today...We're beginning to worry.”

“I've just been busy.”

My mom nodded her head before looking at me again.

“If you ever need to talk, you know we're here for you.”

“I know.”

“But if it's one of those father-son things, your father is always available.”

“Mom! I'm fine, okay?” I said, my face turning red. This was not a conversation I wanted to be having with my mother at all.

“Okay, okay. Just promise me that you're alright.”

“I'm fine.”

“If you want to come down now, you can...It's not fair to keep you locked up on your birthday.”

Thinking quickly, I looked at the clock.

“Nah, it's okay. I'm getting ready for bed anyway.”

She nodded again, hugged me, and left the room. I locked the door and sighed as David came out of the closet.

“We're so worried about you, Pierre,” he said in a mock-motherly tone. “If you're having sex, make sure you use protection.”

I smacked his arm lightly and laughed.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

I nodded and grabbed my bag before turning off the light and slipping out the window behind David. We made a run for his house when my parents weren't looking out the window. We got into his car (because I didn't have my own car) and he drove down the road before I let out a sigh of relief.

“You really need to get out more,” he laughed.

“You need to get me out more,” I shrugged.

“Or just get you places on time...”

At this I shrugged again. It wasn't like it was the only college entrance interview I was going to have. Hopefully.

“Anyway,” David said. “We should be back by five, so that's enough time for you to go run with them...”

“We're going to be out all night, and I have to run in the morning too?”

“You want them to think your normal, don't you?”

I rolled my eyes.


“But it's my birthday!”

“What a way to spend your birthday...running with your parents. Oh joy,” David laughed.

I shrugged and we fell into a comfortable silence. David took my hand in his while still watching the road and kissed each one of my fingers. I smiled when he didn't let go, but rested both of our hands on the center console.

We were headed to a concert, one I had been trying to get tickets for since they went on sale, but they had sold out before I could. David surprised me yesterday with the news that he had bought two tickets, and we were sitting center stage. How he had gotten those tickets, I didn't know.

“So,” David said. “You think they'll notice you're gone?”

“Please don't remind me,” I sighed.

He laughed.

“Come on, you're eighteen now. You can do whatever you want.”

“I don't even know what I want...”

“Well, if I were eighteen...I'd probably go get drunk.”

“You do that now,” I pointed out.

“I meant legally!”

We both laughed.

“So, you want to be my knight in shinning armor and whisk me away?”

“What kind of word is whisk?”

“Who cares?” I said.

“Well, I would...but I'm kinda only sixteen-ish, and I can barely drive as it is...”

“Come on, you'll be seventeen in August.”

“You know, that's like...May, June, July, August...Four months away.”

I shrugged.

“Almost five, technically...”

“Don't get all technical on me!”

I laughed again and held my breath, as was the habit, as David got on the highway. He rolled his eyes and laughed at me.

“What? You plus highway just doesn't equal a good outcome.”

“Come on now, I'm a good driver!”

“That may be...but you freak out when giant trucks come up behind you...”

David laughed, which didn't help me at all. He was driving with one hand already, which made me more and more nervous every second. But finally, twenty minutes later, we arrived at the concert and he parked his car randomly on some street.

“What if you get a ticket?”

“Who cares?”

I laughed.

“What if someone steals it?”

He clicked the locks.

“Ready to go now?”

He took my hand again and we walked to the back of the line that was steadily going into the concert hall. When we reached the front of the line, David pulled out the tickets and we were admitted through a door that led to the center stage area. Rather than sit in our designated seats, David led us up the the barrier that separated us from the stage and we stood there quietly as the stage crew set up.

The room was beginning to fill quickly, and soon we were surrounded by three thousand people all cheering the band on. Though we were surrounded, David's hand never left mine, and I was grateful because I knew I'd get lost and undoubtedly develop a fear of crowded places.

We jumped around to the music for two hours, until finally the band said goodbye and David pulled me though the crowd as they began to leave. When we made it outside, I sucked in a deep breath, not realizing that the air had been stiff inside. David laughed.

“Your first concert, eh?” he said, already knowing the answer.

“It was great,” I replied. “Thanks so much, David...”

“No problem. Had to get you something, didn't I?”

“What time is it?”

“About three.”

“God, I'm tired,” I said, yawning loudly.

“Well, God's not here right now...Leave a message,” David laughed. “Come on, I'll wake you up.”

We walked away from his car and down the street until we came to a Starbucks. He paid for the coffee, refusing to let me since it was my birthday. We continued down the street with coffee, stopping at random places that were still open at three in the morning. We didn't buy anything, though, until we came to a store that looked fairly new. It said you had to be eighteen to enter.

I showed the man at the door my ID and walked in. My eyes widened when I looked around.

“Wow,” I heard David say.

“Put that down!” I said, forcing him to put the 'boobs 'n a box' down. “You're gay, remember?”

He smirked.

“That doesn't mean I can't like boobs...Besides, I like yours.”

“I do not have boobs!”

“Man boobs!” David teased, pinching one of my nipples lightly.

I sighed and walked away from him. He, however, was right back at my side and led me to the section of the store labeled “Gay and straight: mostly gay”. I ran my hand along the shelves as David picked things up to look at them. He picked up a bottle and shoved it in my face, demanding that I read the directions.

“'Gently squeeze generous amount onto palm to fully lubricate penis.' What the hell, David? We have like fifty million bottles of this stuff in the car.”

“Yeah, but not watermelon!”

I rolled my eyes and smirked when he moved down the long row, forcing me to read more and more until he came to an item that he just couldn't let go of.

“There is no way we are using that!” I said, holding out my hand to take a better look.

He handed it to me and picked up another so we were both reading it.

“'Be sure to lubricate area of penetration before use. Insert Speeding Bullet and choose a setting, high, medium, or low. For maximum pleasure for both you and your partner, use the high setting. Never use the Speeding Bullet for an extended period of time, as it could cause a lasting orgasm.' David, no, no, no, no, no!”

“Oh come on...Please?”


“Just one time...I want to see it work!”

“There is a very wonderful drawing on the box.”

“But it's just not the same...”

“Then you buy it and use it at home.”

“But it's not the same if it's used on me!”

“No,” I said, but I couldn't help but admit it sounded intriguing.

“Please, please, please? I'll let you be on bottom tonight.”

I held my hand over David's mouth because I could see the cashier looking at us. When David started to speak again, I clamped my hand down and finally nodded.

“Fine. Alright. Okay...But,” I said, picking up the closest item, “you have to wear this.”

I looked down at the item and laughed at David's reaction. It was a vibrating cock ring, one he had sworn to never wear.

“But Pierre...Those things freak me out.”

“Deal or no deal.”

David decided it was best if he just forgot about the Speeding bullet. Instead of staying in the store for much longer, David took the watermelon lubricant up to the register and paid. He seemed seemed to be in a bigger hurry to get back to his car and walked quickly with my hand held loosely in his. When we got there, he got in, put his bag in the back, and then drove off towards his house. It was only a half an hour away, but it seemed like an eternity.

Finally, though, we parked and slipped inside David's bedroom without a sound. He made sure his door was locked before meeting me back on his bed. He kissed my lips once before standing up again and going to the dresser across the room. He got a condom and his watermelon lubricant before coming back to the bed.

Piece by piece, our clothing disappeared until we were both lying in all our glory. David was on top of me, kissing down my body, making me moan at the feeling. His hands were on either side of me and his knees supported him so he could still move around comfortably. He kissed his way back to my lips slowly, making me harder by the second.

David's hands worked their magic and it was just a few seconds later that he was inside me, giving me time to adjust. I gasped loudly when he pulled out and pushed back in, and my finger tips clutched his back, making ten small purple bruises.

“Happy birthday, Pierre,” he whispered into my ear as he pulled out and pushed back in again.

Our bodies moved in a rhythm together, both of us whispering out obscenities. David's hand went to my own erection and began pumping it to our rhythm, which sent me over the edge just moments later. He came a few seconds after me and collapsed. When he regained his composure, he pulled out and fell back on the bed next to me.

“That was great,” he said.

“It was...I think the watermelon spiced it up a bit.”

He laughed and snuggled into me. His body was warm, as always, which made me feel better whenever I was down. Right now, though, it was just nice to be close to the man I loved. Without meaning to, I glanced at the clock and sat up quickly.

“What's wrong?”

“It's five!”

He sighed and helped me locate my clothes in the darkness. When I pulled them back on, he walked me out the door and back outside. He followed me to my window and climbed up behind me. He kissed me goodbye, tucked me in just to be annoying, and then kissed me again.

“See you at school?” he asked.

“Ugh...just get out of here,” I laughed, throwing a pillow at him.

“Well!” he said, faking hurt. He climbed back out the window, waved goodbye, and went down the fire escape.

I closed my eyes for just a few seconds, knowing I couldn't fall asleep because my mom would come wake me in a few minutes to go running. It seemed like only seconds later that she was at my door and I was dressing in my running outfit. I wished I could wash the smell of sex off my body before I went down to meet them, but I didn't have time.

“Sleep well?” my mother asked.

“Very,” I said, holding down a yawn.

“That's good. Well, ready to go?”

I nodded and followed them out the door. We passed David's house, and I groaned at the thought of him sleeping until seven thirty. Lucky.

A/N: I wrote this a while ago before my laptop incident, and i decided to post it because i haven't posted here in a while...i'm not that happy with it, but i made it as good as i could with what i started out with!

rating: pg-13, fiction: chaptered, author: xxaustindxx

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