Two loves 3/3

Jul 28, 2008 23:10

Title: Two loves
Author: Me-Rebecka
Pairing: Pierre/David
Chapter: 3/3
Summary: David is cheating on Pierre, and he can't take lying anymore.
Disclaimer: Never happened
A/N: Sorry it took so long...i was forced on vacation to a place not even on the map...But it's here now, and i'm still awake just for you!

UPDATE: MY LIFE IS OVER! My laptop is broken, and this might be my last post for a while...Stupid techonlogy. Anyway, i'll be using my parents' computer, and i only get a half an hour every day anyway...everything is GONE! I have to rewrite everything...At least i got this chapter down. UGH!!!


Pierre stepped out of the bathroom and sighed when he saw David sitting on the bed. He hugged him tightly and sat down without speaking for a few moments.

“I was worried,” he said before he could stop himself.

“I'm sorry...I just, um, needed some air.”

Pierre nodded. He knew he had to say the words that were running around in his head, but he really didn't want to. He didn't want to leave David. He loved him...didn't he?

“David, we need to talk,” he said, forcing the lump in his throat down.

“I know...”

“Let me go first, please...”

David nodded.

“I, um...I think it's best if we, um...”

David looked into his eyes, knowing what Pierre was going to say. Something in his heart was breaking as his head was spinning. Pierre wanted to break up. He was free to be with Sebastien. He didn't want Sebastien, he wanted Pierre. No, he wanted Sebastien. He wanted them both.

“Go ahead,” David said, holding back tears.

“I want to...I break up.”

David took a breath and let a few tears fall from his eyes. Pierre tried his best not to comfort David, but he found it very hard.

“Me too...” David finally said.

“Why?” Pierre asked suddenly.

David took a deep breath and forced himself to stop trembling.

“I'm in love with someone else.”

“Who else?”

“It doesn't matter who...I just am.”

“Did you...cheat on me?”


“For how long?”

“Since a month after we started dating.”

“Two years?” Pierre said, feeling his voice raise involuntarily.

David nodded.

“You were talking about you and someone else the other day, weren't you?”


“When you asked me about your friend who was cheating...”

David nodded.

“Who's the girl?”

“Not a girl...” David said, the tears falling freely now.

“Then who? Someone in the band?”

David stood up slowly, avoiding the question.

“I'm so sorry, Pierre...I don't want to have to choose. I can't choose! Please tell everyone else I'm sorry...Tell then I couldn't choose...”

David began running again. He ran out of the hotel and down the road, unable to stop this time. Not even when his lungs felt as if they were going to burst did he stop. He ran an ran, getting lost in everything that was going on. When his eyes were to blurred to see where he was going, he stopped and dropped to the ground.

He cried for hours, wrapping his arms around his knees and hugging them tightly. His tears slipped down his face as he cried, and soon he was drenched in the rain that fell quickly. Thunder overheard made him jump, and the lightning lit up the night sky. David only looked up when he had no more tears to cry, realizing for the first time that he was completely lost.

Pierre walked slowly to Sebastien's room. He knocked on the door and entered when Sebastien opened it. He sat down in a chair and looked at Sebastien. He had a lot to say, but he didn't even know how to begin. There were so many things he wanted to say, and all of them were not nice. He forced himself to talk calmly, however.

“Seb...David is gone.”

“What happened?” he asked innocently.

“I broke up with him...He said he's been cheating on me for two years.”

Sebastien nodded.


“Don't play dumb. I know it was you.”


“You, Sebastien. He was cheating on me with you!”

Sebastien didn't speak, but his eyes were glued on Pierre's.

“I know that this is going to change a lot...but David is gone now, and I don't know what to do.”

Sebastien still didn't speak. He had known this would happen. But he didn't know what to do either. If David was gone, then he couldn't tell either of them who he would choose. If David was gone, everything would change. But he was only gone for a few hours, right? He wasn't leaving the band, was he?

“Look, I'm just gonna tell you that we have to go fine him,” Pierre said. “No hard feelings at all. Right now, at least...”

Sebastien nodded and both of them left the hotel together. They got in their rented car and drove up and down the streets until the sun was about to come up. Sebastien was trying to keep his eyes open at the wheel, and Pierre was already asleep.

“Pierre,” Sebastien said, making it the only contact between them for the whole ride. “Pierre, wake up.”

“Huh? What?”

“It's seven...should we go back to the hotel and wait?”

Pierre sighed and nodded.

“Why, Seb?” he asked as they got on the highway. “Why did you guys do this to me?”

“I love him, Pierre...I know you don't believe me, but I do. More than anyone in the world, and I knew it was wrong...I knew you loved him too...But what was I supposed to do?”

“Not let him cheat on me.”

Sebastien sighed and nodded.

“I know, I'm sorry...I really am. But if everything were switched around, and I was his open boyfriend, and you were his secret lover, what would you do?”

Pierre didn't answer. He didn't know. He loved David, he really did. But...David had cheated on him with Sebastien, so that changed things, didn't it?

“What are you going to do?” Sebastien asked.

“I don't know yet.”

David got a ride back to the hotel from someone at the police station, who just happened to know who he was. He thanked them and hurried into his room. He packed his bags and spent ten minutes writing a note to everyone. When he finished, he left the hotel without looking back, getting a taxi to the airport and boarding his plane without a second thought.

This was the only way to make things right: to avoid his problems. Usually, that made things worse, but he knew that if he wasn't there, Pierre and Sebastien wouldn't fight over him. He knew that if he wasn't there, Pierre could take over bass and everything would go back to normal. He knew that if he wasn't there, Pierre and Sebastien wouldn't lose their friendship.

The plane took off and he disappeared into the sky. He didn't know where he was headed, and he didn't care. He was going to keep moving so no one found him. He wasn't going to go back. He was leaving Simple Plan forever. It was the best thing to do, he decided.

“Seb, he's gone!” Pierre said, hurrying to Sebastien's room, knocking on Chuck and Jeff's doors at the same time.

“I know,” Sebastien said, wondering where Pierre had been for the last six hours.

“No, I mean he's gone! He took all his stuff and left a note...”

Everyone followed Pierre back into his room and Sebastien picked up the note David had left.

“Dear everyone, I'm leaving the band because I can't take it anymore,” Sebastien read. “It'll be easier this way, with me not here. I'm so sorry Pierre and Sebastien, I never meant for things to get this bad...I'm sorry Chuck and Jeff for lying to you guys for so long, and I'm sorry Patrick for making you swear to never tell. I'm sorry, and I know that it'll never be enough, but I'm sorry. I'm leaving somewhere...I don't know yet. Please don't come looking for me, because I'm not coming back. I love you all, David.”

Sebastien's eyes widened. David was really gone. He was gone. No more David. He'd left the band. He was gone!

“Guys, what's going on?” Chuck said first.

Pierre sighed and looked at Sebastien for help. Finally, they both told the truth, which left everyone stunned. David had been cheating, David was gone, no more David. It was a lot to take in at once. Chuck stood with his mouth falling open, and Jeff's eyes were wide. Patrick's face was red because he had been outed for knowing the secret and not telling.

“So he's really gone?” Chuck finally said.

Pierre nodded.

“What are we going to do?”

“Go after him!” Patrick said.

Sebastien and I both shook out heads.

“We'll let him come around...We have a lot of work to do on ourselves. Maybe we should postpone the next tour...A lot of things are going to be changing.”

Sebastien left the room without another word and locked himself in his room for the rest of the day. Jeff and Patrick went back to their room, and finally Chuck left Pierre alone. Sebastien was right: a lot of things would be changing. Pierre didn't know how he was going to go on anymore, now that he knew his ex-boyfriend and his best friend had been having a secret relationship.

He did the only thing he knew how to do: he went home. His parents comforted him, even though they didn't know what was going on, and his family helped him through the rest of the week. But it was only the first week of many that he would spend without David. He'd lock himself away and refuse food or water or family to talk to. He would just cry himself to sleep.

Yes, Sebastien was right. A lot of things were going to change.


A year passed with no sign of David. He didn't call, write, or contact any of the band members at all. Two months after he'd disappeared, the band had continued on with their tours, Pierre playing bass, and it was almost as if there had never been a David. Pierre and Sebastien became friends again, just like old times. It was almost perfect.

That was a lie. Nothing was perfect. Pierre cried himself to sleep almost every night, Sebastien sat awake for hours trying to get David out of his head, Chuck grew angry with Pierre for making so many mistakes on the bass, and Jeff tried to stay out of the middle of everything. Nothing was perfect, that was for sure.

The tour took them to London for a week, and they were staying at The Ritz. Pierre and Sebastien were sharing a room, as they had been doing since they'd made up. It was three in the morning and both of them were awake, trying to force themselves to sleep, though it wasn't working well.

“Pierre...Do you think things will go back to normal, ever?”

“I don't know...I hope so.”

“I miss him,” Sebastien said.

Pierre nodded, though he knew Sebastien couldn't see it.

“Me too...Seb, can we make a promise?”

“Depends on what you want to promise...”

“If we ever see David again, and he wants to choose one of us...We'll always be friends, no matter who he chooses.”

Sebastien nodded.

“Alright. I promise.”

They fell silent.

“What if we never see him again?”

“I hope we do...”

They fell silent, and Sebastien thought Pierre had fallen asleep. It was just a few hours before their show, and he knew neither of them would look good because of their lack of sleep. He closed his eyes and found himself drifting off. It felt like only moments later that the clock was alarming and Pierre was pulling it out of the wall and throwing it towards the bathroom.

“Sleep well?” Patrick asked when they made it down to the breakfast room.

They both grunted.

“Come on guys, we're going to be late,” Chuck said, only sounding half into it.

They all loaded into the van and rode in silence, not wanting to speak in fear of setting someone off. They got out of the van and walked half-heartedly towards the venue. They sat around for a long time before deciding to do sound check. It went as usual: Chuck yelled at Pierre for missing notes, Pierre yelled back, Sebastien cowered under both their stares, and Jeff avoided it all.

The concert didn't go as bad as it could have, until Sebastien spotted a familiar face. He dropped his guitar and almost knocked the microphone over. He scrambled off stage and ran through the sea of girls. No one knew what was going in, so Pierre just went on. Sebastien somehow made it outside to where the face had escaped to.

“David!” he yelled, seeing him at the cross walk. He ran to catch up, finally grabbing his arm on the other ride of the road.

“What?” David said.

“Why are you here?” Sebastien asked, unable to think of anything else.

“I just wanted to see you guys...” David answered after a moment

Sebastien nodded and let go of David's arm. They stood silent for a moment.

“You guys don't sound that great,” David finally said.

“You think? We need you back.”

“Seb, I left so things could get better...No one wants me back.”

“Just ask them! Everyone wants you back!”

David shook his head.

“Please, David...Just come to the hotel later, come to my and Pierre's room, we'll talk it out...”

David shrugged.

“I have to get back on stage...but I really want to see you later.”

Sebastien and David walked back to the venue together, but Sebastien had to leave David in the crowd to get back on stage. He explained himself with a lie and then continued playing. The show only lasted for fifteen minutes longer, but it was the longest fifteen minutes ever. Sebastien hurried off stage and ignored Chuck's glare.

“I saw David,” he said. “I told him to come back to the room...we have to tell him how much we need him back.”

Pierre nodded.

“Of course...When is he coming?”

Sebastien shrugged.

“I don't know if he is even coming at all. I just asked him to.”

For the first time in a long time the band was excited about something. It was no secret that they all missed David. Even Chuck seemed happy that they might potentially see David again. They hurried back to the venue and sat down in Sebastien and Pierre's room, waiting for David, if he even came at all.

It was around midnight when a soft knock got them all to their feet. Sebastien and Pierre were at the door first, followed by Jeff, Chuck and Patrick. David was pulled into the room and hugged by all of them before a single word was uttered.

“Miss me much?” David said, trying to make them smile.

Everyone nodded dumbly.

“I'm sorry guys...I didn't know you'd notice me being gone...”

“David, we need you in this band. It just isn't Simple Plan without you,” Chuck said.

“These guys aren't as fun to film anymore,” Patrick threw in.

“The fans miss our good shows,” Chuck continued. “We miss our good shows. We need you.”

David sighed and sat down.

“I left because I thought it was best for you guys...but I know it wasn't. I guess I came back today because I could see that you needed help, and if you want me back...I'll do it.”

Everyone agreed that David could come back, starting the following day, if he wanted.

“Guys, I need to speak to Pierre and Sebastien alone...”

Jeff, Chuck, and Patrick left the room and waited outside as David turned to his two ex-boyfriends. He took a deep breath before saying anything.

“I'm sorry I put you guys through everything...I'm sorry, Pierre...I'm sorry Seb. I'm just sorry. I know you guys expected me to choose between you two, and I have decided what I think is best for all of us.”

Pierre and Sebastien looked at David expectantly. They had been waiting a year to hear this.

“I decided...that it would be neither of you. It's best if I just don't choose at all, because I'm not going to tare a friendship apart. I'm so sorry...and I know this changes a lot of things...But please forgive me.”

Their reaction was not what he had expected. He had expected to be thrown out, to be yelled at, to be forced to choose. Instead, they both hugged and thanked him.

“David, we both love you...and we can deal with that. We love you like friends should love friends...” Sebastien said.

Pierre agreed.

“It'll be hard to get used to, but we can do it.”

David smiled and hugged them again. Everything would be okay. Yes, it would be awkward for a while, but it would be okay. They were together again, as friends. It was best for all of them, what they all wanted. They could all be happy now.

A/N: super lame ending, I know. But I was in a hurry to finish this because I'd been writing it forever and it was getting annoying...

rating: pg-13, fiction: chaptered, author: xxaustindxx

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