Domestic Bliss Challenge Entry

Jun 08, 2008 16:13

Title:  In Which Pierre Doesn’t Knock David Up
Author: x__bangbangxx
Rating: PG-13ish
Pairing: Pierre/David
Disclaimer: *sigh* Not mine.
Summary: “Does that mean that you want a family too? Or am I just getting my hopes up?”
Author's Notes: My (first) response to the Domestic Bliss Challenge. Woot <3

Pierre’s fork is loud as it clatters to the floor. Pierre, David thinks, looks a little silly - mouth slightly agape and toast poised, mid-bite, in the air. David is sure he doesn’t look any better though, clad in only boxers and an egg-stained apron; hair tousled from sleep and marks on his neck. He sees Pierre swallow thickly and well great, David thinks.

“What did you just say?” Pierre asks and David feels even smaller than before because fucker, he knows Pierre heard him the first time.

David sighs heavily, blows his bangs out of his eyes and he feels the blush coming on. Bastard. “I said, I want to have kids.”

Pierre blinks at him, swallows again and coughs shortly. “You want me to impregnate you?”

David thinks he really should’ve expected this. “Pierre,” he starts, “you know what I mean.”

Pierre shrugs at him then, smiles around the brim of his cup of orange juice and David’s heart feels lighter. “I know I do,” Pierre states, a playful twinkle in his eyes suddenly, “I just like the idea of you pregnant.”

David rolls his eyes and takes a seat; shifting to get comfortable because all this talk of Pierre getting him knocked up is leading his train of thought into inappropriate places.

“No, seriously,” Pierre continues and David momentarily fears for his unpregnant self because his beloved is really starting to get into it now, “You’d be nauseously adorable, all round and shit. We could go shopping for little clothes and diapers and you could do that headphone thing, you know? Except our kid would be rocking out to like…Rancid and not slowjamming to some Kenny G bullshit. You know?”

David won’t say it out loud but the fact that Pierre seems to want this too makes his stomach turn in a wonderful way. And he likes all these words Pierre is saying; little adventures and promises of doing all this together. David wonders, fleetingly, if he’s dreaming - he didn’t expect a reaction this good.

“Does that mean you want a family too? Or am I just getting my hopes up?” David questions and crosses his fingers on his lap.

Pierre shrugs again, smiles softly and scoots his chair closer to David’s. “It’s a nice idea,” he admits and links their fingers together.

David scoffs to hide his relief and rolls his eyes again, “The kids or me pregnant?”

“The kids,” Pierre laughs and loves David, “I do like the idea of getting you pregnant though.”

David flusters but lets Pierre kiss him anyway, “Yeah, me too. Too bad it’s impossible, huh?” and feels his heart sink a bit.

Pierre leans closer to brush some hair from David’s eyes (eyes he loves so much and hates to see obscured - but, then again, he loves David’s hair too so he can’t put it at fault), “We can always try,” a suggestive grin and David laughing into Pierre’s mouth. Then they’re pulling away and David loves Pierre and feels oddly clingy.

“Or there’s always adoption,” Pierre continues.

David shrugs, considering it, “Do you think we could be parents?”

And Pierre nods back, sincere. “Maybe not right now, with the band and everything.”

And yeah, of course, David thinks, but nods because he agrees anyway.

“But you and me are a forever thing. We have plenty of time,” Pierre finishes and they both like the sound of that.


rating: pg-13, author: x__bangbangxx, !challenge: domestic bliss, fiction: standalone

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