Four Seasons Drabble Entry

May 24, 2008 17:22

Title:  Four Seasons Drabble Entry
Author: x__bangbangxx
Rating: PG-15ish
Pairing: Pierre/David
Disclaimer: *sigh* Not mine.
Summary: Pierre is a terrible person and he knows this.
Authors Notes: Sorry about the last entry mods. I'm not sure what happened to my html. I hope it's okay this time =]

I. In Retrospect (Spring)

Pierre remembers the first time he saw David. Or rather, the first time he felt David. David stumbling into him because Pierre was standing in the way and David, well, he wasn’t watching where he was going.

Pierre doesn’t remember much after that, but a shock of dark hair and a soft apology - mumbled unsurely- and thinking: pleasepleaseplease talk forever and kindly don’t ever stop.

If Pierre had been brave then, well, he actually hasn’t the foggiest. He probably would’ve blurted out something unintelligent and jumbled. Something creepy but just anything to keep from seeing David’s retreating form.

It won’t be until much later that he finds it out but, David could feel Pierre watching him that day. Pierre would know, eventually, how David smiled as he kept walking.

David, he’d keep the mantra of finallyfinallyfinally to himself though.

II. Let’s Not Shit Ourselves (Summer)

Pierre had kind of hoped David wasn’t the type to get attached easily. Pierre - he’s more of a here and now person - not so much into the forever, messy shit.

Because really, it’s only been a few months; let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Pierre likes David, at least. Definitely likes him like this, keening underneath him, back arching into a soft curve Pierre can follow with his hand. He likes tracing David’s hipbones and thrusting just that little bit deeper.

And he knows it’s horrible, but above all, Pierre loves seeing his cock disappear into David. Loves watching David counter his movements and just take it.

He feels bad, really.

III. The Feeling of Regret, For Things I Never Felt (Fall)

Pierre is a terrible person and he knows this.

David shifts in his sleep, David right next to him, and tucks his face into Pierre’s side a little more - his small hand tucked into a fist on Pierre’s hip.

Pierre sighs and runs his fingers through David’s hair lightly, wishing he would love David back. David doesn’t deserve this.

Because David - David is beautiful. All the time. Right now. Moonlight over his pale back, freckles adorning unblemished skin. Pierre reaches down to touch and is glad David isn’t awake to see him like this. David makes him feel nervous, vulnerable and Pierre hates that. Hates it loves it, David snuggling even closer to him and he wonders what the hell he’s gotten himself in to.

He closes his eyes and feels like shit.

IV. Don’t You Know That I Love You? (Winter)

David is surprisingly calm when Pierre breaks up with him.

Pierre is shocked, to say the least. David, he just nods at him, says, “Okay Pierre,” voice defeated and eyes sad. The sight breaks Pierre’s heart a little bit. But then David is just standing there, looking displaced; looking everywhere but where Pierre is.

“Well, okay,” he says and then blinks a few times, quick, and Pierre’s thinking ohfuck please don’t cry. But David doesn’t. He just shrugs dejectedly and leaves the room quietly.

Pierre is aware that he completely sucks at life.


Years later, during an interview - Pierre knows David isn’t joking, with broken eyes and a forced smile, when he gets real close and says, I’m so over you.

He knows. Fuck does he know.

These four drabbles are a little different from what I normally do. Not so wordy-descriptive but I just wanted to try something new.

rating: pg-13, author: x__bangbangxx, fiction: drabble, !challenge: four seasons

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