Mod Post + Big Community Shit. Everyone Needs To Click This - For The Sake Of P/D Guys!

Sep 01, 2009 23:21

Okay so, I know that it’s been a while since the communities received one of these. We’re sincerely sorry about that and hopefully things should be better now. After all, we have fresh new ideas, an extra shiny new mod and the hope that we can rub some life back into this somewhat deflated slashy lamp. So come on guys, give this a read, for P/D’s sake? *grins charmingly* (I know this may not sound dire yet, but please, read the whole thing through, alright?)

Mod Post Part 1:

Alright, now, to begin I would like to start with welcoming the lovely dierre101(Sarri) into the ranks of Modlyness. She’s been up and at ‘em for a few days now but has been lying low until the first of September where she could be properly presented on a silver plate to you guys.

Now, you might be wondering how she “randomly” got this position, well let me explain. Sarri has been emailing us on and off during dry periods in the community with competition ideas and various other things, trying to help pump life into this place. We have been… largely forgetful of the email account and therefore it has only recently come to our attention. (Yes, yes, kick us if you will. *shifts nervously out in the open on her podium while Emma and Bronte are cheering her on from behind a rock*)

So basically, she’s been really gung-ho and has been going out of her way to do stuff for the community and since Bronte and Emma have been busy little beavers with that damn thing called life, we talked it over and decided that hopefully with Sarri and I doing most of the in-your-face and day-to-day stuff of the community, the love will gradually rocket flow back here.

I hope you guys don’t mind, but it just seemed like a good solution, and apart from all of the above, Sarri presented us with a fantastic idea. One that I’m working on with her and - further down in the post - we will not only explain, but hope for your assistance in it to.

Here’s giving dierre101 a warm welcome to the community. *lets off a little cracker that shoots streamers*

Mod Post Part 2:

Alright, now, down to business: TAGGING!!

Now, most of you guys have been amazing at putting tags with your entires, but Sarri and I still have like, what? A years worth of entries to go through and implement the new tags to?

So, yeah. Basically the mods as a whole were really hoping that you would see about maybe going back and tagging all your past entries for us? We’re talking like '08 entries here. It would mean a great deal if you could!

We’re not trying to look like evil mods *discreetly pockets her knife* but it would just make the task go by quicker and free up more of our time for ~other things. Like say, P/D things. Sexy P/D things. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

If you’d like to help but don’t have an author/artist tag, just comment and we’ll hook you up. *gansta click of faux coolness*

Thanks again guys ^^

Mod Post Part 3:

Alright, third part - yes, this is a long entry, we’re making up for the months of absence :P - is to do with what was mentioned in the first part of the post. What Sarri and I are working on is a manifesto of Pierre/David to be posted at bandom_ships

This is some of the info copied from their profile:

How does it work? Fans sign up to start off a two-day love-athon celebrating all aspects of their favorite bandom pairings starting with an informal 'ship manifesto, after which everyone is invited to share anything in the form of top 5 themed lists (or not) of otpjoy (top 5 desert island fics, talk about your top five otp moments etc. etc or start a freaking fabulous otp author/artist/beta appreciation thread), and ending with an otp/ot3/ot4 free-for-all-everyone's-invited fantasy fest style drabble drive.

Basically, we want to really push this fandom into overdrive because - as far as we can figure - every other fandom has a manifesto, has something to link when you say “OMG CHECK OUT MY OTP!!” but not P/D. This is where we - and hopefully you - come in. So far our manifesto is just in the very, very beginning of it’s creation. We have documented Reset, looked up sources and got to the point where our boys have officially dragged David into the band.

Now friends, fellow fans and slashers, we ask your assistance. We want, ranging from the first album to hell, yesterday. All your favourite, monumental, true-love telling youtubes, photos, interviews, any fucking link you have so we can add it all in.

We want to tell this story not only from our point of view, but from yours. Discuss how you think some of the shit started, where you think their romance began and why. What happened? How did you come to this conclusion? We want it all so we can further strengthen our timeline.

This manifesto has to be the best so that when it’s done, everyone in the community can pimp their journals, tell friends and convert more fans. We want life in this place and we want to post this thing and have the comments go off the charts.

Old fans, new fans, everyone should be able to meet in these threads and go, “Damn, are those boys gay.”

Mod Post Part 4:

Yes, okay, this is the last bit and a quick bit. This manifesto is just the beginning, we also want competitions guys. Give us your opinions! Tell us what you want to see put into a competition for our lovely writers and artists to do.

We’ll collect up the list and set up a poll to find the newest one to churn out and whether you want it before or after the manifesto. *waves her hand absently* Semantics on when it will begin will come later, right now, give us ideas, tell us what you want to see done!

This community needs some energy and that’s what we plan on being right now! And if worse comes to worse and you can’t think of an idea, give us support in proposing a kink!meme. Lord knows you’ve probably seen it flying around various communities on livejournal lately - and it’s about damn time this fandom got it’s fair share of the dirty. So give us some competition ideas, tell us your stance on the kink!meme and above all, send us all your p/d shit for the manifesto.

We want this to be epic and to do that, we need the stuff this fandom calls it’s evidence. We need the help of the people who created, love and live this fandom. We need you. This is our fandom, and we need everyone to make it one of the greats again.

Pierre and David have each other for a lifetime; we might as well return the favour so they don’t have to read the same thing every day ;)

Mod Post Part 5:

Intro post guys, and yes, I’m using my modly power to influence the questions and take advantage. So kind of you to notice. *grins*

Favourite Pierre/David moments(BRING LINKS!):
What you’d like in a competition and your opinion on a kink!meme:
Favourite album/lyric/song at the moment:
Favourite bandom boy:
Suggestions, etc:

Yes, I’m answering myself, keep your shirt on ;)

Name: Sarah
Age: 17 (For now…)
Location: Australia
Favourite Pierre/David moments(BRING LINKS!): I have links sprouting from my ears at the moment. Seriously. I'm not even going to try O_o
What you’d like in a competition and your opinion on a kink!meme: MY OPINION OS OBVIOUS AND I SHALL TEMPT YOU WITH COOKIES AND PUPPY EYES OF DOOM!!
Favourite album/lyric/song at the moment: Hmm. That’s a tough one. I’m actually really loving I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) by Fall Out Boy
Favourite bandom boy: Surprisingly, it’s a tie between David and Gabe Saporta, heh.
Suggestions, etc: *bites her bottom lip and looks imploringly at you to answer this*


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