Swim in Silence [1/?]

Nov 22, 2008 14:28

Title: Swim in Silence
Author: shiek_2 
Pairing: Pierre/David
Summary: "He knows the man can’t see him, but he can’t stand staring into those chocolate pools and not be able to just touch the man or hear his sensuous voice."
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the persons, lyrics, and/or songs mentioned herein. I do not make any monetary gain, claim these events to be real, or mean any disrespect.
Author's Note: Insipired by "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls and Paramore's demo "Swim in Silence". Hope you enjoy! :)
Dedication: For blackeyedwicca  hope you like it darling! :)

Long black strokes, elegant, meticulous, contrasted against snow white. Vibrant colors splashed into the mix, bringing new life to the dull, abstract canvas. A young couple ballroom danced through the colors as rough bristles added contours to their content faces with each swift stroke of the paint brush by the brunette man. The painting was a vast contrast to the harsh grey walls of the apartment surrounding it.

Across the narrow street, behind a large double pane window David Desrosiers can see it all through his carefully calibrated telescope. He’s watched the picture transform from faint graphite pencil strokes to a beautiful portrait of the happiness deeply seated within the brunette man. Caramel eyes watches as the artist puts the paint brush down, surveying his work with a large grin. Nodding in satisfaction, the man disappears to another part of the apartment. He returns with her. David snarls in disgust, she always ruined everything.

The brunette man shows off the portrait with a smile, showing her the ultimate profession of his love to his lover. The word tastes bitter in David’s mouth, that should be him not her, he should be the one waking up nestled in strong arms every morning, not the one waking up with puffy eyes sealed with salty tears that were shed the night before. She smiles wantonly, gently cooing something that disappoints the man greatly, before disappearing. The man steps forward to gaze at the people on the sidewalk below, frown clearly evident.

David reaches out and caresses the cool glass of his window as if to touch the man. He would give anything to touch the one he’s been watching for so long. The man’s chocolate eyes stare directly across the street into David’s window it seems, piercing his heart with the emotion swirling in them. David quickly moves away from the window. He knows the man can’t see him, but he can’t stand staring into those chocolate pools and not be able to just touch the man or hear his sensuous voice.

After a few moments, David returns to his telescope. The man’s got his back turned to him, talking to someone standing a few feet off and out of his line of vision.

A loud thumping noise cuts through the still air of David’s sparsely furnished apartment, making him jump in surprise, knocking the telescope slightly off kilter in the process. Grumbling, he glares back at the heavy wooden door but makes no move to answer it. He never does, whether it’s the landlord or the milkman.

“David?” The pounding becoming more incessant. “It’s Sebastien. I know you’re in there.” The pounding becoming even harder still.

David feels his heart leap into his throat. After all this time they’d finally found him. His eyes frantically search the room for an escape, immediately stopping on the fire escape. He turns to it, but suddenly remembers that the landlord was in the process of replacing it. Fuck.

“David, I’m coming in there one way or another.” Sebastien says, voice firm and steady. “Just let me in Dave.” His voice suddenly taking a more pleading tone.

David stands frozen in the middle of his living room, keeping his breathing as quiet as possible. He waits, the loud banging on the door being the only audible sound in the room. A few moments pass before the knocking stops. He strains to hear shuffling on the other side of the door before the sound of footfalls pounding down the stairwell fills the air.

David breathes a sigh of relief, turning back to the window. He frowns, realizing the telescope is directed towards the sidewalk below instead of the window across the road. Cursing himself for being so skittish, he carefully tilts the telescope upwards, meticulously setting the calibrations again.

He stops when he hears footfalls again, a pair this time. He breathing speeds up along with his heart. Sebastien wouldn’t…..would he?

The sound of keys jingling prove his worst fear to be true as a key is shoved into the lock. David mentally curses himself for being cheap and not buying the more advanced lock system as the turntables in the door grind against each other. The door swings open slowly, revealing the best friend he hadn’t seen in five years and his graying landlord. The landlord has a strange expression on his face, one David’s never seen before, it’s a mixture of anger at having to come up those precarious narrow stairs for his tenant once again and something David can’t quite put his finger on. Some form of strange happiness because his tenant finally has a visitor that isn’t a pissed off milkman.

The elderly man flashes both of the younger men a wide smile before swinging the door shut with a soft click. David shifts uncomfortably, he hasn’t seen Sebastien in so long, what was he supposed to say to him?

Sebastien doesn’t need words, not quite yet. He just needs to know that this is real, that David is really standing in front of him, that it isn’t just another dream of finding his missing best friend. He gives the raven haired man a large smile laced with a few crystalline drops, wrapping his arms tightly around him, almost as if he doesn’t hold him against his body he’ll disappear again.

Surprising himself, David wraps his arms around Sebastien equally tight feeling wetness trail down his own cheeks, the most human contact he’s had with anyone in five years.

Long minutes pass before the two men break their embrace. Jubilant sapphire stares into nervous caramel.

“We need to talk.”

rating: r, fiction: chaptered, author: shiek_2

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