Jan 02, 2004 11:51
Perfect example of a dream fading on you. I'll recount what I can.
Starts off in some sort of military game. I'm in a small complex, hunting down my opponents. Olive colored walls built in slab like sections, grated floors, sliding doors. It's exactly like a game of Quake, which I haven't played recently. I kneel down by a corner and kill two scouts as the round it, making them part of my team. I retreat into a room, the scouts guarding the door, and see with a roaming camera pov that a large man is coming down the outside corridor with an industrial flamethrower. Before I know what's happened, he's stepped into the doorway and killed everybody.
Next level - I'm with Will and suddenly we're no longer so intent on killing people for some reason. I don't know why, but we're now with a girl and we've convinced her to do something that has resulted in her not eating. This complex looks more like a fancy five star hotel, and we stop off in the restaurant. We've got to get to New York, so we rise, and are astonished when she reveals how little she's eaten of late. (we didn't directly tell her to stop eating - she just had as a result of our decision, or being poor or something.)
I steal a piece of cheese from the buffet table on the way out, and espy these huge, crunchy rolls which I try and grab but don't because the waiter is close. As we walk out the beige marble entranceway, through the glass doors, I effect a strut and approach the waiter, asking in my haughtiest tones if he could get me a roll for the road. When he assures me he can, I offer to do it myself (knowing I'll grab some more stuff for the girl while I'm at it) but he says no, clearly suspicious. He comes back out with a roll in a little basket, and I see that there is ham and cheese in it. Ah, good little waiter.
So we're off, Will and this now eating girl and myself, through the complex which has given up and just become the world, and the hotel lobby leads straight into a metro stop in which a spry middle aged man plays the fiddle with gusto, with a sizeable crowd watching. Feeling generous, I stop and give him a dollar, only to have Will and the girl harangue me to the point where I go back and give him another dollar. I nod to the man, who's got this goatish goatee and long black hair tied back and looks vaguely gypsyish and vaguely New Yorken, and suddenly realize that somehow several large pages of soft pornography have fallen out of my wallet and onto the pile of cash before him. A young boy is on the verge of beginning his voyage of sexual discovery, but I swoop in and grab my porn, not knowing how all that got in my wallet in the first place, and then we're off.
At this point Will and I jump into my mother's car, having somehow arranged to meet the girl in NYC proper. We drive and there's some middle bits where we're outside some place and something happens but that's all gone now. Next thing we know we're just outside Manhattan and we're trying to get in. We drive into the bridgeport (like a tollstation of sorts), narrowly avoiding hitting some homeless people that have congregated there for some reason, and are told by this curt black lady that we can't cross the bridge till midnight cause it's currently in its red phase and thus not open to our kind of traffic.
Will is livid, using not so very subtle sarcasm as we sit around trying to figure out what to do. We'd arrange to meet the girl, and she is wholey dependant on us for some reason and we can't fail to cross. We can't walk over the bridge, and to go around it would require driving through Georgia for some reason. My mother hits on the idea of having to go through in order to pick up the girl at the airport, which is a legitimate reason to cross back to our side, but we're not sure it's good enough to cross over in the first place. Great bit of Will sitting down to draw a map and explain to me why driving through Georgia would be a setback, and him pacing and muttering imprecations.
Then I think I woke up.