"Keep on listening to the great Joe Strummer cause through music we can live forever"

Aug 18, 2003 21:30

So here's the update that hasn't existed in a long long time. What have I been doing lately? Not too much, honestly. Work has been killing me for the last 3 weeks or so. For as long as I've worked there (which was exactly 2 years as of last week), I've been a "closer" or a person on the latest shift for our site. Start 10am, leave 6:30. I like that shift. I like to sleep in, go into work rested, and get out just in time to experience the evening. But for the last 3 weeks, I've been going in at 6 GODDAMN AM and getting out at either 2:30 or 3. It's brutal. Waking up at 5am kills my brain. Everybody has noticed that I've seemed to be "off" especially in the last week or so. I've had to go in because we're bringing in a new logging program, of which I was local admin for our site (main site) and the smaller site in Vegas, and I was the leader of the original 4 man beta team a few months ago. Now the rest of the floor is finally being trained on it, so naturally they choose me to be the training aid for all the classes here, essentially co-teaching the 8 hour class with the training department, and being able to resolve any issues that come up since I'm still the admin. In a nutshell, it sucks. It's evil, evil PeopleSoft crap. I disapprove. But unfortunately we didn't break it good enough back in beta for the company to decide to not go ahead with it.

So anyway, 8 hour classes every day for the last 3 weeks, starting at either 8am or 6am. The sad part is that I've come to realize that 3/4 of the people that work in my place are idiots. They act like they've never seen a webpage before when something new is put before them. We support the whole fuckin UPS.COM so I think they should know how to click a hyperlink! Grr. Anyway. I'm uber-tech. That's all I need to worry about.

So yea, the 6amness has been rotting my brain for the past few weeks. I can tell it's still doing it because this is such a rambling post. Sorry about that. As for the rest of this week, 6am tomorrow for the last makeup class, then roaming the floor for the rest of the week to help people 1 on 1 when they get lost. No idea when I'll be going in though. Hopefully at least 8 or so. I miss my 10o'clock shift, but I don't miss being on the phones. I haven't taken a call from a customer in like 5 weeks. In the last 4-5 months, I've taken maybe 20 calls. Compare that to my pre-beta-age with about 40 calls a day. I don't miss it. Shippers are stupid. They put a box on the scale, they click the address, they push a button on the keyboard, and put the label on the box. If something unexpected happens, they freak out. Then they call. Then I bang my head into the desk. I guess last week was especially bad with the Blaster virus. Seems like if people don't know that there computer does other things besides ship, they think we caused the virus. Yea. Right. Even if the computer wasn't even owned by UPS, they want us to send our techs out to fix it. Ahhhh no. Like we'd want to touch your Win95 32meg of RAM barely meeting minimum requirements piece of shit. What's that? You're threating to take your 7 boxes a week of ground shipments to Fed-Ex? Whoop-de-fuckin-do! Let me worry about the shipper from QVC or Disneyland or Amazon.com who needs to get out the whatever thousands of packages they do a day.

Ok. Enough about work. Other then that, I've been doing shitall lately. My brain was so warped the last couple weekends that I just stayed home and did nothing. Last saturday I mustered the energy to go to Grover and hang with the crew. Ah, watching the drunkards is always fun. I brought my video camera too and got some of it on tape! That'll be interesting to play back to them when they're sober.

Also, I told none of my friends here that it was my birthday yesterday. I'm not a celebrating-my-birthday kind of guy. Other peoples, sure. My own, not necessary.

My parents totally surprised me for my b-day. They actually bought me a new computer for my room. I was like...buh? A present? How weird. And a pretty nice one at that. The system is pretty nice. I haven't even taken it out of the box yet since I have nowhere to put it. I need to rearrange my room first. But reading the specs off the box, it has like an 80gig hard drive, cd/dvd burner, intel pentium 4 processor 2.60C Ghz2 with hyper-threading technology (i'm impressed when I don't know what something means), some wicked video card, something that lets me record tv to the comp and vice versa, and i dont know, a bunch of stuff that i'm not even sure what it does but sounds really cool. and a flat screen monitor. that's really the only thing i wanted, and they went the whole way. And they got the wireless dsl stuff so I can be online in my room since theres no phone jack in there. so whenever i get all this stuff finally set up, i'll be online all the time without any worries, and who knows, i may even hook up the video camera to the comp and get a webcam going. =)

Um. I'm talking too much, and my brain just shut off. did you notice how my punctuation suddenly stopped happening in the last paragraph? yea. time to go to sleep. 5am comes early. hope all is well with everyone...all 3 or 4 of you that actually read this. keep in touch. remember you can text message my phone through my livejournal info page, if you don't already do it with your phone. :) and yes scott, i'll touch it, just for you.

k bye.
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