Feb 26, 2006 21:45
Well it's been a while so here's an update. Wensday my brother went off a 250 ft cliff into a creek between oakman and corona (in jasper). He proceeded to climb up the cliff and hitch hike to the Spur in oakman. When he got there he called an ambulance & g'ma. It turns out his spleen is busted up and they had to take it out. followed by about 5 days of sedated observing in ICU... Now he's in a regular room and cranky. Meanwhile my little brother was complaining about getting a shower and my dad had an epileptic seizure. but he's been realeased and I'm in huntsville so i can try to get a good night's sleep for once, because last night i was up taking care of him all night. pretty much i played an assload on the computer and occasionally helped him during the night. But now to go to class for the week. I'll be back at UAB this next weekend possibly...