Dec 06, 2009 00:06
Was just looking through BlackBoard today and noticed that my course selection over the last few semesters paints a pretty telling picture of myself:
ABS 225: Soils
ABS 260: Fund of Urban Horticulture
ASB 222: Buried Cities and Lost Tribes
ASB 353: Death & Dying
BIO 100: The Living World
FMP 300: Film Production Part I
FMS 200: Film History
FMS 494: Television Studies: Reality TV Rituals
THE 403: Independent Film
INT 121: Intro to Computer Modeling
JUS 200: Serial Killers
TCL 485: Chicana and Latina Writers
THE 220: Principles/Dramatic Analysis
PSG 101: Introduction to Psycholoy
PHI 103: Principles of Philosophy
I want to be in school forever.