Sep 09, 2006 20:10
Who: Rave, Beast Girl, Beast Boy, Terra, Rose
When: Late afternoon
Where: GB Titans Tower
Why was it that everyone seemed to come to him for advice? Just because he was the empath didn't mean he knew anything about emotions. In fact, he knew pretty much nothing about them. Like a dog, he could understand when someone was sad or happy or angry, but he just couldn't comprehend the emotions. He didn't know what to say when his friends came to him.
With a small sigh, Rave, stood up and lifted his hood up over his head. His eyes traveled over to the mirror/portal to his mind sitting on his desk, and with a wave of his hand, it floated over to him and settled on his bed. A little meditation with it later would help, but for now a bit of tea would be nice.
And with that, the empath levitated silently out of his room, accidentally leaving the door several inches ajar.
beast girl,
beast boy