Part Thirteen

Jul 09, 2007 07:42

Elijah ::stands in the doorway of Dom and Billy's bedroom, looking at Dom; quietly:: You awake?
Dom: ::shifts slightly, not opening his eyes:: Yeah.
Elijah ::moves into the room:: Do you need anything? I helped Emma with the last of her homework. ::laughs:: For as much help as I was. Jesus, she's smart.
Dom: Getting smarter every day, too. ::gently pats the empty side of the bed:: Don't need anything, but come here?
Elijah ::sits on the edge of the bed:: She looks just like you and Hannah.
Dom: Looks like you too. ::opens one eye, watching him, forces a smile::
Elijah By default maybe. Anyway, she's in bed. I think she might have talked me into taking her and some of her friends out tomorrow.
Dom: Thank you. 'S not good for her, being around here too much. You'll get to see Fiona that way, too.
Elijah ::smiles:: Yeah, I saw Orlando yesterday. He's grown up.
Dom: We all did. But... he's good. Happy with her and Sean. And his books are brilliant. ::smiles a bit:: Think I was supposed to be the bloke he had killed in the end of that last one.
Elijah Dom, that's fucking morbid. ::laughs::
Dom: Aye, but think it was. He was loud, alcoholic, and might as bloody well have been a prostitute.
Elijah Sounds more like a combination of me and Andy, don't you think?
Dom: Maybe. ::takes his hand, squeezing it gently::
Elijah Do you mind... can I...? ::gestures to the bed::
Dom: ::nods, sliding over a little, wincing:: You don't get cancer from being within two feet of me, you know. 'S not contagious.
Elijah Wasn't thinking about that. Idiot. ::smiles, lies down next to him:: Was thinking Billy might not like it.
Dom: Billy doesn't complain about anything these days. And he'd feel guilty for even thinking something like that, considering where he is now.
Elijah ::looks at him:: Why? Where's Billy? I thought he was at the pub.
Dom: ::intertwines their fingers, looking at their hands:: No. He's with... his girlfriend, I suppose.
Elijah His what?
Dom: 'S what I call her. Don't think he likes me saying that, though.
Elijah What the fuck are you talking about? He doesn't really have a girlfriend.
Dom: ::shrugs weakly:: Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Don't really know if he does... girlfriend type things with her. But I told him to go find someone to fuck. ::laughs slightly, turning his head when he starts to cough::
Elijah ::sits up, reaching for the glass of water next to the bed, helps Dom sit up a bit and sip a little:: Okay?
Dom: ::nods slightly, hands shaking a bit as he tries to hold the glass:: 'M fine. ::sets it down slowly on the table:: Really.
Elijah ::rubs his back gently:: Are you serious about Billy?
Dom: Her name's Julia. Don't know much except that.
Elijah Fuck. Are you... and you told him to go out and...
Dom: He kept telling me he didn't need it... Until he went out. Haven't heard much otherwise since then. Guessing maybe I wasn't wrong. ::smiles weakly and shrugs:: I haven't been able to... in a long time.
Elijah ::helps him lay down again, settling in next to him, holding his hand:: I can't believe he would do that. Even if you told him to. He can't really care that you can't... Christ, Dom, you're sick.
Dom: I know that. He knows that. But... he needed someone. Things I can't give him anymore. And if I don't mind... 'S no harm, is there? He's better for it, and so am I.
Elijah How can it be better for you? You're here on your own and he's out... fucking someone else? How can that be better?
Dom: Because I don't feel so sodding guilty.
Elijah But you don't have anything to feel guilty about.
Dom: ::closes his eyes:: No? Can't even touch my own husband. Or let him touch me. We've tried since the chemo and I just... I can't. You don't bloody know what that's like, to have to turn him away. I'd rather he was happy.
Elijah ::quietly:: I'm sorry, Dom. I don't know what it's like. I wish it wasn't like that for you and Billy.
Dom: But it is. Can't change any of this, and I'm just... trying to do what I can now. I make things hard enough as it is for him. At least I can offer him that, yeah?
Elijah ::squeezes his hand:: You don't make things hard for him. He loves you, Dom. He doesn't need anything but you. If Billy's out doing what you think... it's only because he thinks you want him to.
Dom: I know he loves me. Haven't questioned that since... a long time ago. But I think 's what he needs. He's less tense. Think he talks to her about it all, too. 'S no one else he talks to. Not Bean. Not Andy. Maybe Maggie a bit. And he should have... someone. Whether 's shagging or more.
Elijah But what about you? What do you need? Who do you talk to?
Dom: Who does a dying man need to talk to? What's not talking going to do, scar me in later years?
Elijah Dom, you're not dying. Don't say that.
Dom: Why shouldn't I if it's true?
Elijah It's not true. You don't know that.
Dom: ::sighs, watching him:: We've tried everything. And I'm tired of hospitals. I don't want to go back.
Elijah ::kisses his hand, sighs:: You can't give up.
Dom: Not giving up, just... accepting this. Or trying to.
Elijah I just... fuck, I wish there was something I could do.
Dom: ::presses closer, closing his eyes:: Help Billy. And Emma.
Elijah You're not dead and buried yet, asshole. ::laughs a bit, trying to keep from crying, kisses his forehead::
Dom: And you'd best hope I'm not actually going to make requests from the grave. Should come back and haunt you, though. And Andy. Ruin your sex life.
Elijah You've been haunting me for years already.
Dom: Think all of Andy's nightmares involve me? ::smiles slightly, stroking Elijah's cheek:: I don't know if he hates me as much anymore, though. Think he sent me... a camera. It wasn't addressed, but postmarked from California.
Elijah ::looks at him, confused:: Why would he send you a camera? I don't understand.
Dom: Christ. I can't explain your boyfriend to you. But I liked it. Was really expensive, too. Been using it around the house, driving Billy mad when I make him get the film developed.
Elijah That's weird. I can't think why he'd send you a camera. I'll tell him you liked it, though. Unless you'd rather I didn't say anything.
Dom: Thank him if you want. I did like it.
Elijah ::nods:: I'll tell him, then.
Dom: How is he? And you?
Elijah He's good. We're both good. Still haven't killed each other, so I guess that's something.
Dom: Amazed he hasn't begged you to leave LA yet. But he seemed to like it more the last time I went to see you two.
Elijah We've stayed a lot longer than I thought we would. But he has the gallery to keep him out of trouble. ::smiles::
Dom: He needs something to. Wish we'd come to see you more often. ::teasing:: But someone was always busy.
Elijah Yeah. I wish I'd had more time to get back here too. But I'm here now.
Dom: Like you here. Like anyone here, actually. But I'm really glad you could make it. You'd think I'd be sick of visitors and never being alone, but I still get lonely.
Elijah I'll stay as long as you want, Dom. Until you kick me out. Or Billy does.
Dom: He likes you staying here too.
Elijah I was hoping Andy could come. He still might. Soon. If you wouldn't mind.
Dom: You said he was busy at the gallery, yeah?
Elijah He couldn't get away last week when I left. Might have some free time in a week or two.
Dom: ::nods:: You're both welcome here anytime, long as you like. We've a spare room, and it's nice not having to call Orlando and Bean to come and stay with me.
Elijah I was talking to Billy last night. He said they've both been really great. Orlando especially. But he's your best friend, so I'm not sure that counts. ::grins::
Dom: You're both my best mates. Even if he turned me into a character in his book and murdered me...
Elijah You have a copy of this book? I'm thinking I might need to read it, make sure I'm not in it.
Dom: I don't remember any annoying Americans, but you're welcome to look. 'S downstairs. Billy can get it for you later.
Elijah Hey! I'm an annoying American who's flown halfway across the world to sit next to you while you're on your supposed death bed. You should be nicer to me.
Dom: Aren't you supposed to be nice to me? Since I'm on my death bed and all that.
Elijah It's a good thing you're so frail. Otherwise I'd have to kick your ass.
Dom: ::pauses for a moment, cringes:: If I do die here, I hope Billy doesn't still sleep in the bed after. That would... He should just burn the thing.
Elijah Dom! Jesus Christ. Shut up, will you? Stop fucking saying those things.
Dom: Have to say things like that to someone, don't I? Want to make sure everything's alright when... if I die.
Elijah So if you die, should I make sure to tell Billy to get a new bed? Fuck.
Dom: ::gently:: You could just accidentally set it on fire. Don't burn down the house, though. ::grins a little, kissing his cheek:: Christ. No. But... you will look after him, won't you?
Elijah What the hell could I possibly do to look after him?
Dom: ::sighs:: Jesus, I don't know. Help with the funeral. Stay here so he's not alone, go away 'f he wants to be alone. Babysit Emma. Set him up on a date. I don't know. Just... whatever he needs.
Elijah ::quietly:: He and Emma wouldn't be alone. I'd be here, and Andy. Sean and Orlando are here. We'd all do anything to help Billy.
Dom: I know, I just... I worry what the hell he's going to do. He doesn't do well alone. ::laughs, rubbing his forehead:: Or maybe that's me.
Elijah You were okay without Billy, before you met him. But the two of you together... you're good, you know? Really good.
Dom: I love him.
Elijah I know. And he loves you too.
Dom: Aye, he does. Just wish I could do more for him right now.
Elijah Best thing you can do for him is get well and stop all this bullshit talk about dying.
Dom: Don't know if I can give him that.
Elijah But you can try.
Dom: Been trying for a long time.
Elijah ::smiles:: I know. ::strokes his arm:: Anything I can do for you?
Dom: ::shakes his head:: I'm just glad you're here. ::closes his eyes, resting his head on his shoulder:: Billy will be home later. He never spends the night.
Elijah Do you want me to let you get some sleep?
Dom: Stay, won't you? Not really that tired.
Elijah Yeah. Of course I'll stay.
Dom: ::kisses his cheek:: I wish you lived closer.
Elijah Me too. I sort of miss living here. Starting to hate LA.
Dom: Yeah? But aren't you a big star now or something?
Elijah ::snorts:: Right. Like I care about all that.
Dom: ::smiles:: Still. Imagine that means you get to do better films, choose from more roles. Has to have some benefits, or you wouldn't still be there.
Elijah I guess. And I've gotten to kiss a bunch of other hot gay actors. Though I doubt that's Andy's favourite part of it.
Dom: ::laughs quietly:: How many of them are still alive?
Elijah ::smiles:: But I never cheated on him, all this time. I think he thought I would.
Dom: Maybe he finally believes you. If he really thought you were going to come here and shag me, he'd have found a way to come along as well. Or called you, piss drunk.
Elijah I think he knows better than that now. ::snorts:: And he probably called Billy to make sure sex wasn't an option.
Dom: ::laughs:: Should ask later. But no, even if you wanted it, I'm not putting out. So I don't pose much of a threat to him. Or anyone.
Elijah So even if you weren't sick you'd never sleep with me again? I'm wounded, Dom.
Dom: You got uglier with age. ::smiles::
Elijah And you got meaner.
Dom: Would I still be mean 'f I offered you the joint in the drawer? Before Billy gets home, anyway.
Elijah ::stares at him:: Are you fucking serious?
Dom: Billy wanted to bring this nurse in every few days... I fought him over it for ages. But she finally started to come, and... turns out she brought more than just medicine. Takes away some of the pain, though.
Elijah Are you sure we should? With Emma here?
Dom: She's in bed now, anyway.
Elijah I'll shut the door. Open the window a bit if you won't be too cold?
Dom: ::leans over and picks up the blanket folded at the bottom of the bed, draping it over his shoulders - smiles:: I won't be.
Elijah ::gets up, shutting the door and opening the window a crack:: Which drawer?
Dom: ::motions to the dresser:: Second drawer. Under the red shirt.
Elijah Hiding it from Billy are you? ::opens the drawer, taking out the joint, pulling his lighter from his pocket, hands them both to Dom::
Dom: He gets a girlfriend, I get this. ::lights the joint and takes a drag, closing his eyes::
Elijah ::sits on the bed next to him again:: That's some arrangement you two have.
Dom: Do what we have to, yeah? ::hands the joint to him, fumbling to get the lighter into Elijah's pocket again::
Elijah Wonder if I could talk Andy into something like that. Let him have a girlfriend.
Dom: He won't let you get high? He's a moody artist. Isn't this what they all do?
Elijah Nah, I just don't. Probably one of the few people in Hollywood who doesn't. You're the only one who can talk me into it.
Dom: Could always talk you into most anything. ::leans against him slightly::
Elijah Yeah, you were always good at that. I've always been shit at telling you no.
Dom: Kind of like this cancer thing. Billy tells me no less often now. ::takes another drag, relaxing against him::
Elijah ::nudges him, laughing:: Billy's never told you no once.
Dom: He has. Just... not often. ::smiles:: He's perfect.
Elijah Bet you thought that as soon as you met him.
Dom: Aye, I did. Still trying to figure out what he sees in me. Especially now that I'm scrawny and bald.
Elijah ::puts an arm around him:: I don't think he cares much about that.
Dom: No? Well, 's good, I imagine.
Elijah He'd be pretty shallow if he did.
Dom: And he's not that. Perfect, remember?
Elijah Even though he has a girlfriend?
Dom: ::quiet for a moment:: I wonder if he loves her.
Elijah Dom, he loves you.
Dom: Doesn't mean he can't love her. ::pokes his nose gently::
Elijah I'm not stoned enough for this.
Dom: ::smiles, resting his head on his shoulder and hands him the joint back::
Elijah ::takes a drag, quiet for a moment, thinking:: He might care about her, but he probably doesn't love her.
Dom: ::softly:: Hope not. I don't mind the rest, but... not that.
Elijah I don't know. It's kind of like with Holly. Remember her? The girl I used to work with here, years ago? Andy and I would have fun with her, and she was my friend, I liked her. But I didn't love her. Or, I wasn't in love with her.
Dom: ::nods:: Aye, I remember. And I'm sure he doesn't. I'm the one telling him to go out anyway.
Elijah Isn't it weird, though? Knowing what he's doing?
Dom: Sometimes. I can never sleep until he's home.
Elijah Well, when he gets home you can sleep and I'll crawl off to the guest room.
Dom: ::takes the joint from him again:: To call Andy.
Elijah And try to talk him into coming here.
Dom: He can have one of the joints if he does. ::laughs a bit::
Elijah I'll just tell him you gave me a handjob, he'll be on the next plane. ::grins::
Dom: Christ. He would be too.
Elijah Always been jealous of you, always will be. At this point I think it's part of his charm.
Dom: Billy was never jealous. Except for... that one time. ::grins:: We were high then too.
Elijah ::laughs:: Oh Jesus. I'd forgotten all about that.
Dom: Don't imagine he'll react the same this time.
Elijah We used to do some stupid things when we were younger, didn't we?
Dom: Still do, mate. ::closes his eyes, smiles::
Elijah Maybe you do. I don't.
Dom: Perfect now?
Elijah No. Just an improved version of my younger self.
Dom: Not really sure if I'm better or worse at this point.
Elijah You've gotten better with age just like the rest of us.
Dom: ::laughs:: Some days I feel so grown up that I can't even imagine what it felt like to be young anymore. And then other days I feel like I'm still 15 and awkward.
Elijah Shit, most days I still feel like a kid.
Dom: Imagine Andy likes that...
Elijah He's the one always complaining he's getting old.
Dom: He's not, though. Not really. None of us are, are we?
Elijah We've all still got a few years left before we're ready for the nursing home, I think.
Dom: ::kisses his cheek:: Aye. You two have plenty of time left for whatever you want. ::grins:: Still young.
Elijah You have time too, Dom.
Dom: Stop. I can barely leave this house.
Elijah Should get out sometime while I'm here. Maybe go for a drive or something.
Dom: ::mumbles:: I've seen you drive. I want to die peacefully, not in a blazing ball of fire.
Elijah ::kisses his forehead:: Asshole. I'll hire a driver, then. We'll take a ride somewhere.
Dom: ::nods:: I'd like that. Been wanting to see the old pub again. Not Sketch's, but the Suffering Bastard. See that green room upstairs if Bean will let us.
Elijah We'll ask him. Then maybe we can have a drive out to the coast. See the ocean.
Dom: Always loved the ocean. Wanted to make Billy move there after he retired. Have some little place on the water.
Elijah You guys can still do that.
Dom: ::laughs:: Maybe in the next life.
Elijah What did I say about that kind of talk?
Dom: ::smiles sadly:: Sorry.
Elijah ::gets up, goes to close the window:: Cold.
Dom: ::holds up the blanket for him
Elijah ::slides under the covers next to him:: Sure you don't mind?
Dom: 'S fine, Elijah. ::leans against him again::
Elijah ::yawns:: Hannah's getting married. Did I tell you that?
Dom: ::shakes his head:: Who's the bloke? Imagine you stalked him before giving your approval.
Elijah He's nice, actually. They've been together for a few years now.
Dom: Good for her, then. Tell her I said congratulations.
Elijah I will, yeah.
Dom: Never really got to thank her properly, for everything she did for me and Billy. Guess she didn't want me to, though. She even sent the adoption papers to Billy, not me. And some letter he's still never shown me.
Elijah ::nods:: She told me about it. And she doesn't need you to thank her. You're doing that by taking care of Emma. She doesn't talk about it much, but I always give her a few pictures after I've been here. It's enough for her, I think. And Emma's been so much better off here with you and Billy than she would have been anywhere else.
Dom: We love her more than anything. She's been the glue holding us together sometimes. The reason I get out of bed half the time. I... I'd be lost without her. ::smiles:: Couldn't ask for anything more than her and Billy.
Elijah She's fantastic. I can't believe how much she's changed. She's just... I don't know. Perfect.
Dom: Surrounded by perfect people, aren't I? Christ.
Elijah Just makes your imperfections that much more obvious. ::laughs::
Dom: Aye, I know. Wankers. They're doing it to spite me.
Elijah Probably. Anything to make you look bad.
Dom: Bet Billy is in on this big scheme to make me think I have cancer just so he can say I lost all my hair before he did.
Elijah I don't know, I kind of like you with no hair. Shows off your big, sexy ears.
Dom: ::presses his face into his neck:: You know the rules. No talking about my ears. Or my nose.
Elijah ::puts his arms around him, hugging him gently, kisses behind one of his ears:: I like your nose too.
Dom: ::closes his eyes, turning red, whispers:: Thank you.
Elijah ::brushes his lips over his nose, smiles:: Bet you spend less time in front of the mirror fucking around with your hair now.
Dom: I miss it, though. Miss... knowing I looked good. Didn't realize how much I cared until I looked like this. Don't feel quite so sexy being sick in front of my husband all the time.
Elijah ::quietly:: Still look good to me. I bet Billy would say the same.
Dom: ::looks away:: You look... really good too, you know.
Elijah I still look like a kid.
Dom: ::shakes his head:: You don't. You look grown up and gorgeous. If I wasn't married, and wasn't sick... I'd be keeping you in bed with me for entirely different reasons.
Elijah ::smiles, embarrassed:: And I'd probably let you, too. ::pauses:: Miss it sometimes. Us.
Dom: I do too every once in awhile. It was just always so... comfortable. And not just the shagging. I miss you being here to talk to, too.
Elijah It was easy. I don't know, maybe because we were always friends. I think that's part of what's so hard about being with Andy. We've been together almost fifteen years now, and it's only been the last few years I feel like we've been able to be friends. It was always like swimming against the tide with him.
Dom: ::quietly:: I'm glad you and Andy have finally started to work things out. It took me a long time to realize just how right you two were for each other, but you really are, Elijah. You can see it, just looking at you two.
Elijah Just hard to realise because we're a pair of total idiots. But I love him.
Dom: Don't really know what it's like with Billy. Too hard to even explain. He's... he's my best friend in the entire world, but not in the same way you or Orlando is. And I feel like I spent so much fucking energy at first trying to figure out what that meant, and we were both so afraid back then. And now... I just want to spend what's left of my energy protecting him. I don't even know from what.
Elijah You don't need to protect him. Billy can take care of himself, and of you. It's kind of weird, seeing so much of him, getting to really talk to him while I'm here. I never really did before. But he loves you, Dom. So much more than I ever thought about loving anyone.
Dom: He's always the one taking care of me. Never really feel like I got to do the same for me. And I... I wanted the chance to.
Elijah You still have a chance. Nothing but, right?
Dom: ::smiles slightly:: Yeah.
Billy: ::parks the car in front of the house, letting himself in, goes upstairs, opening the bedroom door:: 'M not interrupting, am I? ::smiles::
Dom: ::grins, looking up at him:: Aye, you are. We were just about to have wild sex. Knew we should have put a note on the door.
Elijah ::snorts:: Shut up, he'll tell Andy and I'll be in trouble.
Billy: ::laughs:: Oh, I wouldn't have told Andy.
Dom: It would get him here.
Billy: Are we having trouble getting him here? I could ring him. Bet I can think of at least a dozen things that would get him on a plane.
Dom: He says he's busy with work. But I think Elijah here misses him already.
Elijah I've already been here a week. Longest I've been away from him in a while.
Billy: I'll have to have a chat with him. Get his arse over here.
Dom: You should. ::reaches for Billy's hand, lightly squeezing it:: He'd come, 'f you asked. Not for either of us, though.
Billy: ::looks to Elijah, squeezing Dom's hand in return:: I'll ring him if you want.
Elijah ::shakes his head:: Nah. We're kidding. I'll talk to him. He might be able to get away from the gallery next week.
Dom: I'd like to see him. Haven't in... I can't really even remember. Everything just blurs together now.
Elijah I'll call him in a bit. Tell him I'm so desperate without him I'm thinking of sleeping with Billy.
Billy: ::laughs:: That'll get him here alright.
Dom: He'd be jealous. Though the question is of who.
Billy: Of Elijah of course.
Elijah Probably right about that.
Dom: ::smiles, pauses and squeezes Billy's hand again:: Have you already had a shower?
Billy: ::blushes a bit:: Not yet. I'll just go and do that, yeah?
Elijah ::glances at Dom::
Dom: ::nods:: Then get in bed with us?
Billy: Of course, love. Anything you want. Maybe after I get in bed with you both we can ring Andy. That'd get him out of LA.
Dom: Tell him he's missing out on shagging with both of you. That would get him on the next plane.
Elijah And get me killed.
Dom: Or... Well, I don't want to think what else it might get you.
Billy: ::smiles, starts to undress:: It'd get him shagged good and proper as soon as Andy could get here.
Dom: We'd have to schedule it so Emma wouldn't be here when he arrived. Couldn't have her hearing her uncles going at it.
Elijah Are you kidding? He'd have me twice on the way here from the airport.
Billy: That'd hold him for a bit, wouldn't it? ::laughs, going into the bathroom to shower::
Dom: ::watches Billy go, smiles quickly at Elijah::
Elijah ::waits until Billy turns the water on before speaking:: You okay?
Dom: Aye. Just don't like him to get into bed without a shower after...
Elijah Right. No, I guess not. ::quiet for a minute:: So you and he don't... anything? At all?
Dom: I... I blow him sometimes, but he's usually so tense it's pointless.
Elijah I'm sorry.
Dom: ::shrugs slightly:: Nothing to be done about it, is there?
Elijah Still. That's shit. I mean, I know it's not everything, but...
Dom: ::sighs quietly:: I miss it, but I can't... ::laughs bitterly:: I can't even stay hard. Christ. I don't know. Chemo did something to me. They said it might, but... didn't really expect this. And we've tried other things, but it hurts so fucking much now, or it just doesn't work...
Elijah ::hugs him:: Jesus. I'm sorry, Dom.
Dom: ::sighs and hugs him back::
Elijah ::strokes his back:: Maybe it will get better.
Dom: They said they could do surgery or some fucking implant thing, but jesus. I don't want any more surgery. For all we know, it wouldn't even help. I might just be bloody brain damaged from the cancer. ::laughs::
Elijah Maybe you just need some Viagra, man. ::snickers:: Though I wouldn't recommend trying it when Emma's around in case it works.
Dom: ::snorts, pressing his face into his neck again::
Elijah ::sighs:: Fuck, Dom. I'd fix it for you if I could.
Dom: I know, mate. I would too. Christ, I miss him.
Elijah He misses you too.
Billy: ::finishes his shower, pulls on track pants and a shirt, goes back into the bedroom::
Dom: ::glances at him and wipes quickly at his eyes, pulling away a bit from Elijah::
Billy: Got room for me in there?
Dom: Always. ::holds up the blankets on the other side of him::
Elijah ::slides closer to the other side of the bed to make more room::
Billy: ::crawls under the covers, kisses Dom::
Dom: ::kisses him back, smiling weakly, fidgeting between the two of them until he's comfortable::
Billy: Alright?
Dom: ::nods:: This is nice. Both of you here.
Billy: Nice to have Elijah here, isn't it?
Dom: Aye. ::smiles and takes Elijah's hand, stroking his fingers over Billy's arm with his other hand:: Thank you.
Elijah ::squeezes his hand:: Wouldn't be anywhere else. Generally speaking, that is.
Billy: What, you mean to tell me you're not enjoying being in bed with both of us?
Elijah Yeah, it's not like I pictured it. Not that I ever did or anything.
Dom: ::laughs:: Prat. I bet this is your fantasy. But if Andy comes, we're going to need a bigger bed. Or make him sleep at our feet.
Elijah I don't think he'd go for that, but you're welcome to ask him.
Dom: Do you think he'd hit a bloke with cancer? Probably would, yeah?
Elijah Nah. Even Andy isn't that bad.
Dom: Then I'm safe.
Billy: I don't know, I think California has mellowed him out.
Elijah For Andy? Yeah.
Dom: So I can say anything to him?
Elijah I don't know if I'd go that far.
Dom: Can try, at least. Not that it's stopped me in the past.
Billy: Still not past torturing Andy for the fun of it?
Dom: That never gets old, love. Kind of like tormenting you.
Elijah ::smiles:: Well, I'll leave you two to torment each other. It's mid-afternoon at home, so I think I'll call Andy.
Dom: Tell him he should come, Elijah. There's room here.
Elijah I will. I really want him here.
Billy: Tell him it'd do him some good to be back here.
Elijah I'll use his children against him if I have to, don't worry. ::grins, standing up::
Dom: ::reaches for his hand to stop him, tugging gently on his shirt to pull him down for a brief kiss:: Don't stay up all night having phone sex and spoiling our sheets, Wood.
Elijah If I do, I'll wash them in the morning. ::laughs:: Good night. I'll see you tomorrow.
Billy: Good night, Elijah.
Dom: Night, mate. ::rests his head on Billy's shoulder, trying to get comfortable again::
Billy: ::kisses his forehead, watches as Elijah closes the bedroom door behind him::
Elijah ::goes into the guest room, looking for his mobile, calls Andy::
Dom: ::very quietly:: I love you.
Andy: ::sighs when he hears his phone ringing, answers it instantly when he sees it's Elijah calling:: Hello?
Elijah ::smiles, happy to hear his voice:: Hey. Not busy are you?
Andy: It's a bloody mad house over here, getting a new shipment in. But I've time. The hell time is it there, though?
Elijah I don't know. Late, kind of. I can call you back later if you want. Or you can call me.
Andy: I told you, it's fine. Really. Glad to hear from you.
Elijah ::sighs:: Jesus, it's so good to hear your voice.
Andy: ::smiles:: What? Dom and Billy and Emma's voices not good enough?
Elijah They're not you. And it's been a fucking strange night.
Andy: ::pauses, looking around the gallery and goes outside to sit on the steps:: Everything alright?
Elijah Yeah, okay. Just been talking to Dom and... Fuck, he's so resigned to it.
Andy: ::sighs quietly:: He's been sick a long time now, I guess.
Elijah It's like he's already given up. Already got himself dead and buried.
Andy: Christ. I can't imagine how Billy deals with him.
Elijah Apparently Billy's got a fucking girlfriend.
Andy: A... what?
Elijah Yeah. Dom said he told him to go out and find someone to fuck and that's exactly what he did.
Andy: Jesus. Have they all gone mad?
Elijah I don't know. I feel like they have. But it's just so fucked up, Dom being so sick and he and Billy can't have sex and...
Andy: ::sighs, rubbing his forehead:: Just don't you come back here off your head.
Elijah Just going a little crazy missing you.
Andy: At least you have those two bastards. I've just got Chaucer.
Elijah Yeah, I was just in bed with those two bastards.
Andy: ::laughs:: They're tricking you, mate. Telling you they can't shag each other, but they'll sleep with you.
Elijah Sadly, no. Still having to make do with jerking off at least twice a day.
Andy: Should warn me before you ring. I'll make sure I'm somewhere less private and see if I can't help you out. As much as I can, anyway, being across a bloody ocean.
Elijah Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that.
Andy: About phone sex?
Elijah About you being across an ocean.
Andy: You... Oh.
Elijah We could talk about the phone sex thing if you'd rather.
Andy: No. Prefer to be there, shagging you in person. It's just so fucking busy here right now, and you've no idea how long you're staying, do you?
Elijah No. I don't have to worry about filming. I don't have anything scheduled. My agent is sending scripts to me here, but they're all kind of crap. Thought I might stay here a while.
Andy: I might be able to get away for a week or two. I'll probably have to come back before you, but at least I'd get to see you. And Billy. And, fuck, my kids.
Elijah Could you? I miss you.
Andy: I miss you too. Tired of going home to an empty house and bed every night. About ready to call a brothel, see if they have any big, blue-eyed American lads who could come and cook dinner for me.
Elijah ::laughs:: I miss home. And cooking for you. But maybe the brothel could find you someone.
Andy: Should ask. Might be cheaper than a plane ticket.
Elijah But I'd make it worth your while if you bought a plane ticket instead.
Andy: Yeah? Might just have to take you up on that. ::quiet for a moment:: Sunday is the soonest I could get away.
Elijah Whenever you can. I'd really... ::softly:: Please come, Andy.
Andy: ::grips the phone tighter:: I will. I promise, Elijah.
Elijah It's so shit being here without you.
Andy: They driving you that mad?
Elijah No. They're great. It's good being back in Glasgow. I'm glad I can be here so long. I've been talking a lot to Billy. Dom and I are getting to talk. Spending a lot of time with Emma, too. Fuck, Lorraine even let me see your kids earlier this week. It's just not the same without you.
Andy: I'll be there as soon as I can be, Elijah. It's no good here without you either. Never is.
Elijah Thank you.
Andy: ::sighs quietly:: If I stay here all night, I might be able to be done by Friday instead of Saturday. Could be there Saturday afternoon.
Elijah Don't kill yourself to get here. Sunday or Monday would be okay.
Andy: Just want to see you again. It's been too long already.
Elijah Yeah. Been a while since we've been away from each other this long. Used to be we couldn't be together longer than a few hours and now we can't be apart. Wonder when the hell that changed.
Andy: Best not to question things like that. ::smiles:: Like the way things have changed, though.
Elijah Me too.
Andy: Do you need to get to bed?
Elijah I will in a while. Just wanted to talk to you before I did.
Andy: ::softly:: Thanks. ::laughs:: Missed the sound of your voice. When I turn into such a sap?
Elijah Don't know. Apparently the sappy you likes Dom a hell of a lot more than he used to, though.
Andy: Is that so?
Elijah ::quietly:: He told me what you sent him.
Andy: ::clears his throat:: I don't know what you're talking about.
Elijah Alright, fine. But he wanted me to thank you.
Andy: Aye, well... Don't tell him anything from me.
Elijah Can I ask why you didn't send him the thing you say you didn't?
Andy: Taking photos of you always got me through our rough patches. Thought... maybe it might help him hold on in ways he couldn't otherwise. But I didn't send it. So that's purely hypothetical.
Elijah ::smiles, wiping his eyes:: That was the best thing you never did.
Andy: Oh god. You're going to start crying on me now, aren't you? Or starting that, 'Andy, you do have a heart' nonsense.
Elijah Don't be fucking ridiculous. I always knew you had a heart. And I can cry on command, so it's not like it's special or anything.
Andy: You're fucking weird. ::laughs, shaking his head::
Elijah Yeah, so are you. Probably why we get along.
Andy: One of the reasons, anyway.
Elijah Guess I should get some sleep.
Andy: I'll call you as soon as I know my flight information.
Elijah Okay, yeah. I'll pick you up at the airport here.
Andy: ::nods, softly:: I miss you.
Elijah I miss you too. ::smiles:: You could call me when you go to bed tonight. I'll probably be just waking up. Could have phone sex. You go to bed happy, I wake up happy.
Andy: Sounds brilliant. ::smirks:: Keep your phone handy, then.
Elijah I'll keep it on vibrate under my pillow. ::snickers::
Andy: ::laughs:: I'll talk to you later, Elijah... I love you. ::smiles:: Good night.
Elijah I love you too. Good night. ::hangs up::
Andy: ::hangs up as well and goes back inside::

An Author's Note: Wednesday is the final and very last post ever. But starting on Friday, we're going to start taking a final round of character questions in the painted_whiskey thread. There will be a new character thread opened on each MWF, the same posting schedule as the RP. And last, you can ask the writers (myself and giddy_london questions. Thank you to those who have been with us since the beginning, those who have stopped reading, and those who are just finding our story. It's almost over.
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