Part Eight

Jun 27, 2007 19:23

Orlando: ::sitting on the sofa, huddled under a blanket, sipping a cup of tea and staring at the telly::
Sean: ::unlocks the door to the house and steps inside, glancing around, stops when he sees Orlando:: I... got out of the pub early. ::frowns, going over to him:: Are you alright?
Orlando: ::glances over at him, smiles weakly:: Fine. What are you doing home so early?
Sean: Wanted to see you. ::sits next to him:: Why are you under that blanket? It's already hot in here.
Orlando: It isn't. It's freezing.
Sean: Christ, no, it's not. ::frowns, still watching him:: Is Fiona still awake?
Orlando: ::shakes his head:: She's asleep. I had to pick her up from school early today.
Sean: Early? Didn't get into trouble, did she?
Orlando: No. Sick. And so am I. You might not want to get too close.
Sean: Sick? Why didn't you ring me, Orlando? I'd have come home sooner and helped.
Orlando: What could you have done? I got her home and into bed, tea and soup for her sore throat, bit of cold medicine. ::coughs::
Sean: I've seen Dom and Billy when Emma's sick... Takes two of them. ::stands, pressing a hand lightly to his forehead:: Did you give yourself the same treatment?
Orlando: She's alright. I promise. I'd have asked you to come home if I'd needed you.
Sean: ::nods slowly, carefully takes the cup of tea from him:: Glad she's okay. But you don't look as though you are.
Orlando: I'm okay. Felt better, but alright.
Sean: I'm going to refill this, and then you're coming upstairs for a bath, yeah? No arguing.
Orlando: Could you put a bit more whiskey in for me?
Sean: ::laughs quietly and nods, heading for the kitchen:: Did you eat some soup as well?
Orlando: ::calls after him:: Not hungry.
Sean: ::shakes his head and rewarms the tea, getting a few crackers for him as well::
Orlando: ::sits back in the couch, pulling his blanket tighter around him::
Sean: ::comes back out a few minutes later with a tray of the tea and crackers and hands it to him, sitting beside him again:: You have to eat something, Orlando... ::leans over, kissing his forehead::
Orlando: I'm fine, Sean. Anyway, crackers will hurt my throat. ::takes the tea, sipping it:: Not too close. Don't want you to get sick.
Sean: You can still eat a few. You can't just not eat, love. And I'm perfectly fine being here.
Orlando: They hurt my throat. I don't want them. Too scratchy.
Sean: ::picks up the crackers and eats one, going back into the kitchen:: Then you're getting soup.
Orlando: ::stands, following him to the kitchen:: I can get it.
Sean: ::shakes his head:: I'm sure you can, but you won't. You're sick. Just... go sit back down. Drink your tea. I'll bring this in shortly.
Orlando: There's some homemade soup in the refrigerator. I'll just heat it up, yeah?
Sean: ::smiles, giving him a slight nudge:: I mean it, Orlando, go sit down. I'm not so inept that I can't warm you a bit of soup.
Orlando: ::sits down at the kitchen table:: I didn't say you were.
Sean: ::kisses his cheek and goes to get him his blanket, bringing it back and wrapping it around his shoulders before starting to warm up the soup::
Orlando: Thank you.
Sean: I can at least do this. ::shakes his head:: You should have rung earlier...
Orlando: We were fine. Really.
Sean: ::laughs quietly:: If I was home sick... You'd have taken off work.
Orlando: But you never get sick.
Sean: I get sick sometimes. I'm not some bloody mutant. ::smiles, stirring the soup::
Orlando: ::snorts, coughing::
Sean: I do get sick, though. ::gets out a bowl and pours him some of the soup, sitting beside him again::
Orlando: Sure, now we've a child in school picking up every germ known to man.
Sean: ::laughs, pouring himself a glass of whiskey:: Just what we asked for.
Orlando: ::blows on a spoonful of soup to cool it:: We did, yeah. Must not have been thinking about germs at the time.
Sean: We were thinking clearly. This is just... part of being a parent, I suppose. ::smiles:: But people without children still get sick, too.
Orlando: ::blows on a spoonful of soup to cool it:: We did, yeah. Must not have been thinking about germs at the time.
Orlando: I just hate being sick. I haven't been able to get comfortable all day.
Sean: Don't know that I've ever seen you sick.
Orlando: ::smiles, swallowing some of his soup:: I wouldn't let you. Remember that week I didn't return your calls? When we were still living in Edinburgh?
Sean: ::laughs, staring at him:: You were sick? You are mad... I wouldn't have minded, Orlando. I don't expect you to never be sick.
Orlando: I'm not pleasant when I'm not feeling well. As you can see. ::sips his tea::
Sean: You're not so very bad. ::smiles:: Your nose is just a bit red. And still trying to do everything around here...
Orlando: And I'm freezing and have a fever and I ache all over. Feels more like the flu than a cold.
Sean: ::quiet for a moment, thinking:: Do we have some flu medicine? I can pick some up in the morning. But right now... Why don't you just finish that soup, and I'll draw you a warm bath?
Orlando: I don't know. We've a few things in the drawer in the bathroom. I had to stop and get a few things for Fiona. I think she's half the reason I feel so bad now. She's a handful. ::smiles::
Sean: Call me next time, Orlando. There's no bloody reason for you to exhaust yourself trying to take care of both of you when I'm just down the street.
Orlando: I know, but you've the pub. I'm just sat here on my arse writing.
Sean: What's that to do with anything?
Orlando: It's not as important. I was already here anyway.
Sean: Stop it. It is as important, and you know that.
Orlando: Well, it's easier to put on hold, then.
Sean: ::sighs quietly:: Orlando, I... ::shakes his head slightly, gently:: You know that's not true. I wish you'd just ask me for help sometimes.
Orlando: But I didn't need help. ::continues eating his soup:: We were fine. Really.
Sean: If you're both still sick tomorrow... I'll take the day off. ::watches him for a moment:: I'm going to start that bath. Come up when you've finished that soup, but don't do the dishes. ::smiles:: I can get them after. Really.
Orlando: ::pushes his bowl aside:: I'm finished anyway. ::stands, taking his dishes to the sink::
Sean: ::moves to take the dishes from him, laughs:: Come on.
Orlando: I was just going to set them down.
Sean: ::kisses him quickly:: Aye, sure you were.
Orlando: ::pushes him away:: You'll get sick.
Sean: Orlando... ::shakes his head and steps back:: Up the stairs with you.
Orlando: ::starts upstairs, dragging his blanket behind him::
Sean: ::follows behind him, trying not to trip over the blanket::
Orlando: ::sniffles, opens Fiona's door to check on her::
Sean: ::hugs him from behind, glancing past him - quietly:: She looks fine now that she's sleeping.
Orlando: I'll need to wake her in another two hours for more medicine.
Sean: You'll not need to do anything of the sort. I can.
Orlando: ::sighs, nodding:: Alright. ::shuts the door, walks into their bedroom::
Sean: Bath first, remember? ::tugs on the back of his shirt::
Orlando: I remember.
Sean: ::goes into the bathroom and turns on the water::
Orlando: ::follows him, pulling off his clothes reluctantly, shivering::
Sean: ::watches him for a moment, lightly stroking his thigh:: You'll be warm soon.
Orlando: ::laughs, shaking:: Make sure the water's hot, yeah?
Sean: ::nods and checks the temperature, wincing:: Might even be too hot.
Orlando: ::sticks his hand in:: No. God, that's perfect.
Sean: ::sits on the edge of the bath tub, reaching to help him in::
Orlando: ::gets in the tub, sits down:: Oh, that's brilliant.
Sean: ::smiles, rubbing his shoulders:: Not so cold now?
Orlando: ::nods:: Bit better, yeah.
Sean: ::nods and keeps stroking his back, trying to warm him::
Orlando: ::shivers again::
Sean: Jesus. You're really not okay... ::stands and goes to search through the drawers for flu medicine::
Orlando: No, I'm fine. Come back and sit down.
Sean: ::goes back over to him and sits down with him again, watching him::
Orlando: ::smiles:: It was just you touching me, that's all. I promise.
Sean: ::laughs, turning a bit red - leans down to kiss the back of his neck:: Utterly mad, you are.
Orlando: Oi! Is that what I get for complimenting you and your hands?
Sean: ::smiles, quiet for a minute:: I sort of like this. ::grins:: You don't usually let me do things for you. Always making sure I'm happy and fed and well-rested. Don't often get to do the same for you.
Orlando: ::snorts, coughing again:: I love that you love that I'm sick.
Sean: ::laughs, splashing him slightly with the bath water:: Prat. That's not what I meant. Just... It's nice, getting to do things for you.
Orlando: You do lots of things for me.
Sean: Not in the same way.
Orlando: Maybe not. But you still do things. For me and Fiona.
Sean: I do the best that I can. 'S all I really know how to do.
Orlando: Well, your best is more than good enough.
Sean: ::smiles, takes his hand and squeezes it:: Good.
Orlando: How was work anyway?
Sean: Was sort of a quiet night. I didn't feel bad about leaving early. Besides, they get on well enough without me most of the time. I just wish I'd been here early enough to see Fiona.
Orlando: You can see her tomorrow. Hopefully she'll be feeling better then.
Sean: Even if she's not, she'll probably still act it to stay home from school...
Orlando: A couple of days at home won't kill her. ::smiles::
Sean: Bet you'd like that. Both of us being home in the day, taking care of you...
Orlando: ::coughs:: I'll be better tomorrow.
Sean: Hope so, love. ::squeezes his shoulder:: Warmed up?
Orlando: ::sneezes, nodding:: Starting to get cold again.
Sean: Want me to turn the tap on again, or get to bed?
Orlando: Bed sounds good.
Sean: ::nods and rolls up his sleeve, reaching into the water to pull up the drain; stands, grabbing one of the towels and holding it up for him::
Orlando: ::stands up, stepping out of the tub, pulling the towel around him::
Sean: ::moves to the doorway, waiting for him::
Orlando: ::goes into the bedroom, digging through a pile of clean clothes in the chair::
Sean: ::starts to pull off his clothes, watching Orlando:: Be glad when you aren't sick anymore. ::smiles:: Hate watching you... put on clothes. Much nicer when it's in reverse.
Orlando: ::snorts, pulling on track pants and a long-sleeved shirt:: Just want me to feel better so you can shag me.
Sean: That's not the only reason... Fiona will start to complain after a few days of eating soup, and I'm not much of a cook. ::climbs into the bed, holding up the blankets for Orlando::
Orlando: ::climbs under the covers, pulling them up to his chin:: Isn't that where your great talent comes in? Ringing to order takeaway?
Sean: Don't like to use my special powers often, though... Not getting sick. Ringing for take away. They have to be used sparingly. ::smiles and gets up, getting another blanket and putting it over Orlando before getting back into the bed::
Orlando: I didn't realise there was a limit to your special powers. ::smiles, pulling the blanket up:: Thank you.
Sean: I'm not... I do get sick sometimes, Orlando. Not perfect. ::leans over, kissing his cheek::
Orlando: Perfect enough.
Sean: ::smiles:: I wish you wouldn't say that. I don't want to be perfect. I know I'm not. I just love you and... want things to be as good for you as they are for me, because of all you've done.
Orlando: I've not done anything. ::finds his hands under the covers, squeezes it::
Sean: You have.
Orlando: ::gently:: Shut it. So have you.
Sean: Aye, alright. ::laughs, stroking his hair:: You'll feel better in the morning.
Orlando: ::closes his eyes:: Mmm. Better now you're home.
Sean: I'll be the one sick tomorrow, then. And you can take care of me.
Orlando: Like taking care of you.
Sean: ::teasing:: I like it too.
Orlando: ::laughs:: I know you do.
Sean: Like taking care of you too, though. ::grins, closing his eyes, gently:: I love you.
Orlando: ::moves closer to him, resting his head on his shoulder:: Love you too.
Sean: ::relaxes against him:: Now try and sleep...
Orlando: Don't think that'll be a problem.
Sean: ::smiles and nudges him gently, starting to fall asleep::
Orlando: ::sleeps, snoring quietly::
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