Part Six

Jun 22, 2007 18:01

Sean: ::unlocks the door to their hotel suite, holding the door open for Orlando:: I'll get the bags if you'll just go in and bloody relax for a few minutes.
Orlando: I'm relaxed. I'm exhausted from the plane. ::smiles, goes into the room::
Sean: ::props the door open with one of the bags, bringing the others into the room:: Wasn't so bad, though, as plane rides go. And now we're here.
Orlando: I'm just glad I could finally convince you to go on a real holiday for a change.
Sean: Usually hate planes. Would rather go somewhere I can drive, or at least take the train. ::smiles:: And what's this about you convincing me to go? It was my idea for a holiday. You just... picked the place.
Orlando: But before, years ago, you said you'd never been anywhere really, and didn't want to.
Sean: ::finishes with the bags and closes the door, going over to him and hugging him from behind:: Like staying in one place. But you needed this. Maybe we both did.
Orlando: Just couldn't stay in Glasgow much longer. I'm going mad. Anyway, we did need a holiday.
Sean: And I made sure the agency had our number here in Greece. Just in case. But I don't want you thinking about that.
Orlando: They've our mobile numbers. ::quietly:: I know you told me to leave mine at home, but I brought it with me.
Sean: I assumed you would. ::kisses the back of his neck, murmurs:: Just don't let me see you checking it every five minutes. We're here to relax.
Orlando: I won't. Promise. I want to have a nice holiday with you.
Sean: ::smiles, sitting down on the bed:: And what would you like to do on this holiday, Orlando?
Orlando: I want to lie next to you on the beach and tease you at dinner that you've got a sunburn. ::grins::
Sean: Going to make me regret this whole holiday... ::smiles, shaking his head:: To the beach, then? Shall we change?
Orlando: Only if you remembered to pack the sunscreen. Don't want you to get too burned.
Sean: It's in my bag. And so are towels. ::kisses him, closing his eyes::
Orlando: ::kisses him back, laughing a bit:: You packed towels?
Sean: I... Why is that so funny? ::runs a hand through his hair:: There are towels here for after your shower, and... don't want sand in them, do you?
Orlando: They'll replace the towels if you ask. Or they'd bloody well better with what we're paying to stay here.
Sean: ::nods slightly, going to get two from the bathroom:: Haven't stayed somewhere this nice since my days of playing. And I wasn't exactly paying for those rooms.
Orlando: ::smiles, pulling his shirt off:: Just so long as you weren't paying for the girls you'd take back to those rooms.
Sean: You're the one with the prostitutes, Orlando. We all know that. ::smiles and tosses one of the towels at him, digging through his bag for his swimming trunks::
Orlando: Well, it was just the once. And he was rather worth it. ::opens his suitcase::
Sean: ::snorts:: Was he? ::finds them and starts to undress, pulling on the swimming trunks; pauses, amused:: What would I be worth?
Orlando: ::finishes undressing, looks at him:: You're worth everything.
Sean: ::turns red, clearing his throat and picking his towel back up again:: Are you ready?
Orlando: ::pulls on his swim trunks and a t-shirt:: Yeah. Ready.
Sean: ::pauses, remembering the sunblock and smiles quickly at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders:: Let's go, then. ::teasing:: Have your mobile?
Orlando: Shut it. I'm leaving it here. Have you got the room key?
Sean: ::nods:: And my wallet. We'll be fine, I think. ::nudges him toward the door:: Come on.
Orlando: ::walks out into the hallway::
Sean: ::follows him, leading him onto the elevator:: You know I really am going to burn, don't you?
Orlando: No you're not. I won't let you. I'll rub sunscreen on you twenty times a day if I have to.
Sean: Won't say no to that.
Orlando: I'll have a nice tan when we go home, though.
Sean: ::grins, running a hand over his arm:: Think I'd like that as well. Don't know why I didn't agree to this sooner...
Orlando: I don't either. Didn't I mention I'd be lying half naked on a beach somewhere if we went on holiday?
Sean: Obviously not. Should have, and we'd have been going on holidays ages before this.
Orlando: Better enjoy this one. It might be the first and last where it's just the two of us.
Sean: Might be, aye. ::watches him, gently:: But... if it's not, that wouldn't be so bad, Orlando. I quite like you, you know.
Orlando: I should hope so by now. ::pauses:: I'll be alright if it's just us forever.
Sean: ::smiles, kisses his cheek:: I would be as well. But if it's not... ::nods:: I'd like that as well. A lot.
Orlando: We're not supposed to be thinking about that this week, remember?
Sean: You obviously don't agree if you brought your mobile.
Orlando: And you didn't bring yours?
Sean: ::glances at him:: I didn't. ::clears his throat:: I gave it to Billy and told him to pretend to be me if they rang.
Orlando: ::laughs:: I'm not sure Billy could manage your accent. You're a sneaky bastard, you know that?
Sean: Well, I still managed not to bring it, didn't I? ::grins::
Orlando: Come on. You're making me nervous again talking about it.
Sean: ::shakes his head:: I'm sorry. Let's just get to the beach.
Orlando: No, don't be sorry. It's just that I want this so much.
Sean: ::laughs:: Christ, I think I know that by now.
Orlando: It's nearly the only thing you talk about as well, I'll have you know.
Sean: It's why we're still together. We'd bore anyone else to tears.
Orlando: You'd never bore me.
Sean: ::kisses his forehead:: Good. Now stop being such a sap, love. ::grins as they get to the beach, looking around:: Where do you want to sit?
Orlando: ::nudges him:: Not a sap. Wanker. ::glances around:: I don't know. Wherever you like. Not too crowded at the moment anyway.
Sean: ::nods and moves to lay one of the blankets down, sitting on it and pulling out the sunblock:: Don't really even need to swim. Could just sit here all day.
Orlando: Maybe you don't, but I can't wait to get in the water. ::spreads out his towel, sitting down and taking off his shirt::
Sean: ::looks at the sunblock for a moment, then gets some on his hands and reaches to rub it on Orlando's back, massaging his shoulders for a brief moment:: You can swim. I'm an old man. Can just sit here and look at the men. ::smirks, kissing his cheek::
Orlando: Mmmm. ::leans into his touch:: You're not an old man. And you'd better not be looking at anyone but me.
Sean: You are nice to look at. ::puts some more lotion on his hands, rubbing them against his chest and humming quietly:: Very nice, actually.
Orlando: Remember we're in public. ::smiles::
Sean: Not groping you. Yet. ::grins and slides his hands over his arms::
Orlando: Better not be. I know the ancient Greeks were all for homosexuality, but I don't know about the modern Greeks. ::laughs, looking around:: Not that most of these people aren't tourists anyway.
Sean: Might be arrested for doing this. ::laughs quietly, moving his hands down his sides and over his thighs, then reaches to rub the lotion onto his legs:: Not quite how I want to spend my holiday, though. I'll have to keep my hands to myself.
Orlando: At least while we're not in our room anyway. ::smiles, watching his hands::
Sean: ::kisses his cheek as he finishes, handing him the lotion:: Will you put it on my back?
Orlando: ::shifts around to sit behind him, kisses the back of his neck, murmurs:: I'll put it anywhere you like it.
Sean: ::laughs, leaning his head forward:: Can't do that here, remember?
Orlando: Mmmm. Shame. ::starts to rub sunscreen on his back:: Guess I'll just have to let you put it anywhere you like it later.
Sean: Oh, I will. That's a promise.
Orlando: ::laughs, putting more sunscreen on him::
Sean: ::closes his eyes, relaxing:: That feels nice, really.
Orlando: Just an excuse for public groping. And making sure you don't get a sunburn.
Sean: If I get sunburned too badly, won't be any groping...
Orlando: I know. That's why you should let me feel free to rub lotion on you many, many times while we're out here.
Sean: ::laughs quietly:: Are you almost finished?
Orlando: I think I'm done, yeah.
Sean: ::nods and stands up slowly:: I'll go swimming. For a bit, if you like.
Orlando: I didn't think to ask you - do you know how?
Sean: ::laughs:: To swim?
Orlando: What? Some people don't.
Sean: Hope you can swim better than you play footie.
Orlando: Wanker. I can swim better than you can play footie.
Sean: ::grins:: Probably can. ::shrugs:: Always preferred canoeing or kayaking or such. Being on top of the water rather than in it. But this will do.
Orlando: ::stands up, walking toward the sea:: Forget about the water - you can be on top of me later.
Sean: That's not making me want to stay here... ::kicks his shoes off and follows him, smirks and kicks him with some of the water when they get to the water's edge::
Orlando: ::wades in up to his knees:: God, this is fantastic.
Sean: ::watches him:: There's beaches in England. ::smiles and keeps walking into the water::
Orlando: Not like this, though. Not with warm water, or water this clear. This is brilliant.
Sean: You're mad. But this is nice. ::closes his eyes and goes underwater, coming up a moment later:: Been ages since I've been swimming.
Orlando: Shame. You're quite lovely when you're wet. ::grins, diving under the water::
Sean: ::grabs his leg when he swims past, laughing::
Orlando: ::kicks free of him, swimming a bit further away before coming up from under the water::
Sean: ::watches him, smiling - murmurs:: Prat.
Orlando: ::turns over onto his back, floating up to the surface::
Sean: ::shakes his head and keeps swimming, moving further away:: Should bring a ball out here next time we come.
Orlando: A ball? For what?
Sean: Throw it around. ::laughs:: What do you usually do with a ball?
Orlando: ::grins:: Yours?
Sean: ::snickering:: I know what you do with my balls, Bloom.
Orlando: Nothing you've ever complained about, that's for sure.
Sean: Don't know if you'd be as... successful with the kind of ball I meant, though.
Orlando: So long as I'm successful with your balls, I don't care about any others.
Sean: ::laughs and splashes him:: Have you been saving all of this bad innuendo for the holiday?
Orlando: Innuendo? Sean, you know that's my pathetic way of trying to flirt with you.
Sean: Is it really? ::pauses, laughs again:: I love you, even if you're mad.
Orlando: I'm a writer, we're all mad. Part of the job. ::smiles::
Sean: ::swims back over to him, kisses his forehead:: Like you that way.
Orlando: Good. Not planning on changing.
Sean: ::smiles:: Love you like this, even.
Orlando: So you say. Good thing, really. Since I love you as well.
Sean: Already starting to feel like I'm burning. ::winces, rubbing his shoulder::
Orlando: Really? We've only been out here for less than half an hour.
Sean: Used to never seeing the sun.
Orlando: Should we go back? I don't want you to burn.
Sean: We'll stay. A bit longer, anyway.
Orlando: Not if you're going to get burnt.
Sean: ::laughs:: It's fine, really. I'll just put on more of the lotion. ::smiles at him and swims off again::
Orlando: ::follows after him:: You're sure? We can go if you want. I don't want to listen to you complaining the rest of the week.
Sean: ::sighs and rubs his shoulder again:: Maybe we can come back later? When the sun isn't quite so bad?
Orlando: ::nods:: Yeah. Of course. Mornings and evenings, yeah? I think we'll be able to find something to occupy ourselves in the afternoons.
Sean: Imagine that shouldn't be a problem. ::grins and puts his shoes back on, drying himself off with the towel::
Orlando: ::runs his hands through his hair, wiping his face on his towel:: No, I wouldn't think so.
Sean: ::puts his hand over his and lowers the towel, kissing him::
Orlando: ::kisses him back, closing his eyes briefly::
Sean: ::pulls back after a moment, wiping his own face off with his towel:: Let's get back. We can do more than that at the hotel.
Orlando: Mmmm. Hope that's a promise.
Sean: It is. ::picks back up the rest of their things and starts to walk back::
Orlando: ::takes his hand, walking with him:: I'd like to be able to take Fiona on holiday.
Sean: ::glances at their hands, then at him:: Where would you take her? ::smiles:: You'd probably let her talk you into one of those Disney theme parks, wouldn't you? The one in France, maybe. ::kisses his cheek::
Orlando: If she wanted, sure. Anywhere she'd want to go, really. I like traveling. 'S fun. Getting to see new places and things. I'd love to take her all over. And you as well.
Sean: She'd probably be easier to convince than I am. But it would be different, I suppose. Traveling as a whole family.
Orlando: ::looks over at him:: We would be a family, wouldn't we?
Sean: We already are, I think.
Orlando: I know we are. ::smiles::
Sean: ::kisses him again, murmurs:: But all the same, would like to take... Fiona to places as well.
Orlando: Me too. ::squeezes his hand as they walk back into the hotel::
Sean: ::kisses his cheek, going inside when they return::
Orlando: ::leads the way to their room::
Sean: ::follows him, unlocking the door when they get back, kissing him again, a bit harder::
Orlando: ::kisses him back, pressing against him::
Sean: ::pushes him into the room and backs him up against a wall, reaching blindly to close the door::
Orlando: ::grasps his waist, deepening the kiss::
Sean: ::kisses him back, closing his eyes::
Orlando: Mmmm. You taste like the ocean.
Sean: ::tugs at his shirt again, getting it off and moving to kiss down his chest:: Should have waited until after we did this before we went out...
Orlando: ::arches toward him:: This is the real reason you wanted to come back, isn't it?
Sean: ::grins, grazing his teeth over his nipples:: Didn't know if you'd come back just for this. And I was getting burned.
Orlando: ::moans, leaning his head back against the wall:: You do seem rather warm right now, that's for sure.
Sean: Going to get you that way too... ::kisses lower, smiling against his skin::
Orlando: ::draws in a shaky breath:: You always do.
Sean: ::carefully sinks to his knees on the carpet, pulling his swimming trunks down over his hips::
Orlando: Sean... ::bites his lip, watching him::
Sean: ::smiles and pulls them off him, kissing the inside of his thighs::
Orlando: ::runs a hand through Sean's hair::
Sean: ::closes his eyes, stroking his cock slowly::
Orlando: Mmmm. ::shifts his hips, moving against his hand::
Sean: ::smiles and takes the tip of his cock into his mouth, stroking his thigh instead::
Orlando: ::moans, shaking a little::
Sean: ::takes more into his mouth, humming around him and reaching to cup his balls::
Orlando: God... Sean... ::tightens his grip in Sean's hair, trying to stay still::
Sean: ::sucks harder, glancing up at him and moving his hand behind him, pressing a finger slowly into him::
Orlando: ::groans, pressing back against his hand::
Sean: ::pulls back slowly, licking his lips:: Get on the bed.
Orlando: ::moves toward the bed, glancing back at him::
Sean: ::gets up, rubbing his knees and moving over to the bed, smiles at him::
Orlando: ::sits on the edge of the bed::
Sean: ::leans down to kiss him again, pressing him onto his back and laying beside him:: 'S better...
Orlando: And we haven't got to share the bed with the dog.
Sean: ::laughs quietly, pressing against him:: No.
Orlando: Don't mind sharing it with you.
Sean: ::smiles and reaches to stroke his cock again, stills when his mobile starts to ring::
Orlando: Bloody buggering fuck I knew I shouldn't have brought that thing.
Sean: I fucking told you. ::sighs and glances at it, chewing on his lip::
Orlando: Answer it.
Sean: It's your phone, for fuck's sake.
Orlando: But it might be the agency.
Sean: And you can't answer it, Orlando?
Orlando: I'm too nervous. You answer it.
Sean: ::sighs and sits up, answering it quickly before it goes to voicemail:: Hello?
Orlando: ::watches him, biting his lip, holding onto his hand::
Sean: ::listens silently for a moment, nodding along - glances at Orlando occasionally, finally takes in a deep breath:: Thank you for calling. ::hangs up, staring at the phone::
Orlando: Well? Who was it? Was it them?
Sean: Aye, it was them. ::hands him back his mobile::
Orlando: And? What? What did they say? Is it bad news? They said no, didn't they?
Sean: ::grins suddenly, leaning down to kiss him, hard:: They said yes, Orlando.
Orlando: ::kisses him back, shocked, pushes him away slightly:: Yes?
Sean: ::quietly:: Yes. She's ours.
Orlando: ::smiles slowly:: She's ours? She really is?
Sean: ::grins and nods, kissing him again::
Orlando: ::kisses him back, rolling on top of him:: You're sure?
Sean: ::runs a hand through his hair slowly:: They just called, Orlando. Said that... that when we get back, we'd just have to sign some paperwork. And then it's really final.
Orlando: And she can come and live with us and she's really going to be our daughter? ::smiles::
Sean: ::nods, kissing his forehead, closing his eyes:: Yeah. ::laughs:: She's really going to be ours.
Orlando: ::hugs him tightly:: I can't believe... wow.
Sean: ::hugs him back, still grinning:: We've a daughter, Orlando.
Orlando: It's about sodding time. ::laughs::
Sean: Should tell them that next week when we go sign the papers...
Orlando: Don't think they'd probably appreciate that.
Sean: Don't want them changing their minds.
Orlando: No. God, that would be...
Sean: ::quickly:: They won't, Orlando.
Orlando: I know. I just can't believe that finally - finally it's going to work out.
Sean: ::grins, kissing him again:: Best get used to it.
Orlando: You'd better as well.
Sean: ::takes in a deep breath and nods:: Going to be fathers.
Orlando: Think we'll be any good at it?
Sean: Hope so, anyway. I... This is what we've been waiting for.
Orlando: For a long time.
Sean: Don't have to wait any longer. ::kisses him again, grins and rolls them back over::
Orlando: Just until we get back home. And sign papers. And whatever else we have to do.
Sean: ::kisses his neck lightly:: When we get home.
Orlando: Mmm. Feel bad saying I can't wait to get back home.
Sean: ::laughs quietly:: The room is paid for. You'd best enjoy yourself at least a little... She'll be waiting for us when we go home.
Orlando: I know. And I've wanted to go away with you for ages.
Sean: And here we are. ::strokes his hand down his chest::
Orlando: Thank you. ::smiles, kissing him::
Sean: ::kisses him back, closing his eyes::
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