Link blog: C, shooting, magic, censorship

Oct 17, 2019 00:13

post modern C tooling - draft 5
(tags: tools programming C)
‘My ties to England have loosened’: John le Carré on Britain, Boris and Brexit | Books | The Guardian “At 87, le Carré is publishing his 25th novel. He talks to John Banville about our ‘dismal statesmanship’ and what he learned from his time as a spy”
(tags: spies intelligence MI5 MI6 le-carre politics) The New Zealand Shootings: The Untold Stories | GQ A moving account of the shootings and their aftermath. Via Metafilter.
(tags: shooting terrorism racism new-zealand) How Derren Brown Remade Mind Reading for Skeptics | The New Yorker Introducing Derren Brown to the Americans. Via Mefi.
(tags: magic derren-brown mentalism) WSJ, WaPo, NYT Spread False Internet Law Claims | Cato @ Liberty Rebutting nonsense about the supposed publisher/platform distinction in Section 230 of the US’s Communications Decency Act. From the Cato Institute, so can’t be dismissed as leftist propaganda.
(tags: law censorship internet) Originally posted at Name and Nature. You can comment there. There are currently

intelligence, mi6, mi5, internet, law, mentalism, censorship, new zealand, link blog, programming, terrorism, derren brown, spies, racism, shooting, magic, politics, le carre, tools, c

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