Link blog: war, world-war-II, solstice, turing

Dec 22, 2014 01:13

The button that isn’t | Restricted Data There’s no actual big red button to launch all the missiles. Interesting article on nuclear command and control.
(tags: nuclear icbm button war missiles) Secular Solstice: Doing good for goodness’ sake - The Washington Post The WaPo reports on secular solstice celebration. Sounds cool.
(tags: atheism religion solstice) “Yer a Developer, Harry” - Programming Is Magic How being a programmer is a bit like being a wizard. Via andrewducker.
(tags: magic programming spells software wizards) A Poor Imitation of Alan Turing by Christian Caryl | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books The Imitation Game is pretty bad as history. Via HD on Facebook.
(tags: biography film review turing history war world-war-II) Originally posted at Name and Nature. You can comment there. There are currently

review, film, software, history, biography, icbm, button, turing, religion, link blog, spells, world war ii, solstice, programming, war, nuclear, magic, wizards, missiles

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