Link blog: television, management, jobs, psychology

May 12, 2014 00:13

Are you paid to look busy? Do people with useless jobs secretly resent those with useful ones?
(tags: jobs money management work employment) Interview with the Game of Thrones linguist There are a few Easter eggs in the Valyrian stuff. Fun.
(tags: television game-of-thrones language) What’s the evidence on using rational argument to change people’s minds? : May 2014 : Contributoria - community funded, collaborative journalism Are we rational or rationalising? Depends on the context.
(tags: psychology bias rationality argument persuasion logic) Originally posted at Name and Nature. You can comment there. There are currently

language, jobs, link blog, logic, argument, game of thrones, money, television, management, psychology, work, employment, persuasion, rationality, bias

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