The Open-Office Trap : The New Yorker
Open offices are horrible. Shame I work in one at the moment.
office productivity work space)
Goodnight. Sleep Clean. -
Sleep is for your cerebral fluid to clear away the accumulated junk. Maybe.
sleep insomnia brain neuroscience)
What is frame?
“My best definition is that its a social convention for how we hold our bodies so our partner knows where we are in space.” I like 619shepard’s comment because it’s less about modelling people as springs and more about how there are conventions which are taught (some of which will involve behaving like a mass on a spring some of the time, to be sure).
frame dancing lindy lindyhop reddit swing)
Bill Nye tests the benefits of swing dancing -
Bill Nye the Science Guy is a swing dancer. He extols the virtues of dancing in a short interview.
bill-nye science lindy lindyhop dancing swing fitness)
RDFRS: Secular VIP of the Week: God on Facebook
The man who plays God on Facebook. I’ve already Liked the page: it’s funny to see him responding to religious people who get offended, usually with much more grace than they show him.
god facebook funny comedy)
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