Project Euler "Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems."
puzzles maths mathematics programming)
Science, Reason and Critical Thinking: How to replace the School ICT Curriculum 10 PRINT "PAUL IS SKILL"
20 GOTO 10
The undeniable fact and its inescapable consequence | Alethian Worldview "The undeniable fact is this: God does not show up in the real world, not visibly, not audibly, not tangibly, not for you, not for me, not for saint or for sinner or for seeker. ... the inescapable consequence is that we have no alternative but to put our faith in men rather than in God. ... When men say things on God’s behalf, and make promises that God is supposed to keep, the word they tell you is the word of men, not the word of God. That’s true even if what men say is, “This is the word of God.” They’re not giving you God’s word, they’re giving you man’s word about God’s word (or at least what they claim is God’s word). Sure, you can believe what men tell you about God if you like, but if you do, you are putting your faith in men. Before you can have faith in God, God has to show up, in person, to tell you directly the things He wants you to have faith in. Otherwise it’s just faith in men."
deacon-duncan religion atheism)
I Am An Atheist: 16 Things Atheists Need Christians to Know Some only relevant to Americans, but there are some good general points.
lists religion christianity atheism)
Atheists face Muslim-led censorship from UCL Union The atheist society at UCL posted a Jesus and Mo cartoon as the image accompanying their Facebook event. One Muslim objected as the cartoon depicts Mohammed in a pub (what the Muslim was doing looking at the Facebook page for an atheist event isn't clear). The UCL student union got a complaint from someone and asked them to take it down. They refused. The story got picked up by atheist blogs and Dawkins Our Leader and hence the newspapers. The union backed down though there's still the vague threat in the air that the atheist soc might be guilty of bullying or harassment.
Hopefully the media attention has put the fear of God into the Union and they won't be so silly in future. Muslims do not have the right not to be offended.
richard-dawkins dawkins ucl university censorship religion islam)
Bash Tips for Power Users I didn't know about the "fc" command. Nice.
programming shell unix linux bash)
Twilight: The Use of Sparkle If Iain M. Banks had written Twilight. Funny, even though I've never read/seen any Twilight.
parody twilight iain-m-banks sf science-fiction sci-fi culture books)
So who is good enough to get into Cambridge? | Education | The Guardian Guardian reporter sits in on admissions meetings at my old college. Inevitably, the photo with the story is of King's, because it's prettier than Churchill.
churchill cambridge-university university education cambridge)
Fat Acceptance Movement. || kuro5hin is still alive: who knew? Anyway, this is a recent Diary entry from HollyHopDrive who discovered a bunch of Fat Acceptance blogs while looking for fitness information. Her division of what she found into stuff she agrees with and bullshit looks sound.
medicine health fat)
The Americanization of Mental Illness - The expression of mental illness is cultural: anorexia was more or less introduced to Hong Kong by newspaper articles. A view in which mental illness is caused by brain problems rather than childhood experiences or demons actually makes people less sympathetic to those with mental illness, because they're perceived as being unfixable.
anorexia schizophrenia culture science psychiatry psychology)