Link blog: funny, sam-harris, rapture, science

May 31, 2011 12:15

YouTube - Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie Tim Minchin's beat poem about New Age bullshit has an official animation to accompany it. I'd not seen it before: thanks to gjm11 for linking to it.
(tags: funny religion new-age science)
The Daily Mash - Biblical apocalypse leaves much of Britain unchanged Mother-to-two Emma Bradford lives in Penzance, where a horde of creatures straight out of the painting Garden of Earthly Delights is on a bloody rampage.

She said: "They're scaly and bulbous-headed and they soil the streets with their demon fire-piss.

"And then they have a kebab."
(tags: funny rapture religion uk)
The Blog : Morality Without “Free Will” : Sam Harris Sam Harris asks how the neuroscience of free will, or the lack of free will, should affect moral questions. I don't think people have libertarian free will, so it's nice to see Harris arguing that this doesn't mean an end to morality.
(tags: sam-harris free-will morality philosophy neuroscience)
Honolulu Magazine | The Secret Life of Storage Units in Honolulu What people do with their storage lockers. Including running a business from them...
(tags: storage culture housing)

religion, link blog, funny, culture, philosophy, free will, science, morality, sam harris

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