GMC | Determinations The General Medical Council ruling on Dr Andrew Wakefield, where you can read why he was actually struck off (via Ben Goldacre).
medicine mmr uk wakefield andrew-wakefield vaccine vaccination gmc)
Searching for Jesus in the Gospels : The New Yorker Adam Gopnik writes about the historical Jesus and the Jesus of faith, bringing in people like Bart Ehrman and Philip Pullman. Interesting stuff.
religion christianity history jesus christ paul bart-ehrman ehrman adam-gopnik philip-pullman)
Failing The Insider Test: The Problem of Hell One of the reasons I'm not a Christian any more is that I realised the God I was being asked to worship was evil. Jeffrey Amos explains what I mean with great clarity, and also addresses the "ah ha, but how do you know what's evil without God, eh?" argument.
hell god evil christianity religion morality)
The Swinger « Music Machinery Turn anything into a jive (well, anything in 4/4 anyway): "The Swinger is a bit of python code that takes any song and makes it swing. It does this be taking each beat and time-stretching the first half of each beat while time-shrinking the second half. It has quite a magical effect."
music python audio programming software swing jive)