Aretae: Cognitive Antivirus "Suppose that you are a bear of very little brain, or perhaps an average human on the street, of nearly average proportions, intellect, and character. What is the best thing you can do, belief-wise, in order to make your life better. I am beginning to believe that you should believe in your parents' God, and go to church on Sundays. God and tradition are perhaps the best and strongest way to avoid believing really stupid stuff that could actually mess up your life, or others' lives." Via the Less Wrong threads on undiscriminating scepticism.
religion epistemology rationality cognitive-bias) / Reportage - Immigrant Muslims in Belleville "Yet there are two main reasons the Belleville scenario looks more likely than the Eurabia one. The first is demographic: no serious demographer expects Muslims to become a majority in any western European country. The second is attitudes: only a tiny minority of French Muslims appears to want to establish a medieval caliphate in Europe. In surveys, most French Muslims say that they feel French... Many of them no longer observe Islam. And although here and there Muslims have made France a little more north African or Islamic, the influence seems to be more the other way: Muslim immigrants are being infected by Frenchness."
islam europe religion anthropology culture immigration demographics eurabia)
Johann Hari: The Pope, the Prophet, and the religious support for evil - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent "What can make tens of millions of people - who are in their daily lives peaceful and compassionate and caring - suddenly want to physically dismember a man for drawing a cartoon, or make excuses for an international criminal conspiracy to protect child-rapists?" Anyone, Bueller, anyone?
atheism catholic christianity culture evil fundamentalism islam johann-hari pope religion mohammed cartoons)
Less Wrong: Undiscriminating Skepticism "Since it can be cheap and easy to attack everything your tribe doesn't believe, you shouldn't trust the rationality of just anyone who slams astrology and creationism; these beliefs aren't just false, they're also non-tribal among educated audiences. Test what happens when a "skeptic" argues for a non-tribal belief, or argues against a tribal belief, before you decide they're good general rationalists."
culture rationality scepticism eliezer-yudkowsky) - Make Sequence Diagrams with one click Nice tool for drawing message sequence charts: sort of the MSC equivalent of GraphViz.
design development programming software tools msc message sequence diagram)