Sep 14, 2009 07:18
Silly me.
I thought that, after sending my little email response to his ridiculous question and receiving a reply that said, among other things, 'thanks for the informational email' and 'I'm glad you don't hate me', this would be over.
Apparently not.
Yesterday afternoon, I recieved this gem:
Erica, I would like to apologize for the way I handled my reply to
your email. I was wondering if I can call you to talk about the whole
thing. It would make me feel much better and I want you to know I do
care I'm not just an asshole. Please.
My first thought was to feel bad that he had been dwelling on all of this so much over the last week that he felt the need to bring it up again. My second thought was that one of our mutual friends had spoken with him. After a quick phone call I found out that the second turned out to be the more accurate statement (though he did express signs of a guilty conscience to them).
See, I had called them after I received his first email and was still in shock. I was upset. I did not call them back after I caved and was less angry and replied. I didn't think I needed to right away and wanted to give myself a few days to sort things out in my head. I was wrong.
How it came up is beyond me but it did and, being amazing friends, they felt the need to tell him what an asshole he was being. While I appreciate the seniment, it was pretty unnecessary at that point and that is my fault for not calling them back. The last they knew, I was very upset.
So now it's not over... yet. I am dreading the awkwardness of this phone call but now it's necessary. They scolded him pretty bad and I feel obligated to make him feel better because I really don't think he's an asshole. He is thoughtless, but not an asshole. He actually can be really sweet. Thoughtless, but sweet. Also, now I feel like an asshole because he got chewed out by his best friend on the phone so I need to make myself feel better, too.
Ugh. What a way to start the week.
bad life choices