WELP! i could make a L0NG and well-overdue update on everything; but ha all that would do is cause a bunch of nosey-arse people to biznitch about EVERYTHiNG and `eh i dont feel like hearin` it =) PLAiN & SiMPLE =)
i realize some people should have better things to do, but they dont. BESiDES; isnt it wonderdul when people just suddenly make you remember why you didnt 0r dont like `em and why they didnt 0r dont deserve to have gotten that second chance? not a comment towards the people who just recently left a comment =) - BESiDES; the ones the comment is directed at are too oblivious to get it anyways but makes me feel better saying what i think =)
yeah and S0; FRiENDS 0NLy
btw; if people have something they would like to say or a point they would like to make; maybe they should say it to the person that it is directed towards; to their face, instead of waiting until they walk about three feet away to run their mouth; cause that just proves previous opinions; gah i hate people who think of themselves so highly; & can bad-mouth people on the net or LJ's and then; they suddenly lose that confidence in themselves when it comes to direct confrontationl; WELP yeah that seems about RiGHt. in other words; if you want something said; go ahead and tell me directly & i will be sure to reply; otherwise don`t wait until i walk away to decide to speak your little words about me; or the fact that i took everyone's attention off of you for one minute; cause that is not very effecient in getting your point across
comments `ppreciated; unless i don`t want them; then i'll just delete them & the problem =)
have a nice day ;)
; kae_charie ♥
o1.14.o5; l0ve y0u kidd0 =)
perdy TiNKERBELL `eh =)
o0o0o0o; how perdyful is that? BLUe EYEs =) look better in person; brighter & shattered lookin`; but that`s his eyes; couldn`t find an icon about blue eyes; so there`s the 0RiGiNAL BLUe EYEs =)
like me; love me; and keep me
dislike me; hate me; and leave me
the choice is entirely yours;
but either way;
its obvious as to which answer you choose;
if you even deserved to have the choice in the first place
if i think it i say it; people should give it a try sometimes =)
bring to life everything that your fear; live in the dark and the world is threatening