READ THIS** it is soo funny and true

Dec 05, 2002 04:10

I am a college student. I have a specific shower stall which I refer
to as "mine" and my feet will never touch the floor of it.

I am a college student. I try to rotate stalls in the bathroom so I
can read all the material taped to the walls.

I am a college student. I now fail to distinguish the difference in
taste between water and beer.

I am a college student. I refer to thing that i don't like in my dorm
as a fire hazard.

I am a FEMALE college student. I own a sweater which resembles a bathrobe.

I am a college student. I didn't get my homework done because the kid I share a book with wasn't home last night to get it to me.

I am a college student. Drunken scrawlings on my message board or late night drunken IM's from friends across campus no longer perplex me.

I am a college student. Somebody keeps stealing my damn message board marker.

I am a college student. I pre-party in my room just so I will be drunk enough not to notice the sub-zero weather when I walk to the bar without a coat. (or to save a little money at the bar)

I am a college student. I pray for hotties in my classes so that I w=
ill have a reason to go to that class. I will, however, never talk to any=
of these hotties.

I am a college student. I can no longer remember what was cooked in =
those dirty dishes.

I am a college student. I have seen more than one party turn into a =
strip show.

I am a college student. My telephone number only has 4 digits.

I am a college student. I have spent nites on the floor because I co=
uldn't get up the ladder to my bed.

I am a college student. I see no problem fitting 2 people in one twi=
n size bed.

I am a MALE college student. I know that ! a gentlman would let her =
sleep next to the wall. (It's a long way to the floor.)
I am a college student. I will cross busy streets just to pick up wh=
at might be a quarter.

I am a college student. I want a girlfriend/boyfriend that disappear=
s from 9pm-2am every Friday and Saturday night, reappearing undressed in =
bed with me when I get home.

I am a college student. Answering machine messages are a thing to be=

I am a college student. When I see movie trailers on TV, I say, "I c=
an't wait to RENT that"

I am a college student. Going "out to eat" no longer involves getti=
ng in a vehicle.

I am a college student. I don't know half of my professors' names.

I am a FEMALE college student. I use empty beer bottles for vases.

I am a college student. Christmas lights are a year-round decoration=

I am a college student. Laundry bags double as suitcases.

I am a FEMALE college student. I have worn my huge fuzzy slippers to=
the cafeteria at dinnertime (and that is OK). =20

I am a college student. Going to bed before 2:00 am is almost unhear=
d of.

I am a college student. If it doesn't look or smell dirty, even if i=
t has been on the floor for 3 days, it can be worn again.

I am a college student. Nat Lite is a high class beer.

I am a college student. I am acustomed to asking, "Do you have a stu=
dent discount?" wherever I go.

I am a college student. Going to early classes in my pajamas is fine=

I am a college student. Parties Wednesday through Saturday nights ar=
e never hard to find.

I am a college student. To get e! xtra money, I sell my plasma, or m=
y roommate's CD's.

I am a college student. I am a free loader.

I am a college student. 3:00 am trips to Wal-Mart are normal, and I =
am used to being tossed out of Wal-Mart drunk in the wee hours of the mor=

I am a college student. The only times that I eat breakfast are when=
I am still up from partying the night before...and Steak and Shake (Glad=
yss,IHOP, Denny's, Knights or Waffle House--depends on what day of the mo=
nth) is open and full of other drunk college students.

I am a FEMALE college student, but you will never see me on a "Colle=
ge Girls gone Wild" video.

I am a college student. I am an easy target for cops.

I am a college student. I have cussed out the people on the floor ab=
ove me for being too loud at 3:00 am.

I am a college student. I seldom make my bed.
I am a college student. On nights i run out of money to go out i sit=
in the hall laugh at drunk people come in for entertainment.
I am a college student. I use milk crates for furniture and blankets=
to cover my window.

I am a college student. I enjoy seeing mail in my mailbox.(enjoy is =
an understatement)

I am a college student. I have been to a TOGA party.

I am a college student. I have fallen down on campus before.

I am a college student. I plead to not drive whenever a group of us =
go out just so I don't lose my parking spot.
I am a college student. I have gotten into a two door mustang with si=
x other people and dont find anything wong with that.
I am a college student. I hate bike cops.

I am a college student...and love every bit of it!

I am a college student. I am not afraid to pop-a-squat behind bushes/=
trees on campus while walking between parties!

I am a college student. I did break a water fountain at a frat party=

I am a college student - I have eaten Ramen Noodles at 3:00pm and ca=
lled it breakfast.

I am a college student. I have woke up many mornings with bruises random=
ly on my body and have no clue as to where i got them.
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