[Hello, Goldenrod. Amongst all the craziness already going on, you may see this:
A little house just...sitting there. Right in the middle of the city. And next to it? Puzzlette, just looking incredibly happy, even for...well, Puzzlette.]
Oh my~! How wonderful! Everyone, look~! Granny's Puzzle Shack~! I've found it! Or rather, it found me. I'd just arrived in Goldenrod last night and when I stepped outside this morning, there it was~! Oooooh, and I'm just ever so very excited to see all those wonderful little lost puzzles again!
Oh oh oh! And look~! I've gotten back all my flyswatters~! I'm ever so pleased!
[With that Puzzlette reaches into her bag and excitedly starts pulling out what appears to be several armful of flyswatters; big ones, small ones...wait, does that one have