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Late in the evening hintcoinplz December 12 2011, 23:35:29 UTC
[Later that evening, after all their shenanigans, they're returning home for the night. At this point, the gas still has its hold on them, but at the same time the effects seem to wearing off.

Luke reaches up to open the front door. Normally he'd be worried about returning home this late, but at this point he really didn't care. He was still in good spirits.]

Mr. Nigma, are we going to have to eat dinner? I'm not actually all that hungry.

[Maybe because of all the snacking they did throughout the day that ruined his appetite.]


puzzlerprince December 13 2011, 05:34:17 UTC
[Edward's starting to come off the effects of Joker's toxin as well. And though he's no longer laughing to the point of tears, there's still a grin on his face.]

Save some for later, then. There's nothing like a good midnight snack to keep the mind going.

[Such a good influence.]


hintcoinplz December 13 2011, 05:46:12 UTC
A midnight snack to keep the mind going, huh? I like the way you think, Mr. Nigma.

[He grins and pushes the door open.]

You know, today was the most fun I've had in a long time.


puzzlerprince December 17 2011, 09:13:03 UTC
It was rather fun, wasn't it?

[Bizarre to hear those words pop out of his mouth, especially considering that it's only thanks to the Joker, of all people, that this day's happened to begin with.]


hintcoinplz December 17 2011, 09:49:40 UTC
Yeah! I mean, I know we couldn't stop laughing and we were acting weird, but I don't think I minded it that much.


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