Sep 17, 2021 17:35

Edward Nigma | The Riddler

DC Comics | Mayfield

Batman #699 - Riddle Me This, Part Two: A Means to an End
Arrival Date: August 10th, 195X
Deaths: Four
Dronings: Three

Occupation: Ethics Teacher | Professional Criminal
Address: 726 Anderson Lane
Not!Wife: Susan Sto Helit
Not!Child: Shonen Bat / Lil’ Slugger
Not!Child: Luke Triton
Not!Child: Drone
Not!Pet: Pinkie Pie

Thread-Jacking: With permission!
Backthreading: Yes!
4th Wall Breaking: He’s already well aware that there’s a Batman comic, but please avoid spoilers for anything past Batman #700 as well as the DCnU.
Injury/Death: Absolutely, but please make sure to discuss the specifics with me first.
Romance/Relationships: Edward’s currently in a relationship with one Ema Skye.
Sexual Relations: See above.
Physical Contact: Go ahead, although he may not take well to it if he doesn’t know you well.
Mind Reading: Please discuss with me, first.


☆ Wardrobe of green dress suits and bowler caps
☆ Green trenchcoat and spandex uniform with domino mask
☆ Question-Mark Trick Cane
☆ Question-Mark Sword Cane
☆ Arkham Asylum Prison Uniform
☆ The Riddler-Mobile
☆ Catwoman’s costume (circa When in Rome) + 12” leather bullwhip
☆ Electric Light-Up suit
☆ The Enigma Machine
☆ An Assortment of Riddler Trophies

Though the Riddler does not possess any superhuman abilities, he is nonetheless gifted with an incredible intellect. He uses his intelligence, along with his deductive reasoning skills, to solve mysteries quickly and efficiently. A former criminal himself, he is a more-than-capable criminal strategist, readily able to find all the evidence he needs just from investigating a crime scene.

At the height of his criminal career, he was known to make frequent use of technology to help further his goals, ensnaring his foes in elaborate and complex contraptions and deathtraps. Finally, the Riddler is a skilled escape artist. A longtime fan of the late, great Harold Houdini, Edward has spent years honing the ability to escape almost every situation.

"This is hardly a surprise. I always knew I was better than you."

Question. What makes Edward Nigma the Riddler? A great many things. As the charismatic Riddler, Edward seeks universal acclaim, recognition for the brilliant genius he truly is. Why? As a youth, Edward was never given that acknowledgement from his father, who constantly beat him out of jealousy and declared him a no-good cheat. This left Edward with a strong desire to rise up and prove himself a genius. At one point in school, he even does stoop down to cheating in order to declare himself intellectually superior. As he grew to become a criminal mastermind, the Riddler would taunt his opponents by leaving various clues and riddles at the scene of the crime, challenging them to figure out the next piece of Edward’s brilliant scheme.

Edward is an incredible narcissist who hates being considered a fool. Combining his rampant narcissism with his compulsive obsession with riddles, the Riddler is a pretty considerable threat to any enemy. However, his self-centered attitude can also lead to his undoing. In Hush, the Riddler reveals to his archrival, Batman, that he’s found the answer to the ultimate riddle: “Who is Batman?” Before he can threaten to expose the Dark Knight’s secret identity, Batman declares that if the answer is ever revealed, then it will just become worthless. His pride too great to allow a revelation of that magnitude to be considered worthless, the Riddler held his tongue and never revealed the Batman’s identity.

Edward is an incredibly cerebral personality. Far more reliant on brains than brawn, one of Edward’s main weaknesses is his lack of real physical ability. Unlike many of the other criminals in Gotham, who could at least hold their own in a fight, Edward is hardly a skilled fighter. He commonly relies on the assistance of allies and usually has an escape plan or two hidden up his sleeve. He likes to stay several steps ahead of his enemies, and is always looking to bewilder them and leave them in the dust.

Following a pretty severe accident, Edward was seemingly cured of his obsession with riddles, though he still enjoys them to an extent. Nonetheless, he can still be a pretty compulsive individual. In conversation, Edward can be pretty blunt and brutally honest. He’ll jump to make rash decisions that could very well land him and his allies in trouble. No longer a criminal mastermind, the Riddler now acts as a private investigator. He’s proven himself capable to his new allies, the Gotham City Police Department and Batman, and trustworthy to a degree, although his often eccentric behavior often encourages those around him to keep a closer eye on him.

Mayfield History:
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Mun Information.:
Name: Steve
AIM: darkspineshadow
Time-Zone: EST
E-Mail: darkspineshadow@gmail.com
Personal LJ: darkspineshadow
Plurk: Abnormacus
Other Mayfield Characters:

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