Riddle 034: We don't need no education [Backdated to the First Day of School]

Sep 10, 2011 17:52

[Well, it's that time of year once again, isn't it? School's back in session. Oh, joy. Throughout the day, there's a good chance you'll bump into the Riddler in a few locations...

A. ACTION - Mayfield High School, Ethics Classroom, Morning

The words "Mr. Nigma" are written up on the blackboard. Yep. You heard that right. Edward Nigma, Ethics Teacher. When his first class has seated themselves, he'll rise up out of his chair and begin to address them:]

Life's just full of questions, isn't it? And in a place like Mayfield especially, you're going to have to ask yourself plenty of difficult questions.

[He approaches the blackboard, writing up a series of questions, reciting them aloud as he writes:

"Have you ever had to make a difficult decision?"
"Were you satisfied with the outcome, or do you still have regrets?"

He turns to his class, looking at them expectantly.]


[B. ACTION - Mayfield High School, Teacher's Lounge, Afternoon

He'll be sitting here in between classes, smoking a cigarette and working on a crossword from time to time.

C. PHONE - Filtered to Batman, Shortly After School]

Well, well, Dark Knight. It seems we're long overdue for a little chat, aren't we?

[D. PHONE - Filtered to Ema Skye, Late Afternoon]

Question: What are you up to this evening?

it's complicated, class act, riddle me this, poor life choices, backdated, intellectual superiors

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