Well, Full Metal Alchemist is over. That’s a pretty serious thing for me, so I’m going to talk about it for awhile. Those of you who have no interest in anime, or who just came here to see pretty Japan pictures, scroll down past the next few paragraphs, you won’t be disappointed (0; (don't worry, no spoilers)
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Full Metal Alchemist is one of the two anime series that I've been watching for the better part of a year, the other being Naruto. The story revolves around two brothers, and takes place in an alternate reality, one in which the technology of "alchemy" is developed, instead of the technology of machines, i.e. our world. So, with alchemy you can turn lead into gold; fix a smashed radio as if by magic, etc. The only thing nobody can figure out how to do right is human transmutation, like say, bringing someone back from the dead. Things always go wrong. Well, the two brothers try to bring their dead mother back to life. The older brother, Ed loses his arm and leg, and the younger brother Al’s body is consumed during the attempted transmuting of their mother. Ed is able to affix his brother’s soul to a suit of armor, so Al is basically an animated suit of armor the whole show, and Ed has a metal arm and leg made for him. Thus Ed becomes known as the “Full Metal Alchemist,” even thought his little brother is the one whose whole body is metal. Anyway, Ed is basically on a quest to return his little brother’s body to him at whatever the cost. Al wants to do the same for his older brother.
Many of you are probably imagining something pretty corny, but believe me, it’s an amazing, amazing show. I mean, sure it’s a cartoon, so most of you probably can’t fathom putting it on the level of Six Feet Under, or 24, or whatever. Well, in any event, as for the TV (downloaded, on DVD, or otherwise) Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist are my very favorites. I almost always watch them alone, like I watched TV when I was a kid. They remind me of how much I loved TV as a kid. You’re all going to have to take my word for it and watch when FUNimation releases Full Metal Alchemist. I have to admit, I have to take issue with FUNimation’s track record when it comes to making changes to anime, but I hear that they have recently contracted some very talented people, so I have hope. Anyway, it’s awesome, and I’m going to miss getting new episodes.
No pictures yet, they’re down a bit further. I’m going to rant about politics now.
Well, the thing issue I was looking at today in the ’04 campaign was health care. I really love the NY Times editorial series “The Big Issues.” It pretty much breaks don the differences in both guys strategies for each of the really serious issues facing this country this election year (No, I don’t mean the re-definition of marriage as hetero). Today I read the health care piece, here’s an excerpt:
President Bush would try to make insurance more affordable partly through his tax credits and partly by enabling small businesses to band together in "association health plans" that would give them greater purchasing power to bargain for low insurance rates. He would also encourage an expansion of tax-free health savings accounts, coupled with insurance to cover catastrophic illnesses. The notion is that catastrophic coverage is relatively cheap and that the savings accounts would be used to pay routine medical bills, making the individual more prudent in spending for health care services. Such accounts are an unjustified tax break for those who least need it. They would primarily benefit those in high tax brackets and would most likely attract only the healthiest people with few medical needs, leaving traditional health plans to deal with the sickest and costliest patients, inevitably forcing an increase in their premiums.
That’s just a bit of it; some other points include the fact that Kerry advocates allowing the federal government to use its buying power to negotiate cheaper drug prices with the major drug companies, and also the importation of cheaper drugs from abroad. Bush opposes both these measures. Well, with the GOP controlled senate, even a Kerry - president probably won’t be able to do anything if he wanted to. Sad isn’t it?
As I look at each individual issue and as I start to get an idea of the differences in the viewpoints of the two candidates, and there are many, I just simply find myself feeling better and better about my vote. There is just so much riding on it, and it’s such a big responsibility to make the right choice, but it’s a pretty simple one at the same time I think. At least at this point. Well, enough of that.
That said, about my last pictures. Those were taken in Tottori prefecture, which is where I spent a week with my host family. The Japan Sea was quite beautiful. I want to live near the sea someday, it’s really quite amazing. We got to hang around on the shore for just a little while, not long enough. The native children watching Naruto, well, that was just too adorable a photo op to pass up. I really dug those kids; they were little and cute and they posed for my pictures. What more can you ask of Japanese kindergartners? Here’s some more, from Golden Week, which comes chronologically before Tottori:
This is how I got around Japan during Golden Week, by Shinkansen. That’s bullet train to you, Mack. This baby was pretty sweet. We got on that one closer to the platform.
Mt. Fuji. Yeah, I only got to see it from the train. But even still, nice don’t you think? We were on our way to…
…Tokyo. This was my second trip to Asakusa in Tokyo, and the big cool red lantern.
More to come soon. I’m tired.