[Closed/Ongoing] In the night sky, we'll shine together, rush of light

Jul 14, 2009 14:28

Who: Akanishi Jin (kakusanaide) and Kamenashi Kazuya (sixteenxseconds)
Where: It starts at Kazuya's place. And then, you'll see.
When: 5:50PM
Why: Because the premiere of Transformer 2 is finally here.
Rating: PG-13? Idk. Can't predict the future, you know.

What to wear, what to wear.. )

status: closed, character: akanishi jin, status: ongoing, rating: pg-13, character: kamenashi kazuya

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sixteenxseconds August 4 2009, 05:51:07 UTC
"Oh. Oh." Kame said and chuckled to himself, until Jin pulled him closer, and he tried to not look surprised by that. Of course, he should've expected it but there was still the bit of jumpiness from the close contact. But it was all hidden beneath his smiles in front of the camera - his smiles that did not feel awkward and forced to him.

But it stopped when the reporter asked another question, to which Jin just turned around and dragged him away from her. He easily followed in understanding, repeating the question from the reporter in his mind, along with what Jin had said earlier. The media could really be sharks. Even though Jin introduced him as a childhoodfriend, they still questioned their relationship.

Entering the hall, he slowly shook his head at the ridiculousness. But now that he thought about it, even he had no idea what their true relationship was. It was all vague, and a bit of a mess, but at the moment he didn't dare to give it much thought. He was there and then for the fun, and that's all he should think about.

"Hey, I want something to drink." he said when spotting the counter that sold such. ".. And also popcorn." he flashed Jin a grin and tugged his sleeve towards the direction, gently dragging him to it.


kakusanaide August 4 2009, 13:11:24 UTC
The first thing he did when he got in, was scan the area, looking for any possible interest. He noted that there's a VIP sign, and thinking that there's where the rest well-known people were, Jin was about to make his way over, when Kame's words stopped him. He was supposed to be annoyed, but that grin made him forget all about it. He faked a sigh and just allowed himself to be pulled towards the counter. "I'm not paying." It was the only reply Jin managed as he silently went along.

Waiting for Kame to buy the things he wanted, Jin stood by the other and glanced at his watch, then took out the invitation card that he had placed in the inside breast pocket of his blazer. He could feel anticipation curling in the pit of his gut.

[ooc: Fast forward? :P]


sixteenxseconds August 4 2009, 13:42:43 UTC
When they were at the counter, Kame bought his drink and popcorn, both a small size since the other sizes seemed really big. Even the small size was probably too much for him - but then again, maybe it looked only so because he wasn't that hungry. After paying, he picked the items up, turning to Jin and motioned to move forwards.

There were two ways, two entrances. And Kame supposed they had to take the one that wasn't for the VIPs, but he wasn't sure, so he stopped leading and waited for Jin. He was the one with the tickets anyway.

[ooc: Yes, 'cuz RP-ing the movie part would be weird. XD So, go ahead. :D]


kakusanaide August 4 2009, 18:30:47 UTC
That night, time seemed to pass abnormally quick. From the time they entered the VIP lot, to when Jin was looking around for Megan Fox (which he used the excuse of Shia to find her) and up until the whole event ended; it flew so fast out of his grasp, Jin felt like he had lost it the moment he blinked his eyes. What made it worse, was the fact that Jin didn't even get the chance to talk up to Fox, when he had been anticipating it ever since he got the tickets. Apparently, after much searching, when he finally found the gorgeous lady, the people above had decided it'd be funny that at that second - at his first step towards the sexy fox - they were called in for the premiere. And when Jin tried to talk to her after everything ended, he found out that the lady left as soon as the movie ended.

Needless to say, Jin was annoyed.

"Where do you want to go for dinner?" he asked nonchalantly as he unlocked the car and stepped into the driver seat. His annoyance wasn't fully healed yet, a hint of it clinging onto his words.


sixteenxseconds August 5 2009, 12:49:21 UTC
The movie was great, and definitely not dissapointing (not that he had expected that to be). Thourough the whole movie, he had kept his eyes on the screen intensily with the straw of his drink in his mouth, his popcorn barely touched. Even after the movie, its impact had left a smile on his face. And he noticed how Jin was searching for something - or someone - but he didn't pay much attention to it, deciding to rather catch the conversations of other people talking about the movie. It was interesting to hear about it from different points of view.

From the hall to the garage, it had been silent until Jin's question had broken it, and he gave the other a quick glance before he'd stepped into the driver seat, quickly following after. He'd noted the small hint of annoyance that made him wonder. "If you don't want to have dinner with me, I'm fine with that." he said while fastening his seatbelt, instead of answering Jin's answer.


kakusanaide August 5 2009, 16:46:26 UTC
Catching the disdain in Kame's voice, Jin stopped his current doing and paused to look at Kame. "No, I-" He sighed. "You owe me dinner. If you're not going to choose the place, then I'll do it. By then, even if you beg and kneel, I'm not gonna change place." He made his point and then fall back in his seat, glancing at his companion almost challengingly. "Well?"

In his mind, he figured that Kame had probably heard his displeased voice. Damn it, he was being obvious again, wasn't he? Jin knew that he wasn't really the type that could keep his temper on the low and his friends had been reminding him of the same thing back during the small cocktail party before the premiere. He managed to walk past the media without many trouble, but even Jin himself had to admit that he kind of screwed up a bit during the before and after party. His acquantainces hadn't really noticed it but one of his best friends was there and being the person who knew Jin very well, he had pointed out on how he was acting uncharacteristically irresponsible and oblivious to Kame. 'So obvious that it's becoming a bit suspicious.' Whatever the hell that meant. Jin sighed mentally. Sooner or later he was going to be dragged up for a long conversation with his circle of friends. He could feel it coming.


sixteenxseconds August 6 2009, 01:16:37 UTC
"Well," Kame stared for a moment at Jin, searching for anything in his expression - a small frown or maybe something that showed unwillingness - but he found nothing. He slightly pursed his lips, still wondering. "If I owe you dinner, then shouldn't you be the one choosing the place anyway?" he asked, before leaning back against his seat, eyes still set on Jin. "I don't really mind where we're going." he admitted, lifting his shoulders up in a small shrug to emphasize his words. "As long as it's good." he added after a small pause.


kakusanaide August 6 2009, 11:16:58 UTC
The statement was more than enough to make Jin broke into a mischievous grin, an eyebrow raised. "If that's your wish." He didn't bother to reconfirm Kame's words, because, really, why would he do that? If the other was to start having second thoughts now, it would he his own loss, not Kame's. When else can he get to drink and eat expensive food for free (aside from when he hang out with his friends, of course)? Jin smirked at the mental thought. He turned around to face his steering wheel and revved up the engine. "I have the perfect place in mind too."

He glanced at his watch. 9.00pm. Perfect.


sixteenxseconds August 6 2009, 15:53:38 UTC
The grin on Jin's face got Kame suspicious, and for a moment he doubted whether it was really a good idea to let Jin choose the place. But still he nodded to the other's words, a bit doubtful but he thought it was enough of a confirmation. And apparently it seemed so because the grin on Jin's face got replaced with a smirk (though he thought that was because of something else), and it was then that he regretted his words. There goes my money. Not that he didn't have enough money left to survive this month even if after they'd go eat at a very expensive restaurant, it was just that he wanted to save most of the money.

.. And also buy this really, really expensive but stylish and perfect jacket that he fell in love with at first sight.

But that wasn't so important.

"Perfect, huh?" he repeated after Jin and turned to face the road. "Now you got me curious."


kakusanaide August 7 2009, 14:18:54 UTC
He didn't answer. Instead, the smirk seemed to grow, his lips curved up in what seemed like a feral grin. Manouvering the car with smooth moves, Jin pulled out into the driveway and drove off into a direction opposite from where they had came from. A hand on the steering wheel, Jin juggled with another to make a blind grab for his bluetooth earset from the small driver's compartment. He put it on, and made a speed dial of a number.

When he heard the other line clicked, Jin broke into a grin. "Hey. Back already?" There was a small pause as he listened to his friend talking at the other line, and Jin occasionally laughed at the responses he got. "Oh, hey. I was thinking of trying that restaurant you told me about last week. Yes, that." A small chuckle. "Yeah, finally. You can't blame me. I was busy playing nurse. And I'm getting my nursing salary paid today." Jin spared a quick glance at Kame, the teasing grin on his face. "Can you help me do a reservation tonight? Now? Under my name. Yeah. Thanks a lot. Oh and hey, send my regards to them. Tell her I'm sorry I can't join. Next time, alright?" He laughed and then bid his goodbye, taking off the bluetooth set when he was done.

"All set." Jin muttered. "Tonight, we're gonna eat Italian." Jin grinned widely, his excitement rivaling like those of a small kid. Italian was his favorite cuisine after all.


sixteenxseconds August 7 2009, 19:46:08 UTC
Kame didn't fully pay attention to the conversation Jin was having through the phone, but he did catch a few bits here and there. And at the mention of nurse, he snorted (though an amused smile slowly crept onto his face afterwards) and glanced at Jin, catching the teasing grin. He chuckled soon after.

"Italian? Now that shouldn't be so surprising." he said with a bit of a thoughtful look, trying to recall a bit of the past. Wasn't Jin a big fan of it? The wide grin easily gave away the answer to that. He replied with a smile. Maybe he wasn't regretting it after all, he did like Italian. "Sounds good to me."


kakusanaide August 8 2009, 14:16:41 UTC
With his driving skills and the speed he used, they were able to arrive at the restaurant well within 15 minutes. Jin pulled up in front of the restaurant and opted for the valet service, stepping out of his car and handing his remote key to the jockey.

Tugging at his blazer, Jin corrected his attire before making his way into the shop, stopping at the reception desk at the very front. "Akanishi Jin." he told the waitress, and she simply nodded, escorting both he and Kame to their table. It was his first time here, and Jin was pleased with the interior designs of the restaurant. The restaurant was full - as expected, since it's well-known and posh too - it was lucky that he had a friend who had inside connection. What Jin didn't expect though, was the roses and the extravagant candlelight setting on their table. Jin smacked his forehead. What the hell was his friend thinking? He didn't say it was a frickin' date!

Mind reeling with mental curses, his eyebrow twitching slightly in annoyance as he slipped into his seat. A waiter came and helped spread the napkin onto their laps, before handing them the menu while informing them of the day's special. Before the man could take his leave, however, Jin cued for him to come close and the young waiter bent over to him. "Can you remove these candles?" Jin asked, a finger pointing at the large old-styled candles that had what seemed like a Romanian style carving on it.


sixteenxseconds August 8 2009, 19:09:08 UTC
The moment Kame stepped into the restaurant, he was awed by the interior design, and be couldn't help but glanced around while they were being escorted to their table. Sure, he'd gone to posh restaurants once in a while, and sure he considered himself wealthy, but it was something that he didn't take for granted. He never really stopped admiring the things he could afford, because they were something that he never could've gotten in the past.

Upon seeing their table, Kame raised an eyebrow, giving Jin a brief sideglance and could notice that it wasn't his plan. He chuckled while he seated himself, figuring that it might've been Jin's friend (?). There was no other way, Kame thought as he took the menu from the waiter, because the look on Jin said it all.

He watched as Jin said something to the waiter, something that he couldn't quite catch, but when the other pointed at the candles he had a slight suspicion. "I kind of like the candles." he said, lips curved into a smile, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "The roses are a bit too much though." And red roses nontheless.


kakusanaide August 8 2009, 21:06:47 UTC
Jin wasn't sure whether to laugh or smack his forehead; a part of him sort of had the feeling that the candle might end up staying on their table after all. He blinked at Kame's words, before regaining his senses and spoke up. "Fine. The candle can stay. Take the roses." The waiter nodded and then proceeded to remove the roses, whilst Jin pouted for a bit. He couldn't really say it, but he'd like to keep candlelight dinners for special occasions - like when (or if ever) they'd end up in a real date, because then, he could make everything special and memorable. Oh well. Since Kame liked it, he guess he could let it go. For now. At least, it was Kame that he was sharing this candlelight dinner with. If it was some other person, Jin had a feeling, he'd probably refuse more.

Eyes scanning the menu, Jin wondered what he should eat. Steak, perhaps? Or pasta? The prices for both were exceptionally high, especially the steaks.


sixteenxseconds August 9 2009, 01:21:48 UTC
Kame smiled when the roses where removed by the waiter. They were nice, but a bit too much, and since it wasn't a real date, he'd like to keep it simple... Not that the candle belonged to the section 'simple', but, he just liked the way it made the atmosphere seem nicer. Snapping out of his thoughts when the waiter was already long out of sight, he glanced back at the menu, taking a look at the pasta sections. "I think I'll take fettuccine alfredo." he said after a small moment of pondering in silence. "What about you?" he asked Jin and looked up from his menucart. "Oh, and what about the drinks?" Personally, he was thinking about wine, but he had no idea what Jin wanted.


kakusanaide August 9 2009, 02:07:48 UTC
It didn't take long for him to decide, used to Italian food as he was. When Kame mentioned of his choice, Jin nodded absentmindedly, his eyes focusing on the wine list. Two fingers raised, Jin casually prompted for a waiter to come to the table, now that they both had settled on their choices of food. "I'll have the filet mignon." Jin stated, closing the menu book and placed it aside. "For drinks, a bottle of Amarone, please." A quick glance at Kame - while ordering the wine - indicated his demand to have them both share the same wine, breaking off the glance only to look back at the waiter and made sure he got the right order. He then looked at Kame expectantly, waiting for the others to complete their orders.


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