[Closed/Ongoing] In the night sky, we'll shine together, rush of light

Jul 14, 2009 14:28

Who: Akanishi Jin (kakusanaide) and Kamenashi Kazuya (sixteenxseconds)
Where: It starts at Kazuya's place. And then, you'll see.
When: 5:50PM
Why: Because the premiere of Transformer 2 is finally here.
Rating: PG-13? Idk. Can't predict the future, you know.

What to wear, what to wear.. )

status: closed, character: akanishi jin, status: ongoing, rating: pg-13, character: kamenashi kazuya

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If there are any mistakes or html fail in this reply, it's because i'm replying with my phone xD sixteenxseconds July 31 2009, 21:44:55 UTC
Kame removed the seatbelt when Jin had finished his conversation, very much tempted to ask who it was, but resisted doing so. He could control his curiousity, most of the time. Just when he was about to open the door, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him and made him look back. Somehow, upon seeing that smirk his heart started beating faster. And it wasn't because of excitedness nor nervousness for the premiere.

"What?" he asked, only slightly irritated because he didn't like the feeling.

[ooc: Psh. Whatever. >O lolol. Well, when I get my DVD, I'll tell you whether they have subs in it. xD Oh, which boybands? O:

OMO. I want to see it too! Horrified indeed. XD Haha, that's late. Lately, I've been going to bed around 5AM too. But that's only because I arrive home so late from work, and I'm not really tired by then. XD I get off work at 10, arrive home at 10:30PM. Which means that I'm home 4:30AM your time. Kinda late, huh? xDD; I'm free this weekend though, so I might catch you online Sunday (I'm going to a themepark tomorrow, so you might get a late reply. depends on what time i'm back home). I'm usually invisible on IMs, but i'll come online on YM. -- Unless you have GTalk? DD: It's okay]


I lol'd at the subject. xDD kakusanaide July 31 2009, 23:01:45 UTC
Jin purposely let his gaze linger for a while, the irrate tone behind Kame's voice only made him more determined. The car's still locked, and he wasn't about to let go of his prey that easily. "You didn't think I didn't see what you were doing, did you? You're checking yourself out?" Jin asked, still grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Hey, listen. I'm just gonna ask you this once - follow my lead this time, okay?" He didn't like to sound repetitive, but with his manager's death threat hanging on his shoulder, he guessed he shouldn't be taking this lightly.

[ooc: 2PM. 8DDDD They're like walking dorks. Hot dorks.

Omona. That's really late. D: Well, I guess we can talk when I catch you online. :P Have fun at the themepark, though. :) And I don't have GTalk. Ngeh.]


Had to let you know before you went o_O if there were indeed mistakes and such. xD sixteenxseconds August 1 2009, 00:02:42 UTC
At the question, a barely noticable blush crept onto his cheeks. Lips were slightly parted, a "How did you-" threatening to escape them, but before they did he closed his mouth and averted his gaze. There was no point in asking that question.

Now there was a chance for him to get back at Jin in this small moment, but with Jin's seriousness behind those words, he let the chance slip and instead nodded. "I will. Don't worry." he answered, looking straight into the other's eyes.

[ooc: Oh, lol. I'm trying to get to know them, or at least one of them since a friend asked whether i could rp one of them. XD but yeah. Tried to watch Mad Bunny (?) or smth, but. Nah. Should watch something else cuz i got confused with who's who. XD And, hot? I find BB more attractive. >D and KAT-TUN even more, but then we're talking about Japanese.

Aw. I'll come online on YM more often then. xDD


kakusanaide August 1 2009, 01:58:54 UTC
Jin couldn't help but smile in relief at Kame's words, glad that the other took it to understand the direness of the situation. His image was on stake - to his manager, that is - and Jin wouldn't want to even imagine what it'd be like if he had somehow appeared less than planned. Not that Jin really cared. He should be able to be who he truly was wherever he deemed it to be. But alas, he'd hate to appease his babbling manager, so he'd have to let go of that motto. For now.

And to continue what he had said earlier, Jin went back to his smirking mode. "I've noticed, because..." he leaned in to Kame's shoulder, whipering at the other's ear. "I've always been watching you." He leaned back, his hands moving in instead, to dust off Kame's shoulders and repair the hem of his jacket.

Unlocking the car, Jin took out his car keys and opened his door, but before either of them could get out, he paused. "Oh, and one last thing..." Extending a hand, Jin playfully ruffled Kame's hair - and hurriedly got out, laughing along the way. "Gotcha."

[ooc: Ah. Which one? You're going to rp him in a comm? To be paired up? xD I'd like to rp Taekyeon, though. He's cool. x3 It's called Wild Bunny. lmao. I think it's the best start coz they actually introduce everyone at the start of the show. BB's hotter? With that weird zombie old man? Heck, no. Your logic's screwed, ahjumma. Srsly. >DD Oh, and don't bring in KAT-TUN. I think everyone's hotter except for Maru. xDD But you have to admit, though. Korean artists are really good at keeping nice bods. You can tell just by looking at RAIN and SE7EN.

Yesh. You should. :P]


sixteenxseconds August 1 2009, 07:45:48 UTC
Kame froze in his seat once Jin whispered those words in to this ear, his breathing paused at that moment because he felt it getting heavier. He told himself repeatedly in his mind that it was because they were so close to the premier hall, even though he perfectly well knew that it was because of Jin. When he pulled back to dust off his shoulders and fix the hem of his jacket, he still didn't move, only allowing himself to let out the large breath he'd been holding when Jin turned away from him.

Jin always managed to surprise him with his actions and words. And he hated it because it always made him confused, and not to mention his quickened heartbeats and the bit of red - was it just him or was the car getting warmer? - that coloured his cheeks.

Having recovered a bit, he was about to open the door but was once again stopped by Jin. "Huh?" he asked and turned around, only to let his hair be ruffled. He blinked, letting the result of the action dawn into him before, "... Akanishi Jin!" he got out of the car and looked into the side mirror once again. "Now it's all messed up," he mumbled to himself while fixing his hair.

[ooc: Uhm, no idea who, yet. But someone who's not Jaebum, Junsu or... this other guy I forgot the name of. xD; And idk. I think she just wanted more 2PM members at the comm: seiyo or smth. Oh yeah, wild bunny. lol. I guess so, I just got confused with all the names and faces since you can't see them that well in the beginning. And yes, BB's hotter. Especially TOP. You're just weird. >D lolol. Poor Maru. xD Yupyup, that's so true. *_*

Haha, I will. xD]


kakusanaide August 1 2009, 16:20:41 UTC
A small smile crept on his face as he watched Kame with gentle eyes, glancing at the other from where he was standing and leaning backwards on the back of his Merce. It was something that he could no longer deny. He found pleasure in watching Kame, and he liked it when the other was flustered. It reminds him of their high school days. Too much, that it actually hurt.

He waited for Kame to step out of the car and close the door before he could lock the car with one click of his remote keys, pocketing the small thing briefly after. "Oh, come on. It actually makes you look cuter." Jin teased as he walked ahead in slow but large steps, giving Kame plenty of time to catch up. The parking lot was quiet, and Jin was glad that there weren't many people at the lot since most of them had moved out to the red carpet. He was sure many would misinterpret his words. Not that it would be much of a misinterptetation. He meant the words he said about Kame. To him, the other was cute and pretty. It's just that, he wasn't sure he'd like other people - other than Kame - to hear it. Yet.

[ooc: Ah. xD TOP's not hot. DD: He's weirdly weird. When comparing their bodies - not looks -, I kinda feel that they're really lacking. Since most JE idols have skinny abs. xD Except for Jin. He's not skinny. At all. xDD I think Uebo's one of the few with nice body. And Koki too. 8D]


sixteenxseconds August 1 2009, 18:38:36 UTC
Despite the teasing in Jin's voice, he couldn't help but ask, "Really?" in the midst of fixing his hair. He paused his actions, just glancing at the reflection of his face in the small mirror, his lips pursed. It was still a bit messy, though it looked more as if his hair had more volume, the ends that were sticking out earlier he had succeeded in fixing. So.. Maybe it wasn't that bad, and besides, they probably weren't going to pay attention to him anyway. He wasn't a celebrity, he was just a childhood friend of Akanishi Jin now, and he doubted about whether Jin was popular or not. So with a small turn on his heels, he jogged the small distance to catch up with Jin and just followed in silence.

[ooc: TOP's hot and cool. Period. XD Yeah, they are really lacking. But to be honest, I can't see.. for example, Kame with a body like.. Se7en. XD; Haha, Jin is good the way he is now. :D Yeah, I think so too. 8D]


kakusanaide August 2 2009, 13:16:24 UTC
It wasn't much of a response, but Jin just smiled - which seemed a bit to himself, even though it was intended for Kame - and continued walking out of the parking lot. Even though the parking lot was a few walks away from the hall, Jin could see the hall from where they were, the flashes and the lights already seemingly too bright even though the sun had yet to set. Despite being used to camera flashes, Jin couldn't help but sighed mentally. Medias could be really tricky, which only means that he had to be extra careful.

Set the hall on fire, huh?

When Kame was beside him, Jin silently - and suddenly - slipped his hand to hold Kame's hand behind his back, tightening his hold for a bit. With the hall now getting closer, Jin couldn't risk saying words out loud without having the possibility of them misinterpreted. Hoping that all his unspoken words of "It'll be alright" and "Trust me" could reach Kame through the small gesture, Jin gave the other a small smile before letting go of the hand and finally walked up to the stairs, to the red carpet.


sixteenxseconds August 2 2009, 15:29:56 UTC
They were getting closer to the hall, which made Kame gulped in nervousness. Sure, he could be seen as a very confident person that wasn't nervous for anything. But really, it was all just pure acting. Or better said, a shell that he created over the past years.

The red carpet was always something that caught a lot of attention from the media, and he wasn't sure what to expect, or what they expected him to do once being on the red carpet - of course he knew what Jin wanted him to do, but still he was anxious.

Until Jin suddenly took his hand in a grip behind his back. It felt as if he was being assured by him, and he glanced sideways at him. The small smile and the hold Jin had on his hand took away at least half of his nervousness and he let out a long breath, smiling back while telling himself that it was going to be okay. Jin told him - not in words but most of the times, gestures were considered better - that it was going to be okay. There was no need to be that nervous over something that was considered small to most of the people that were going to attend this premiere.

When Jin let go of his hand, he paused to stop at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the top of it, as if needing a small moment to put up his act. He was going to be Kamenashi Kazuya, Jin's childhood friend who wasn't very talkative, now. Looking at Jin who was already ascending the stairs, he smiled before following him.

Red carpet, here I come.


kakusanaide August 2 2009, 18:52:03 UTC
The moment he stepped into the flashes of light, Jin put on his professional mode, giving the cameras cool smiles that just bleed suaveness. Sometimes, Jin was glad that he was just a model. If he's any bigger, he'd probably be hounded by media 24/7 and he wasn't sure if he'd like it. He appreciates privacy and his individual zone a hell lot. Praying that he'll manage to the door without any questions, Jin walked up towards the entrance - but just before he could walk in, he got halted by a reporter asking him questions.

Oh, guess the prayer was a little bit too much to ask for.

"Ah. I came here with my childhood friend. Had to, since I couldn't get a date in time." he chuckled and smiled. But apparently that wasn't enough because they asked for a picture, and Jin had to agree. He called out to Kame. "Oy, Kame. They want to take your picture."


sixteenxseconds August 2 2009, 23:54:46 UTC
He was at the top of the stairs, deciding to stop there and take a look around. So many cameras, so many flashes that he almost felt like his eyes were being blinded by them. He blinked for a few times before walking towards the entrance, steps taken slowly since he didn't want to seem as if he was on a rush. Glancing from camera to camera, he flashed a smile - did they take a picture? - a smile that was more polite because he wasn't used to this.

When Jin called him, he fastened his pace and stood next to him, giving the reporter that stood in front of them a brief glance accompanied with a small nod of his head (was he supposed to be that polite?) before turning to Jin. "A picture of me?" he asked, when suddenly he remembered that he was supposed to go along with everything the other said. And questions were, thus, unnecessarily. "Uh, okay." he then said with a nod, turning to face the reporter and camerman.


kakusanaide August 3 2009, 15:49:44 UTC
A small chuckle escaped his lips involuntarily. He couldn't help it; he was highly amused at Kame's antics and his rigid posture. "No." Jin clarified, giving Kame a calm, affectionate smile. "Us. A picture of you and me, idiot." Extending an arm, Jin pulled Kame closer towards his own body, his arms around the other's shoulder. Smiling, he strike a pose in front of the cameras.

The flashes never seemed to die down, but the instant he heard another question thrown at him, Jin purposely turned around and dragged Kame with him by the shoulder. Before the entrance doors, however, he released the hold around Kame's shoulder and then proceeded to enter the hall elegantly.

"Akanishi-san, you seemed very cozy with your friend here. What is the true relationship between the two of you?" Jin snorted to himself when he recalled the question. What kind of question was that? Like hell he was going to answer it.


sixteenxseconds August 4 2009, 05:51:07 UTC
"Oh. Oh." Kame said and chuckled to himself, until Jin pulled him closer, and he tried to not look surprised by that. Of course, he should've expected it but there was still the bit of jumpiness from the close contact. But it was all hidden beneath his smiles in front of the camera - his smiles that did not feel awkward and forced to him.

But it stopped when the reporter asked another question, to which Jin just turned around and dragged him away from her. He easily followed in understanding, repeating the question from the reporter in his mind, along with what Jin had said earlier. The media could really be sharks. Even though Jin introduced him as a childhoodfriend, they still questioned their relationship.

Entering the hall, he slowly shook his head at the ridiculousness. But now that he thought about it, even he had no idea what their true relationship was. It was all vague, and a bit of a mess, but at the moment he didn't dare to give it much thought. He was there and then for the fun, and that's all he should think about.

"Hey, I want something to drink." he said when spotting the counter that sold such. ".. And also popcorn." he flashed Jin a grin and tugged his sleeve towards the direction, gently dragging him to it.


kakusanaide August 4 2009, 13:11:24 UTC
The first thing he did when he got in, was scan the area, looking for any possible interest. He noted that there's a VIP sign, and thinking that there's where the rest well-known people were, Jin was about to make his way over, when Kame's words stopped him. He was supposed to be annoyed, but that grin made him forget all about it. He faked a sigh and just allowed himself to be pulled towards the counter. "I'm not paying." It was the only reply Jin managed as he silently went along.

Waiting for Kame to buy the things he wanted, Jin stood by the other and glanced at his watch, then took out the invitation card that he had placed in the inside breast pocket of his blazer. He could feel anticipation curling in the pit of his gut.

[ooc: Fast forward? :P]


sixteenxseconds August 4 2009, 13:42:43 UTC
When they were at the counter, Kame bought his drink and popcorn, both a small size since the other sizes seemed really big. Even the small size was probably too much for him - but then again, maybe it looked only so because he wasn't that hungry. After paying, he picked the items up, turning to Jin and motioned to move forwards.

There were two ways, two entrances. And Kame supposed they had to take the one that wasn't for the VIPs, but he wasn't sure, so he stopped leading and waited for Jin. He was the one with the tickets anyway.

[ooc: Yes, 'cuz RP-ing the movie part would be weird. XD So, go ahead. :D]


kakusanaide August 4 2009, 18:30:47 UTC
That night, time seemed to pass abnormally quick. From the time they entered the VIP lot, to when Jin was looking around for Megan Fox (which he used the excuse of Shia to find her) and up until the whole event ended; it flew so fast out of his grasp, Jin felt like he had lost it the moment he blinked his eyes. What made it worse, was the fact that Jin didn't even get the chance to talk up to Fox, when he had been anticipating it ever since he got the tickets. Apparently, after much searching, when he finally found the gorgeous lady, the people above had decided it'd be funny that at that second - at his first step towards the sexy fox - they were called in for the premiere. And when Jin tried to talk to her after everything ended, he found out that the lady left as soon as the movie ended.

Needless to say, Jin was annoyed.

"Where do you want to go for dinner?" he asked nonchalantly as he unlocked the car and stepped into the driver seat. His annoyance wasn't fully healed yet, a hint of it clinging onto his words.


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