[Closed/Ongoing] In the night sky, we'll shine together, rush of light

Jul 14, 2009 14:28

Who: Akanishi Jin (kakusanaide) and Kamenashi Kazuya (sixteenxseconds)
Where: It starts at Kazuya's place. And then, you'll see.
When: 5:50PM
Why: Because the premiere of Transformer 2 is finally here.
Rating: PG-13? Idk. Can't predict the future, you know.

What to wear, what to wear.. )

status: closed, character: akanishi jin, status: ongoing, rating: pg-13, character: kamenashi kazuya

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kakusanaide July 25 2009, 14:25:31 UTC
If there's one thing people wouldn't ask of Jin - it was his sense of direction. His best friend had once told him that his geographical sense of Japan was so bad, he wouldn't trust Jin on directions at all if he could ever help it. Upon the suggestion from Kame, Jin gave the other a momentary sideway glance, his eyes glinting predatorily like that of an excited boy who's getting his first toy. He smirked. "When I'm driving like this?" As if to punctuate his words, Jin did a sharp u-turn, causing him to almost be pulled out of his seat towards Kame, if it wasn't for his strong hold on the steering wheel and his legs holding him put. It might seem dangerous but...

...He was enjoying this.

There was another reason why he loved his car aside from the sleek look. It was the fact that it's a Merce, and a good Benz car never fail to perform when it comes to speed on the road. He could go for 200 miles per hour and still feel safe. "You can shut it off if it annoys you." Jin grinned, his eyes on the road.

[ooc: LOL. How can you tell it's Japanese if all he was doing was screaming 'AAAAH'? XDDD You don't know Gabranth? He's Basch's twin brother. The judge who takes care of Larsa. Don't tell me you don't know Basch, or I'll kick you. You played FFXII. xDD;;]


sixteenxseconds July 26 2009, 00:19:54 UTC
The glinstering in Jin's eyes was something he was sure, was up to no good. And he was right, when Jin made a sharp u-turn, making him bump against the passenger door, failing to grip onto something in time. "Are you trying to kill us?" he shot Jin a glare. His heartbeat had quickened during that small moment, and he heaved a large breath in order to calm it down. Not that it helped, really. The excitedness for the premiere was still there, making his body restless.

He watched the road again, wondering where Jin was driving them to. He had no idea. It could be that the shock he just got, still left a bit of an impact on him and he couldn't think properly.

But still.. Maybe it was better to let the navigation system on. Who knows where they might end up without it. "I'll survive." he told him.

[ooc: The title of the vid said it was in Japanese. XD And really, Cloud's scream in Japanese was a lot more different than the one in English. XD T-Twin brother? xD; Omo, of course I know Basch! I didn't know he has a twin brother.. or maybe I do.. It's just been a while since I played it. XD;;]


kakusanaide July 26 2009, 19:38:33 UTC
"Not really." Jin was still smirking, somewhat pleased to get such reaction from Kame. "If I were, you'd definitely know." It was a dangerous stunt back there. He had done that u-turn whilst there were still some cars in that lane. They could've easily collided with - not one but more than two cars - but they were saved by lucky timing and as Jin would like to put it, his driving skills on the road.

After a series of turns and shortcuts, they finally managed to cut back to the main road, past the traffic congestion. "Oh hey. It really was a shortcut." Jin exclaimed when he realized that they had came onto the main road, sounding really surprised. He glanced at the rear mirror, noticing that the traffic jam was already behind them.

[ooc: You mean he screams nicer in Japanese or something? xD Aigoo. You don't know he has a twin brother? I think they showed it at the start of the whole game. When there's a guy who pretended to be Basch and killed the king while the real Basch was off fighting outside (coz he's a knight). And Basch was then executed as a kingslayer in the Nalbina dungeon where Vaan and the rest meet him. You don't remember?]


sixteenxseconds July 27 2009, 01:54:41 UTC
The surprised tone in Jin's voice possibly couldn't be missed and Kame jerked his head towards Jin. He opened his mouth in an attempt to speak up, but there was only a moment of silence accompanied with a blank stare. ".. You-" He had no idea what to say, really. At that moment, he was just glad it really was a shortcut. If it weren't -- he wouldn't want to imagine the fit he'd throw. It was the big premiere of Transformers 2. Nothing should go wrong - and he wasn't counting the oufit situation.

"Dumb luck." he only said with a single shook of his head, once again facing the road, stomach churning with excitement at the thought of almost reaching their destination.

[ooc: Actually, it's the opposite. I didn't really like his scream in Japanese. XD Aigoo? You use aigoo? O: And. Uh. Yeah, I don't remember. XD;; You have no idea how long it's been when I started playing the game, so the beginning of the game is a whole bunch of vague happenings in my mind. XD;;]


kakusanaide July 27 2009, 05:39:31 UTC
"I did say 'I think there's a shortcut'. I don't use this road pretty often." Jin reinstated, looking somewhat smug rather than guilty or sorry for the dangerous stunt that he had pulled. "It's not dumb luck. It's my great road skills that you have to be thankful to." Even though it's not unusual to see Jin priding himself in something, but that drive just now had been a great stunt that he didn't think a lot of stuntmen could even pull.

Jin glanced at Kame through the mirror, a knowing small smile gracing his lips. "Calmed down a bit?"

[ooc: Haha. xDD Idk. It's something I picked up from this one KDrama that I've been watching. Idek what it means tbh. xD;; Lemme guess, over a few months? If you ask me, it took me 2 years to finish the FFXII game coz I spent a year in a boarding school and then almost another year abroad. Rofl. xDD;;]


sixteenxseconds July 27 2009, 10:51:12 UTC
"If you say so." he decided not to go against it. By the look of it, Jin seemed to be proud of what he just did, and he wasn't going to break that. It would just make him the grumpy person of the night, and he wasn't. Really. Having an angry moment and being grumpy were two totally different things.

The question caused him to let out a large sigh - as if he was pouring out all of his frustrations in that single sigh. Not that he had a lot. "Yeah." he answered, leaning his arm against the door. "A bit." Ignore the excitement he felt growing. It would fade, soon.

[ooc: LOL. A friend who knows Korean said it means 'oh no'. XD But what KDrama have you been watching? :O Seriously? Two years? That's long! XD But it'll probably take me longer. I think I got the game for a year already? Or less. Idk. XD;;]


kakusanaide July 27 2009, 14:53:12 UTC
"Good." Jin said shortly, looking straight ahead. "Keep the tension level low."

It wasn't like he hadn't thought about it. In fact, ever since the day that he had proposed of this plan, Jin had been trying to think up of a way to perfectly move into this whole premiere without raising too many raising eyebrows from the media. Now, he had to think of how to break this nicely to Kame without giving a bad impression. "Hey, look. About the premiere..." he started, hoping that his words that were to come won't be misinterpreted. "...I need you to only speak when I say so. And whatever I say, agree to it. Even if you disagree." He spared Kame a momentary glance, anticipating the reply he'll be getting.

[ooc: Rly? I thought it sounded more like 'Jeez'. xDDD A law drama called Partner. So far, it's the only KDrama that I could watch without feeling weirded out (Banjun dramas aside xDD). Since most KDramas are all about romance or excessive dramas which are not my genre. :/ I was surprised myself when I opened the game almost a year later and found that my characters all were at level 90+. I was like 'Whoa? I did this?' xDD LOL. XDD]


sixteenxseconds July 28 2009, 01:36:13 UTC
"Hm?" Kame turned to face Jin when he paused, eyebrows slowly furrowing as the other continued. He didn't really like the idea of what Jin was expecting him to do. But what was more, he didn't even know why he was supposed to be like that. So, "Why?" he asked, slightly confused. It was not like they were going to be interviewed or something, right? Wasn't that only for celebrities? Kame pondered. Well, they were going to walk the red carpet, and maybe being asked a question or two.

Damn. And just when he thought that he was past the feeling of nervousness.

[ooc: Haha, I thought so too. Maybe it's more the 'Oh no' in a bit of a 'Jeez' way? XD lolol, that's so true. I used to watch KDramas, but most of them are the same. Kinda. XD I mean, they dislike each other, and slowly start to fall for each other or something like that. Idk. Didn't watch that much KDramas, because I soon discovered the world of JDramas which is better, imo. XD Omo, 90+, that's a lot. I'd be surprised, too. XDD]


kakusanaide July 28 2009, 16:22:06 UTC
A heavy sigh escaped his lips, and Jin wondered for a while, why he even bothered explaining it. Especially to Kame. Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the plan in the first place. The chances of Kame being interrogated wasn't high after all. But then again, what if they were asked a question and he ended up arguing about it with Kame? The scene would be unsightly, but in front of Kame, Jin wasn't sure if he could curb his childish side when they're going to have to be this close.

"Because the medias are snakes in disguise. They'll twist your words worse than the hardest tongue twister." he stated almost non-chalantly, his lips pursed. "I'm introducing you as my childhood friend. I don't need them turning it into tabloid-like news saying that you're my secret lover or something." The premiere hall was getting close. Jin could see it from where they were.

[ooc:...I don't think that's an understandable definition. xDD Yeah. They pretty much have the same storyline everytime. It's a circling pattern. xDD Agreed. JDramas are much better. And the fact that KDramas are too long and draggy. It's no wonder when there's a lot of reasons why I've never watched them. xDD Yeah. I surprised myself with how good I am. >DD]


sixteenxseconds July 29 2009, 01:48:59 UTC
"Oh." Was all he replied out loud, the few nods he gave Jin afterwards carried the message that he'd comply. It made him wonder though. Was Jin a celebrity or something? If not, why would the media bother with him? If yes, why had he never heard of him or seen him? It was a bunch of questions that got him really curious, but couldn't voice it out as he spotted the premiere hall ahead of them. They were almost there. He unconciously licked his dry lips in nervousness, a habit he never could get rid off, not even after all these years.

The questions he was so curious about were quickly forgotten at that moment. Well, there's always later to ask. "Hey, since you're introducing me as your childhood friend, I can tell some embarrassing stories about you, right?" he asked, putting up a grin that showed he was only joking - it was a way to lower his mixed feelings of nervousness and excitedness.

[ooc: Not surprised there. I usually only make sense to myself. But hey, what I said was understandable! It's kinda like, 'Oh no, man' in a 'Jeez' way. Does that make more sense? XD; Yupyup, really too long and draggy. There's the part they hate each other, then fall in love, discover smth about their pasts or whatever, angst about it, realize they can't live without one another and get back together. Kinda like that. XD There's this 'rant' on Asian Dramas - in particular, KDramas. Really funny. XD Oh, and I stumbled upon smth while searching for that vid. You just HAVE to see this. It's hilarious. XD Pffft. Yeah right. That doesn't show how good you are. >P]


kakusanaide July 29 2009, 15:24:47 UTC
Relief washed over him when Kame didn't pursue further; more than glad that he didn't have to step into a session of show and tell. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy the spotlight or was embarrassed of his job. In fact, it was the complete opposite. He liked being a model. It's just that, he didn't need everyone knowing everything about him. He just needed privacy and sometimes, a normal life where people can accept him for who he naturally is, not his career or the things that revolves around his life.

A laugh escaped his lips at Kame's words, the seriousness of the whole previous discussion just suddenly seemed to evaporate off the air. "If you do that, I'll tape your mouth throughout the whole movie." Jin smirked. "And I make sure you won't get even a glimpse of Megan Fox." He was joking, really. But there was still a hint of threat behind those voice.

[ooc: ...Omo. I give up trying to understand. Your logic's kinda screwed. xDD;; Exactly. I found the rant so funny. Pwned. xDD And the parody is so funneh. The other day I watched Big Bang's Beethoven Virus parody and I lol'ed so hard. VI looks so girlish, imho. xDD Oh yes, it does. I sense jealousy. >DDD]


sixteenxseconds July 30 2009, 02:55:00 UTC
"Oh, believe me. If Megan Fox will attend this premiere, I'll definitely get a glimpse of her and more than that. I bet she'd love to hear embarrassing stories about some Japanese guy called Akanishi Jin." he said with a chuckle, glancing sideways at Jin. "The look on her face, it'd be priceless. And don't forget the media. You'll get famous in no time." He gave Jin a firm nod with his head to emphasize his words, though the look on his face gave away his jokingly act, and he let out a small laughter that he couldn't hold back before looking ahead of him again.

It sure was crowded, outside of the premiere hall. The media were like predators waiting for their prey to show up, some holding a microphone, while others carried a photocamera. Nervousness started building up inside of Kame again. He loved receiving attention - were they even going to notice him? - but this would be the first time the attention was this big. It was nothing compared to the attention he got as a top host back at his previous workplace called Rink.

He took a deep breath before checking his hair in the side mirror to see whether it needed some refixes. You never know.

[ooc: It's an awesome logic! Only awesome people would understand. xD; I haven't watched it, yet. DDD: I'm waiting for my DVD! It's been shipped an hour ago! YAY! LOL. XD; And me, jealous? Pfft. As if. D<



kakusanaide July 30 2009, 16:23:16 UTC
They're really not going anywhere with this conversation, were they? "If you're going to make it hard for me, I can easily just turn around and drive away from here." Jin smirked. Losing wasn't an option. Not for him. Even if this was a battle of words. "Or I can just kiss you to shut you up now and then."

His phone rang and Jin picked it up via his bluetooth ear set, his voice immediately changed into that of a languid tone. Obviously, it wasn't the person that he'd like to talk to at the moment. "Yes. I'm already here." Jin groaned into his bluetooth headset, both of his hands on the steering wheel. "What? No, no. There was a traffic. Really. Look, there's 45 minutes on the clock. Why are you making a fuss?" There was an exclusive parking lot near the hall and Jin made a turn to enter it, manouvering the car with expertise.

[ooc: Last time I checked, you're weird and I'm the awesome one. >D You bought Big Bang's stuff? You mean the Korean one? Do they really have subs in them? :/ Haha. Just admit it, ahjumma. xDD

I DID. 8DDDD Jin and Kame counting balls, ftw. xDDD Do you realize how long our ooc comments are becoming? Omona. We really need to get on YM. DDD:]


sixteenxseconds July 30 2009, 23:07:20 UTC
Just when he opened his mouth to retort - because he was not going to lose - the sound of a ringing phone caused the words to die down in his throat. Turning his gaze away from the side mirror (his hair still looked perfectly fine), he gave Jin a momentarily glance in curiousity, wondering whom he was talking to, before looking ahead of him again.

With the way Jin was talking to the person on the phone, and his request of childhood friend pretence, this whole event and Jin's relation to it was getting vague. Ever since being asked to this premiere, Kame wondered how Jin got the tickets, but it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it.

He supposed it wasn't important, it didn't matter. But. He was getting really curious now.

[ooc: I guess the roles have been switched from now on. So, hi weird person. >D I bought their latest DVD. The 2009 Big Bang concert: Big Show. And, I think they have subs. I don't see why not, since the previous DVD also had subs. Also, the Parody you've watched of them had subs, right? Those were probably the subs of the DVD. O: Not jealous. :| And you, you're getting more Korean, man. XD

8DDD LOL. 11 balls. XD And Maru being the victim. AND HIM HOLDING TWO MICS LOLOL. I know right. DDD: But. It seems like you're online on different times than me. Usually you reply to this log when I'm at work. XD]


kakusanaide July 31 2009, 20:39:05 UTC
It didn't take him long to get a parking - he's a self-proclaimed great driver, after all - and even after effortlessly getting his car into the square, his manager didn't seem to quite finish her ranting yet, which sort of ticked Jin off a little bit. Just a little bit. He could still take it because he had promised himself to be in a good mood that night. "Yes, I know, I know. Just a few pictures, alright? And I'll go straight in." Jin sighed in the headset. "Yes. Okay, I promise. There. Happy? Now please hang up, coz I'm off to set the hall on fire. Over."

Taking off the bluetooth earpiece, Jin carelessly threw it into one of the compartments beside him, before getting the seatbelts off him. He turned to give Kame a long look, an eye narrowed slightly, along with a smirk.

[ooc: Haha. In your dreams, obaa-san. >DD Last time I watched the vids on youtube, they don't have subs. Are you sure they didn't rip it off the fans English subs? >DD Jk. :P And I'm not getting more Korean. It's just that I'm into some k-pop boybands lately, and not to mention the drama, and that netizens are so amusing. xDD

I want to see Jin's expression when Kame grabbed Maru. xDDD He must be HORRIFIED. DDD: What time do you get off work? Coz my clock is screwed now and I kinda sleep according to UK time. Which is 10pm there, and 5am here. Rofl. xDD Sorry for the triple posting. LJ's being hard on me. =__=]


If there are any mistakes or html fail in this reply, it's because i'm replying with my phone xD sixteenxseconds July 31 2009, 21:44:55 UTC
Kame removed the seatbelt when Jin had finished his conversation, very much tempted to ask who it was, but resisted doing so. He could control his curiousity, most of the time. Just when he was about to open the door, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him and made him look back. Somehow, upon seeing that smirk his heart started beating faster. And it wasn't because of excitedness nor nervousness for the premiere.

"What?" he asked, only slightly irritated because he didn't like the feeling.

[ooc: Psh. Whatever. >O lolol. Well, when I get my DVD, I'll tell you whether they have subs in it. xD Oh, which boybands? O:

OMO. I want to see it too! Horrified indeed. XD Haha, that's late. Lately, I've been going to bed around 5AM too. But that's only because I arrive home so late from work, and I'm not really tired by then. XD I get off work at 10, arrive home at 10:30PM. Which means that I'm home 4:30AM your time. Kinda late, huh? xDD; I'm free this weekend though, so I might catch you online Sunday (I'm going to a themepark tomorrow, so you might get a late reply. depends on what time i'm back home). I'm usually invisible on IMs, but i'll come online on YM. -- Unless you have GTalk? DD: It's okay]


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