[Closed/Ongoing] In the night sky, we'll shine together, rush of light

Jul 14, 2009 14:28

Who: Akanishi Jin (kakusanaide) and Kamenashi Kazuya (sixteenxseconds)
Where: It starts at Kazuya's place. And then, you'll see.
When: 5:50PM
Why: Because the premiere of Transformer 2 is finally here.
Rating: PG-13? Idk. Can't predict the future, you know.

What to wear, what to wear.. )

status: closed, character: akanishi jin, status: ongoing, rating: pg-13, character: kamenashi kazuya

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sixteenxseconds July 15 2009, 20:14:19 UTC
"Okay, thank you." he said, after the man from the reception had called him, saying that Jin was already going upstairs. He hung up, and placed the phone back on the night stand. Still a few minutes left, and he still was in the same state as thirty minutes ago. It was frustrating. Sighing, he threw the pair of black pants back on the bed, and went for the entrance of his apartment, leaving the door slightly open so Jin could enter. There were only two apartments on this floor (and he lived in the left one), making it easier for Jin to find out where he lived. Though, that left him with less preperation time. And so he was jogging back to his room, putting the pieces he liked most, together. He had no other option in such little time after all. The result didn't look bad, even though he still wasn't completely satisfied, but maybe it looked better when he was actually wearing.

[ooc: It did! Ugh. D< Oh wait, it was thrice, now that I completely remember. Well, the first time it was due to low battery. But, hey, it didn't say it was low on battery! Stupid. Second time, I was in the middle of writing the reply, when I suddenly had to close the laptop and pretend I was sleeping (since my mother came out of her room to go to the bathroom).. but I actually fell asleep. Next morning when I woke up, laptop was shut down. =/ It was overheated. And the third time was the same as the first. Idk. Even if there were reasons, I still think my laptop is stupid. XD;]


kakusanaide July 16 2009, 12:26:39 UTC
As someone who appreciates western living, Jin knew when to be impressed and when not, and he was certainly impressed by the layout of the whole building. It was much better than he had first expected. Marble floor, hotel class decorations and two units in one floor. Perhaps impressed would be an understatement. So this was how Kame lived his life all this while? Checking the piece of paper in his hand for Kame's apartment number for the last time, Jin chucked it in the metal bin and started his away towards the door with said number.

When he arrived at the doorstep, Jin raised his hand to knock, only to find the door slightly ajar with light seeping out of the crack, into the floor. He raised an eyebrow. "Kame?" He pushed the door open and walked in, glancing around for any sign of possible break-in. Because really, who in the hell was stupid enough to leave the door open? Even in such a security-tight building...In the midst of his thought, he heard some rustling coming from a room, and without hesitating, Jin rushed towards the source of it, slamming the door open. He wished he hadn't.


sixteenxseconds July 17 2009, 01:44:53 UTC
With only one leg in his jeans, and his upper half still naked, Kame instantly turned around at the abrupt sound. The pounding of his heart was loud, fast, and there was a small moment of fear - he shouldn't have left the front door open - but it faded in an instant at the sight of Jin. Despite the feeling of being relieved, his heart was still racing, not that much anymore, but still. It was the aftershock that lingered.

He stared in silence, hands still gripping the black jeans, and his brows that slowly formed a frown seemed to be the only movement coming from him. ".. What are you doing?" he finally asked, finding that to be the most logical question to ask at that moment.


kakusanaide July 17 2009, 04:47:13 UTC
The sight in front of him literally made him freeze in his tracks, his eyes widened. This was something that he hadn't expected. Honest. How the hell was he supposed to know that the people above had decided to play such a mean prank on him? And on the very day of his important premiere movie of all? How very evil of them.

Realizing that he was actually gaping, Kame's words snapped him back to reality and Jin shook himself out of it. "Huh? What am I- What do you mean? You-" He asked, before pausing his words, his face a mix of confusion and fluster. And that's when the situation finally dawned on him. "You." Jin started, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Why on earth did you left the door open? What would happen if it wasn't me who got in here? Did the beatings killed your common sense or something?" The scolding somewhat stopped, and Jin just sighed, a hand running through his hair. He was pissed off at how careless Kame was with his own security and without realizing it, Jin had unconsciously unleashed his overprotective side that he hadn't shown for so long. Really. There had always been something about Kame that made him acting like this. In fact, Jin had never been like this until he met the other. There was something with Kame that sort of lit up the fuse for his overprotective-ness. Like a need to protect something precious. On the other hand, this whole thing was a good front too. He needed to calm himself down and divert his mind from this whole flurry.

Stumbling into a half naked Kame before an important event was such a bad idea. Really bad. Great. Now he might have to deal with another problem.


sixteenxseconds July 17 2009, 09:41:54 UTC
"I trust it around here. You're just overreacting." Kame retorted, not wanting to stay quiet after Jin's scolding. The other's overprotective-ness made him feel small, little, and he couldn't help but think back of their past. There were a lot of similarities, like how he felt guilty even though he didn't know why. It wasn't such a big deal, really, but Jin happened to have the skill to easily make him feel that way. And it annoyed him, even if the other was only meaning well. And even though he wouldn't admit it, Jin was right. No matter how good the security was, there were always chances of something happening. It could never be fully prevented.

If only he was finished minutes ago, then all this wouldn't have happened.

He sighed, proceeding to fully pull his jeans on because it felt a bit weird to stand half-dressed in it. Not to mention that after a long while of walking around in only his shorts, the cold was finally getting to him. "I have a nice living room where you can wait until I'm finished." he pointed out, crossing his arms while waiting for the other to go. He just wanted to forget about this whole matter and go to the movie premiere as if nothing happened.


kakusanaide July 17 2009, 18:36:50 UTC
"It's not overreacting, it's called common sense for safety." Jin snapped back only to realize that he was doing it again - this overprotective thing - and he fell into a sigh in defeat. In usual stances, Jin would hate to lose, but in this case, it seemed like he was losing to another side of himself and Jin didn't like how that sounded.

Comprehending the fact that he had nothing else to do (he couldn't afford to just stand there and stare at Kame; that would really torture his libido), Jin was, needless to say, relieved when he was offered the living room. Not that he needed any invitation. He just needed it to be vocalized so that his body would comply. "Good." He felt the need to scoff at the use of 'nice', but Jin just let it be, deciding that exploring the house would be a better use of his time. Besides, there's a few hours left to the premiere. They should be alright. "Oh, and can I use your bathroom?"


sixteenxseconds July 18 2009, 01:16:04 UTC
Just when he opened his mouth to say something back, he heard the defeated sigh of Jin, and he knew that it wouldn't matter what he'd say anymore. He had won already, and that made him feel a lot better (despite the guilt still lingering in the pit of his stomach).

"Sure," he answered with a few nods. "it's the second door on the left side." he said, motioning with a hand towards the direction Jin needed to go to. Their left and rights were pretty much the opposite right now, so he felt the need to point out which 'left' he actually meant; his own left side. He almost wanted to tell Jin to make himself at home, but decided against it even though it was common for him to say it to his guests. The situation with the older one was just.. different. And really complicated, to the point that it got him confused for a moment.

Turning around, he decided to continue where he'd left off; with dressing himself.


kakusanaide July 18 2009, 18:51:04 UTC
He wasn't really paying attention; his mind drifting in between the thought of exploring the house and Kame's slim body, but he nodded - presumably to Kame's words - anyways. Jin went out of the room and headed towards the living room instead, taking off his blazer and carefully placing it neatly on the sofa. Jin might be careless at times, but he needed the blazer for the premier, so he wouldn't get it so much as crumpled if he could help it. He gazed around at the living room for a bit, noticing how they weren't any real life pictures that hung around the place, unlike his own. Though, truth be told, it wasn't him who put the framed pictures. It had all been his friends.

Now that he had calmed a bit, it just so happened that Jin got too absorbed in exploring the place that he had forgotten all about the bathroom already.


sixteenxseconds July 18 2009, 23:56:23 UTC
Compared to what Jin was wearing (in which he looked pretty handsome, now that he thought back), his was less formal. Still formal, but not completely. And now that he was looking at himself in the mirror, the result was pretty satisfying. It was simple, he did had to admit that after a thirty minute search, but he guessed it was worth the frustration. Maybe. Hopefully. He sighed, raising both of his hands to do some final touches to his hair, hating how picking out an outfit consumed so much energy. When was the last time he did this - an actual date - anyway?

Come to think of it, was it even a date?

He checked his outfit one last time before making his way to the living room, grabbing his cellphone on the way out of the bedroom, nervousness arising once again. He had no idea why though. Or maybe he just didn't want to admit the reason for his feeling.


kakusanaide July 19 2009, 17:32:43 UTC
Picking up the sound of footsteps from behind him, Jin turned around, pleased to see Kame all ready. He went over to the sofa where he had left his blazer and took the piece of garment up before putting it on. "You ready?" Jin asked, smiling. Taking out his cellphone, he moved past Kame as he texted his agent.

He wasn't sure why but he was feeling a little bit overexcited over all this. Even though he knew so well that it wasn't a date.


sixteenxseconds July 20 2009, 14:40:54 UTC
"Ready." Kame said while flashing a smile back. He pocketed his cellphone as he followed after Jin towards the exit, picking up his keys to lock the door after them. "So, what time does the premiere begin?" he asked for confirmation, though it was mostly to avoid silence between them. While leading the way towards the elevator, he thought back of a couple of days ago. During that time it seemed that there were a lot of silences when he was with Jin, and he didn't like the awkward and uncomfortable feeling that he felt everytime.

So he better use his social skills this time.


kakusanaide July 20 2009, 16:39:31 UTC
From the text he had received, it seemed that his manager was still feeling a bit bitter about him inviting Kame over for the premiere. Something about it possibly bringing a bad speculation to his image. Jin wasn't pleased about the assumption, really. Must he emphasize every time that he wasn't gay? It's making him furious.

Mind on his cellphone, Jin followed after Kame, slipping into his shoes and joining the other out. He typed another text to his manager and closed it before finally looking up to Kame at the question. "Hmm? Ah. It starts at 8. Though, we have to be there 1 hour early for the red carpet." Jin glanced at his watch. "It's only 6.15. We'll be fine."


sixteenxseconds July 20 2009, 18:43:51 UTC
Kame pressed the button for the elevator, crossing his arms afterwards as he waited. "Ah, I see." he said, nodding a few times, though he was mentally slapping himself for worrying over nothing. He thought they were supposed to be much earlier there, but it seemed that he stressed for nothing. Well, when was the time he didn't stress over such trivial things as picking out the right outfit?

"Red carpet, huh?" he mumbled to himself (though it was loud enough to hear for Jin), stepping into the elevator once it arrived, and pressed the button '0'. It really felt as if he was a celebrity, going to a big movie premiere and walking on the red carpet that big celebrities walked on. It was a strange feeling really, one that he couldn't really describe. All he knew was, that he couldn't wait.

"Excited?" he asked Jin, while leaning against the wall of the elevator.


kakusanaide July 21 2009, 15:33:01 UTC
Jin couldn't help but took a glimpse at Kame from the corner of his eyes when he heard the other mumbling under his breath; a small smile spreading on his lips but he stayed silent. Words didn't seem necessary then when the elevator doors opened and he walked in after Kame, instinctively moving to the opposite side from where the other was leaning. His hands were firmly in his pocket, his eyes looking up at the numbers premiering on the screen as if they were very interesting. It was albeit unusual for him to be quiet like this - even he admitted it - but at the moment, he was just trying to focus his mind; his career was involved in this, he needed his professional mood on.

Kame's question caused him to turned to look at the other, an amused eyebrow raised. "Excited?" Jin repeated, smirking as he pointed a finger at Kame. "I think that's the question for you. It's your favorite movie premiere." The familiar 'ding' sound of the elevator sounded among the metal wall and Jin stepped up to the front, waiting for the doors to open. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." He murmured to Kame right before the doors opened. He walked out of the elevator and then the lobby, towards his car.


sixteenxseconds July 22 2009, 01:06:50 UTC
"I-" Kame paused when he heard the 'ding' sound of the elevator, and he glanced up at the screen that displayed the numbers, noting how they were at the ground floor. Turning to Jin, he opened his mouth to continue what he wanted to say, but it seemed that he lost his words and sighed instead. Jin was right, he was probably the person feeling the most excited. Probably even more than every single person who would attend this premiere tonight. And he figured a lot of people would show up tonight. "I guess so." he said, following after the other towards the exit, flashing a smile at the man from the reception whom he was pretty friendly with.

The weather outside was nice, not cold but also not hot. Just perfect for an evening, and he didn't miss the chance to inhale a large amount of air into his lungs, exhaling it again as if it were a long sigh. It wasn't exactly fresh air, since he did inhale a bit of a gas smell, but it was still nice, he guessed. With a small smile he spotted the car of Jin's, and he approached the side of the passenger's. "Aw, no limousine?" he asked jokingly.

[ooc: Aw, you forgot my birthday. xD]


kakusanaide July 22 2009, 12:30:00 UTC
While he was still at the lobby door, he pressed the button of his car's remote key, setting the roof to move out from the boot and turn the car into a coupé. Even though Jin preferred its roadster form better, now that it was going to be night, it would be safer to have the roof down. Besides, closed roof would seem more elegant at night, the same as a roadster would seem appropriate during the day. "A Merce SL-model is not enough of a limousine for you, my dear? I would've thrown you out at the back and let me be your driver, but unfortunately, it's a two-seater. Boss or not, you'd have to sit with your driver." Jin laughed, before climbing in - once he was sure that the roof was properly secured.

He turned the engine on, and started his routine check of the aircond and radio, setting them to his usual preferences before finally putting on the seatbelt. Since he had drove down earlier on, there wasn't a need to warm the engine up; they were all ready to go. He pulled out of the parking lot (skillfully, needless to say) and drove off to the direction of where the movie premiere was going to be screened.

[ooc: I did. DDD: So sorry, man. I was kinda too caught up with FF games. Ngeh. DDD:]


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