Feb 18, 2006 15:49
Now that I sorta know what's going on, I thought I'd better say a few things. Some things are still unclear, and I hope I don't offend anyone, but I just felt the need to say a some stuff...
This is a lot like what I was talking to Varon-san about, because it made sense to me. ^^;
Mou hitori no boku is first and foremost a darker half. Therefore, when he does something, whether it be writing a letter or something like this whole thing (which, I think has been blown way out of proportion...), he's going to have a different view on things. Granted, he's not as... dark as the other yamis, but he's still a yami.
Mou hitori no boku is also my husband, and because of his darker side, he feels the need to do everything in his power to keep me safe and happy. Now, let me tell you, that can be very annoying at times, especially when he keeps things from me for "my safety." That doesn't mean I don't love or trust him, though. I do very very much, and I know that what mou hitori no boku does, he does it because he loves me.
The same can be said for any other family here. Isis-san, who is a wonderfully smart, and strong woman, would do anything for his brothers. I understand and respect that. That's why she's determined to have her family stay whole, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Seto-kun is similar in his way of being determined to take care of Mokuba-kun.
I think it's important to remember these types of things in regards to what's going on.
As for mou hitori no boku's handling of this particular event... Honestly, I would rather Sarim-chan stay with either his mother or, say, Isis-san. Both women love Sarim-chan very much and want to take care of him. According to the courts, though, they felt that Shizuka-chan doesn't have the funds to properly take care of him, which is very unfortunate. Had I known what was going on or how things were going to end up in such... anger-filled behavior, I would've tried something to make things better in any way I could.
Isis-san, mou hitori no boku has the best interests in mind for Sarim-chan. And I know, that during these two months, I will do everything I can to make sure your nephew is well taken care of. Hopefully, when the two months are up, we can find a good, suitable home for Sarim-chan. The last thing that I'd want is for your family to be broken up. And I'm sure that's what mou hitori no boku feels as well.
I'm sure that all of us here just want Sarim-chan to be well cared for, and I know that if the courts decided for him to stay with us for two months, that's what I'll do. But if people feel the need to be angry at mou hitori no boku because of his decision, then they should know that I'll stand behind him in everything he does.