MacLaren's GAELIC SELF-TAUGHT - LEASAN a SEACHD DEUG, part 3 - Gnìomhair Gaoideach IS

Dec 14, 2014 08:31

Lesson 17, part 3 - The Defective Verb IS

Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil mi a' tuigsinn an gnìomhair gaoideach IS nas fheàrr a-nis. Uill, tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil mi a' tuigsinn e nas fheàrr. Chan eil an dòigh nas shìmplidh a bha taisbeanta anns an leasan seo an dòigh às ceirte a chleachdadh an-diugh agus do bhrìgh sin, bidh mi a' cur seachad ùine air thuigsinn ciamar a chleachdadh an gnìomhair gu dòigheal.
{I think I am understanding the defective verb IS better now. Well, I HOPE I'm understanding it better. The simpler way that was shown in this lesson isn't the most correct way to use it today and for that reason I will be spending more time on understanding how to use the verb properly.}


166. Leugh a-mach na seantansan seo. Cuir Beurla orra agus leugh iad a-mach (anns a' Ghàidhlig) a-rithist fhad 's a tha thu a' smaoineachadh dè tha iad a' ciallachadh. Ath-sgrìobh na seantansan (anns a' Ghàidhlig fhathast) anns an leabhar-sgriobhaidh agad.

1. An e seo cù?
2. Seo cù.
3. An e sin cat?
4. Sin gual.
5. Nach dubh gual?
6. Is e gual.
7. Càit' a bheil an gual?
8. Is tusa Calum.
9. An e seo Iain?
10. ' S e.
* 11. A bheil e na fhear? Tha.
* 11. An esan an fear? 'S e.
12. Am mi an gille?
13. Bu mhise an gille?
14. Is e Calum an tuathanach.
15. Nach ciobair e?
16. An e saor e?
17. Is e.
18. Am fear gille?
19. Is i mo mhathair agus is e m' athair.
20. Seo a' chearc.
21. An eun cearc?
22. Is e.
23. Is fuar an là seo.
24. Cha bu tu an saor.
25. Nach bu cearc i?
26. Ged nach cearc e is eun e.
27. Is e seo an rìgh.
28. Is mise an rìgh.

* {N.B. concerning sentence # 166-11 :-- This is an example of the use of the augmented form of the preposition ANN. I added in the second sentence as meaning the same at the first.}

167. Cuir Gàidhlig air na seantansan seo agus sgrìobh iad anns an leabhar-sgrìobhaidh agad. Leugh a-mach na seantansan anns a' Ghàidhlig.

1. Thoough it is a dog it is swift.
2. Is a trout a fish?
3. A bird is not a fish.
4. A hen is a bird.
5. This is a hen.
6. That is a cat.
7. Yonder is a dog.
8. It was the boy who was here.
9. Is this the boy?
10. That is John.
11. Is it not Malcolm?
12. If it was the boy who was here last night he is not lame.
13. I am the man.
14. You are not the man.
15. He was the boy.
16. Was it not the hen that he had?
17. It was not the boy who was here.
18. John is a man.
19. A trout is a fish.
20. That is the king.
21. This is the man.
22. These are the horses.
23. John is the king.
24. Is this coal?
25. Is not coal black?

lessons, grammar, leasanan, exercise, maclaren, gramar

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