Tuilleadh ath-sgrùdaidh : Faclan às Leasanan 2 - 11

Nov 09, 2014 18:56

{more review : Vocabulary from Lessons 2 - 11}

FACLAN - Leasanan 2 - 11; MacLaren

Gnìomhairean {verbs}
a' dol (eh dawl) = going (56)
ag ràdh (ek ra) = saying (56)
a' tighinn (eh chee-un) = coming (56)
thuirt (hoo-urcht) = said (70)

Co-gnìomhairean {adverbs}
air ball (ar paul) = immediately (86)
a-màireach (eh-maruk) = tomorrow (80)
an-diugh (an joo) = today (56)
an-dràsta (an drasteh) = presently, (just) now (104)
an-earar (un yar-ur) = the day after tomorrow (91)
a-nis (a nys) = now (44)
a-nochd (a-nochk) = tonight (86)
an-seo (an sho) = here (44)
an-sin (an sheen) = there (44)
an-siud (an shoott) = yonder (44)
a-raoir (eh ro-yr) = last night (62)
fathast (fa-hust) = yet
glè (klay) = very {lenites the following word} (91)
an làthair (an lla-aher) = present (someplace), the act of being present (short for anns an làthair) (104)

Ainmearan (singilte) {nouns (singular)}
baile (baleh) = town (56)
am bàta (um bpah-teh) = the boat (86)
bò (bpo) = cow (104)
cù (koo) = dog (62)
an ciobair (an keepur) = shepherd (86)
dachaigh (tach-aye) = home (56)
doras (torus) = door (62)
an duine (an doon-neh) = the man, the person (44)
an t-each (an tchyac) = the horse
am feasgar (am fes-kur) = the evening {feasgar - without any preposition or article - can mean "in the evening".} (91)
an gille (an geel-eh) = the lad, the boy (44)
an là (an lla-a) = the day (44)
oidhche (oyckeh) = night (91)
an sgian (an skee-un) = the knife (75)
sgoil (skoll) = school (80)
an tuathanach (an tooanuch) = the farmer (86)
an uinneag (an oonyak) = the window (75)

Ainmearan (iolra) {nouns (plural)}
na ba (na bpa) = the cows (104)
na caoraich (na ko-rych) = the sheep (104)
na coin (na ko-yn) = the dogs (62)
na daoine (na doy-neh) = the men, the people (62)
na h-eich seo/sin (na hayk sho/sheen) = these/those horses (86
na feidh (na fay-yeh) = the deer (104)
na gillean (na keelyun) = the lad, the boys (62)

Buadhairean {adjectives}
anmoch (un-eh-moch) = late (75)
blàth (bpla-ah) = warm (44)
briste (breestcheh) = broken (75)
caillte (kayl-tcheh) = lost (70)
crùbach (kroo-buc) = lame (56)
deas (djess) = ready (44)
dorcha (dtorucha) = dark (86)
duinte (dtoon-tcheh) = closed, shut (101)
fliuch (flooch) = wet (44)
fosgailte (foshkyltcheh) = open (101)
fuar (foo-ur) = cold (44)
lag-chridheach (lah khree-ukh) = faint-hearted (101)
leisg (llayshk) = lazy (70)
luath (lloo-ah) = fast, quick, swift (44)
mall (maull) = slow (56)
òg (ogk) = young (56)
samhach (savukh) = quiet (101)
sgìth (skee) = tired (44)

Buadhairean comharrachaidh {demonstrative adjectives}
seo (sho) = these, this {near to hand, here} (91)
sin (sheen) = that, those {further away, there} (91)
ud (oodt) = yon {much further away, yonder} (91)

Naisgearan {conjunctions}
ach (ac) = but (56)
agus (a-ghus) = and (56)
no - or (104)
nuair (noo-ur) = when {non-interrogative} (62)

Riochdair ceisteach {interrogative pronoun}
cò? (ko) = who? (62)

Roimhearan agus Abairtean roimhearaichte {prepositions and prepositional phrases}
aig (ak) = at (62)
aig an doras (ak an torus) = at the door (62)
aig an taigh (ak an tay) = at the house, at home (62)
air = on
air a' mhonadh (ar a vonugh) = on the hill (104)
ann (aun) = in; there (62)
anns an (auns an) = in the (91)
anns an achadh (auns an achugh) = in the field (104)
anns a' bhaile (auns eh valleh) = in the town, in town (62)
anns a' bhàta (auns eh vateh) = in the boat (80)
anns a' choille (auns eh choil-yeh) = in the woods (70)
anns an fheasgar feasgar = in the evening (80)
anns an fhang (auns an ank) = in the {animal} pen (104)
an làthair (an llay-ur) = present (in a place), there, here (104){contraction of anns an làthair/ san làthair} (104)
sa mhadainn (seh vattynn) = in the morning {contraction of anns a' mhadainn} (104)
anns a' phàirc (auns eh fah-yrk) = in the park (70)
don bhaile (ton valeh) = to the town (56)
leis (llaysh) = with him/ his (91)

faclan, english, recap, gaidhlig, ath-sgrudadh

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