(Review of the Verb "TO BE"; Past Tense)
Chan eil an ath-sgrùdadh seo anns an leabhar ach tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil tuilleadh cleachdadh a dhìth oirnn. (This revision isn't in the book but I think that more practice is needed.)
An-dè os-chur mi tuilleadh leasain agus obair mu dheidhinn abairtean a chleachdas na faclan "MA" agus "NAN" leis an Tràth Caithte dhen gnìomhair "A BHITH". (Yesterday I posted an additional lesson and practice concerning the use of "If ... then" statements with the Past Tense of the verb "TO BE".)
Tha an ath-sgrudadh dhen Tràith Caithte mu dheidhinn a' chleachdaidh de na abairtean cumhach "Ged a bha mi" agus "Ged nach robh mi" agus de na abairtean dàimheach "... gu'n robh mi", agus "... nach robh mi". (This review of the past tense deals with the use of the conditional phrase "Although I was (not)" and of the relative phrase "... that I was (not)".)
Ceart ma tha, leig sinn a thòiseachadh. (All right then, let's begin.)
Aonaich na seantansan a leanas a' cleachdadh an naisgear "Ged a bha". (Combine the following sentences using the conjunction "Although ... was/were".)
Cleachd an iar-leasachan làidir far a tha iad freagarrach. (Use the emphatic suffix where appropriate.)
Mar seo -
The horse was going to town. We were not going to town.
Ged a bha an t-each a' dol do'n bhaile cha robh sinne.
2. The lads were at the door last night. They were not going home.
3. He was not going to town. The men were there. (Nota Bene: This sentence, and other like it, will have the conditional phrase in the middle of the completed sentence.)
4. He was coming yesterday. He wasn't here last night.
5. I wasn't there last night. They were there.
6. The dogs were going home. They weren't there.
7. A dog was at the door. The dogs were at home.
8. He was at the door today. he wasn't there yesterday.
9. She wasn't here he was wet. She was here today.
10. They were tired yesterday. They were ready yesterday.
11. He wasn't going home yesterday. He was (at) home today.
12. I was going to town. I was tired.
13. The horse wasn't lame. The horse was slow.
14. The dogs were here yesterday. They were not here today.
15. A dog was here last night. The dogs were at home last night.
16. The man wasn't at the door. He was ready.
A-nis, aontaich na seantansan as leanas (tha a' mhòr-chuid dhiubh co-ionann ris an fheadhainn os cionn) a' cleachdadh an naisgear "Ged nach robh ...". (Now, combine the following sentences (most of them are the same as the ones above) using the conjunction "Although ... was/were not ...".)
Mar seo -
The horse was going to town. We were not going to town.
Bha an t-each a' dol do'n bhaile ged nach robh sinne.
2. The lads were at the door last night. They were not going home.
3. He was not going to town. The men were there.
4. He was coming yesterday. He wasn't here last night.
5. I wasn't there last night. They were there.
6. The dogs were going home. They weren't there.
7. He was at the door today. he wasn't there yesterday.
8. She wasn't here he was wet. She was here today.
9. They were not tired yesterday. They were not ready yesterday.
10. He wasn't going home yesterday. He was (at) home today.
11. I wasn't going home. I was tired.
12. The horse wasn't lame. The horse was slow.
13. The dogs were here yesterday. They were not here today.
14. The man wasn't at the door. He was ready.
Atharraich na seantansan a leanas. (Change the following sentences.)
Cuir na clàs "Thuirt iad gu'n robh... " no "Thuirt iad nach robh" an àite an gnìomhar mar freagarrach. {Sin e; ma tha an gnìomhar anns a' Mhodh Thaisbeanach - Bha - cleachd "Thuirt iad gu'n robh..." agus ma tha an gnìomhar anns a' Mhodh Dhiùltadh - Cha robh - cleachd "Thuirt iad nach robh ..."}
(Replace the verb with the clause "They said that... " or "They said that ...not..." as appropriate. {That is; if the verb is indicative - Bha - use "They said that ..." and if the verb is negative - Cha robh - use "They said that ... not ..."})
Mar seo -
Cha robh an t-each anns a' phàirc.
Thuirt iad nach robh an t-each aig a' phàirc.
Bha na gillean anns a' choille a-raoir.
Thuirt iad gu'n robh na gillean anns a' choille a-raoir.
1. Bha an duine aig an doras.
2. Cha robh e aig an doras.
3. Bha na gillean anns a' bhaile.
4. Bha na coin mall.
5. Cha robh iad anns a' phairc.
6. Bha iad anns a' choille.
7. Cha robh iad leisg.
8. Bha iad fliuch.
9. Bha na gillean caillte an-dè.
10. Cha robh e caillte anns a' bhaile an-diugh.
11. Bha sibh mall an-dè.
12. Bha thu a' tighinn a-nis.
13. Cha robh an t-each ann an-diugh.
14. Bha an là fliuch fuar.
15. Bha iad sgìth an-dè.
16. Cha robh an là fuar.
17. Bha e fuar anns a' phairc an-diugh.
Faighneachd "Cò?" (Asking "Who?")
Atharraich gach seantans a leanas; dèan iad ceistean a' cleachdadh an riochdair ceisteach "Cò?". (Change the following sentences; make them questions using the interrogative pronoun "Who?" .)
Mar seo -
Bha an duine aig an doras.
Cò bha aig an doras? {Tha fios agam, tha fios agam; tha seo liosda gu dearbh. (I know, I know, this is boring.)}
2. Bha na gillean anns a' bhaile.
3. Bha na coin mall.
4. Bha iad anns a' choille.
5. Bha iad leisg.
6. Bha iad fliuch.
7. Bha na gillean caillte an-dè.
8. Bha e caillte anns a' bhaile an-diugh.
9. Bha sibh mall an-dè.
10. Bha thu a' tighinn a-nis.
11. Bha an t-each an-sin an-diugh.
12. Bha iad sgìth an-dè.
13. Bha e fuar anns a' phairc an-diugh.