Abairt feumail - a' cur cudthrom air (no às)

Dec 01, 2010 09:46

cuspair: useful phrase - gaining (or losing) weight

Bha mi a' toirt sùil air feadh am faclan agam agus chunnaic mi an t-abairt seo ...
*/ I was looking through my dictionary and I saw this phrase ... /*

"B' fheudar dhomh cudthrom a chur orm" = I had to put on weight.

Chaidh mi gus a' dhotair an t-seachdain seo agus dh'innse i dhomh gur feudar dhomh cudthrom a chur *asam* (chan eil orm).
*/ I went to the doctor this week and she told me that I need to put *off* weight (not on). /*

Mar sin, 's fheudar dhomh cudthrom a chur asam.
*/ Therefore, I need to lose weight. (lit. the need is to me to put weight from me) /*

Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gur feudar do tòrr dhaoine cudthrom a chur asam an dèigh an Nollaig, nach eil?
*/ I think that many people will have to lose weight after Christmas, don't you? /*

Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum bi iad a' cur cudthrom oirre air feadh an ràith agus chan eil sin cho math. /*
*/ I think that they will be putting weight on through the season and that is not so good. /*

Air an dara làimh, tha an ogha aig mo phiuthar a' cur cudthrom air agus tha sin math fhèin.
*/ On the other hand, my sister's grandson is putting weight on and that is excellent. /*

le meas, Caitrin à puxill

teaghlach, dialann, abairtean

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