Còmhradh - Fathannan

Feb 28, 2010 11:28

Aon là, tachairidh Màiri, a tha càilin òg, air Dòmhnall, a bha duaine nas sìne. Bruidhinnidh iad ri chèile agus gabhaidh Màiri a-steach gu bheil fhios aice rùn.One day, Mary, who is a young woman, meets Donald, who is an older man. They talk with one another and Mary implies that she knows a secret.

Màiri: Halò a Dhòmhnaill!
Dòmhnall: Halò. An tu a tha ann, a Mhàiri?
Màiri: 'S mise. Ciamar a tha sibh, a Dhòmhnaill?
A bheil sibh fhèin gu math?
Dòmhnall: Chan eil, gu dearbh.
Tha mi uabhasach sgìth agus glè chadalach!
Màiri: O? O, bha thu aig a' bhanais an-dè!
Cha chuimhne leam gun robh sibh an-sin.
Dòmhnall: Cò bhiodh ann mur bhithinn-sa?
Bu mhi fleasgach bean-na-bainnse.
Màiri: Bha mòran agaibh ri dhèanamh.

Mary: Hello Donald!
Donald: Hello. Is that you, Mary?
Mary: It's me. How are you, Donald?
Are you well?
Donald: I am not indeed.
I am awfully tired and very sleepy!
Mary: O? O, you were at the wedding yesterday!
I forgot that you were there.
Donald: Who else would be there unless I would be?
I was the bride's best man.
Mary: You had a lot to do.

Dòmhnall: O? Carson a tha thu ag ràdh sin?
Màiri: Nach eil fios agaibh an sean-fhacal -
"An ni nach cluinn thu an-diugh, chan aithris thu a-maireach"?
Dòmhnall: Dh'fhaodadh tu innseadh dhomhsa.
Màiri: An geall sibh nach tig sibh thairis air?
Dòmhnall: Geallaidh. Seo mo làmh.
Màiri: Uill, 's e mo bharaill nach eil Anna math gu leòr air a shon.
Dòmhnall: Hmph! 'S e mo bharail-sa
nach eil caileag san dùthaich as laghaiche na Anna.
Màiri: 'S i nach eil 's nach robh riamh laghach.
Dòmhnall: Mo nàire, a Mhàiri!
Comhairlichidh mi do Anna gun ghnothach a bhi aice riut.
Màiri: Cha toir i feart oirbh.
Dòmhnall: Chì sinn. Là math agat.
Màiri: Chì sinn gu dearbh.

Donald: O? Why do you say that?
Mary: Do you know the saying -
"The thing you don't hear today, you can't repeat tomorrow"?
Donald: You might tell it to me.
Mary: Do you promis not to repeat it?
Donald: I promise. Here is my hand.
Mary: Well, it is my opinion that Anna is not good enough for him.
Donald: Hmph! It is MY opinion
that there is not a nicer girl in the country than Anna.
Mary: She isn't and never was nice.
Donald: For shame, Mary.
I will advise Anna to have nothing to do with you.
Mary: She won't heed you.
Donald: We shall see. Good day to you.
Mary: We shall see indeed.

còmhradh, conversations

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