☆So instead of doing my yearly recap I ended up summarizing everything up in idefk way lol. ANYWAY I have no words on how to explain how 2011 was for me... OR for everyone else. I mean sure there were happy times like
- Taiyou, Erepyon coming back,
- Met new friends ♥
- YamaUmi getting pimp, trolling Yamariya fans LOL
- JUMP's OVER PV, Magic Power, YYJump etc
- Horikoshi bb's on a roll
- someonegoingtocollege and a lot more
but there were more times we all got worried and cried and all of those emotions yaddayadda like
- Tohoku Earthquake,
- Ryutaro's Scandal and Suspension and ;~;
- Sakitty and Yuka's Graduation
- Ai chan's graduation
- Sayonara baibai B.I Shadow
- New life at new school ;3;
and a shit load more memories LOL 2011 became memorable because of all this events meh. Anyway I hope this year is better than 2011 and hopefully, I can achieve more stuffs this year ...or at least before the world ends . Nanchatte~
Sorry for being to childish at times and being a bitch (if ever I was). I just want you guys to know that spending 2011 with everyone was of course the best memory I could cherish. I hope we could make more fun memories this year. 今年もよろしくね~ d2 lang me for each and one of you LOL ILY GUISE